Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 953 What about the exercises, bring them here and let me have a look

Chapter 953 What about the exercises, bring them here and let me have a look
Ye Yuye looked at the old man who was cultivating cross-legged. Her appearance remained the same as before, and she said lightly, "Turn left too, Xiao Zhoutian rotates three times and converges."

The elder listened carefully to Ye Yuye's guidance, and then changed according to his method, one turn, two turns, three turns, and he found that one place became very thin!
This is the breakthrough!

He has stayed in the Yachongtian for many years, and this is the only time he has found a breakthrough in the ground level!

Joy for no reason.

According to the instruction of Master Uncle, gather all the profound energy into one point.

Everyone is waiting.

Ye Yuye's words were not only heard by the elder, but also the others, but the answer was too simple, they never thought that the elder would succeed, on the contrary, the executive elder was just playing it off.

Just relying on these ten words can let him break through the realm of the earth level?
how is this possible.

But what happened in the next moment made them unexpected, their eyes widened, and they stared at the elder who was still practicing cross-legged.

This breath...

This breath is clearly a sign of a breakthrough!
what happened? ! !


The elder's body shook suddenly, and in an instant, he pinched out his fingers and made several gestures, and there was another bang, which came from his body.

A not-so-stable breath quickly spread around the elder!
It's the ground floor!
Earth-level atmosphere!

He actually succeeded!


The surroundings were too quiet.

People kept swallowing crazily.

Shao Xia among the crowd stared blankly, and after a while, he uttered a word with difficulty: "Damn, he is amazing, he is so amazing, just one word, let the elder break through the ranks."

He was simply too curious about who this person was, and his heart was itching.

But Dongfangfeng refused to tell him at all, but kept reminding him that this person is very strong, stronger than anyone else.

In the quiet surroundings, someone muttered a coincidence, followed by a litter. They could only think that Ye Yuye was lucky. They guessed that Elder Xiao had already shown signs of breakthrough, so he succeeded.

There is another strong man in the academy!
The eyes of the elders were fiery.

Especially the elders who stayed at the top of the mysterious rank, who couldn't get up and down, were so excited. Even Elder Xiao broke through the lower ranks, so they can do it too?

Venerable Xiuran in the dark pursed his lips, and suddenly smiled. Sure enough, as long as the uncle is around, nothing will be a problem.

Other forces will follow suit.

Among the crowd, Yin Ding was dragged here by his sister. He didn't know much about what happened in the academy recently, but he probably knew some news.

Yin Miaoyin was dissatisfied with the voices around her, but when she saw that figure again, she bent her eyes and smiled happily: "Brother, isn't that person very powerful!"

After the assessment, Yin Miaoyin continued to introduce the executive elder of the academy. What Yin Ding didn't expect was that his younger sister had a relationship with the executive elder once.
Seeing her staring at the white-clothed boy in front of her with bright eyes, and listening to his sister praising other men, how could he not see what his sister was thinking, Yin Ding frowned: "What are you and him?" relation?"

Yin Miaoyin's face was a little red: "No way, he is the elder of the academy, I only met him once..."

Before she finished speaking, Yin Ding's expression became a little strange: "Yin Miaoyin, it's not because of me that you came out this time, you are because of him, right?"


Yin Miaoyin shook her head vigorously: "No, I'm also worried about you. You haven't sent a letter to your family for a year and a half. I'm worried about the academy you just came to."

After that person left, she did have the idea of ​​going to Nanzhou, especially because her brother was also in Nanzhou, so she made the decision, but she did come to the academy because she was worried about her brother.

It's not like I'm lying to him.

Yin Ding found that his sister was always avoiding his sight, and his face turned cold: "It seems so, okay, Yin Miaoyin, you are getting bolder and bolder, does the king know? He doesn't know, you can hide it from him You said you came to find me, you are really... you are too courageous!"

Yin Ding shook off Yin Miaoyin's hand grabbing his sleeve, and his expression became angry. Yin Miaoyin was frightened and jumped, and quickly grabbed Yin Ding's sleeve: "

Brother, I was wrong, really, I wanted to go to Nanzhou to find you, really!Brother, you believe me! "

Yin Ding kept a cold face and didn't speak until after a while, he said: "Is he really so good? Did you like his face?"

Yin Miaoyin blinked, and said seriously: "He is obviously very good. You didn't see how he looked when he climbed the ladder. The elders were shocked at that time."

Yin Ding sneered.

So what if this person is the executive elder.

So what if he is a genius.

Want to abduct his sister, no way!

"elder brother……"

Yin Miaoyin dragged her brother and wanted to say something, when she heard an excited voice from someone: "It's broken! Master... Thank you, Elder Ye, for your guidance, allowing me to break through the ground level successfully!"

It was Elder Xiao's voice.

I saw Elder Xiao had already got up, his face was ruddy, and with excitement that had not dissipated, he bowed and thanked the young man in white very respectfully.

In fact, if possible, he would like to call him Master Uncle.

After thanking Elder Xiao, he retreated to the side winkingly, but he didn't leave. Who wants to leave the class of Master Uncle!They are not satisfied until the evening!
When Elder Xiao finished, the other elders couldn't wait any longer.

"Elder Ye, I'm in the same situation as Elder Xiao. I've stayed at the peak of the Xuan rank for a long time, but I still haven't been able to break through to the ground rank. Can you help me see?"

"Elder Ye, I don't know if you are proficient in alchemy or not. I have a little problem with alchemy, which is the third step of compound alchemy, and I fail every time."

"Elder Ye, have you ever refined weapons? I have a question to ask you..."


The elder was excited.

Those disciples were depressed.

Is this person really that powerful?

Or is it super-class and cross-identity guidance?

But the strange thing is that Ye Yuye was really patient, and answered their questions one by one, and each answer made those elders suddenly realize.

In terms of cultivation, each of them has made a small breakthrough.

The elder who asked the same question as Elder Xiao before also broke through the cultivation level of the earth.

In just a short while, two elders have already broken through the ground steps.

Is this still an accident?Is it a coincidence?

Those disciples changed their faces.

The look at Ye Yuye was no longer mocking, but serious.

Finally, a disciple from the inner sect couldn't sit still anymore, he got up and cupped his hands at Ye Yuye: "Elder Ye, I don't understand the third step of Liezhuo Kicks very well, please give me some guidance from the elder."

Ye Yuye had never heard of this exercise before, so he said: "As for the exercise, let me have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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