Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 955 Doubting whether this guy is human?omnipotent this is?

Chapter 955 Doubting whether this guy is human?omnipotent this is?
Until now Qu Tao has not come back to his senses, until he heard Ye Yuye's voice, he did not come back to his senses,

The moves performed by that phantom were repeated in his mind over and over again, and there was still excitement in his eyes, but this time, his performance was obviously different.

That is respectful.

As respectful as the elders.

Clasping hands to Ye Yuye, he said solemnly: "I see clearly, thank you, Elder Ye, for your guidance!"

In fact, to be honest, I am not used to calling myself a junior.

After all, the one in front of him looks younger than him, probably no more than that.

Qu Tao returned to the crowd again, and there was an uproar all around. At this moment, the eyes of the people looking at Elder Ye changed obviously, a little cautious, a little complicated, and seemed uncertain.

Perhaps it was treated as a living horse doctor. Among the inner disciples, someone stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Disciple Lai Yun, I don't understand the fifth form of Qinglong Gale Palm."


Ye Yuye motioned to him for the stack of exercises on the table.

With Qu Tao's lesson learned, Lai Yun walked over.

Someone inside was whispering, and Ye Yuye heard it. This man named Lai Yun came from a big family. He has good talent and ranks close in the list of inner disciples. practice.

Lai Yun searched inside, hesitantly pursed his lips, and found that most of the kung fu methods in it were of the mysterious and yellow ranks, and none of the ground ranks.

Just when he opened his mouth to tell Ye Yuye, the previous elder came back again, and he piled up another stack beside him,
Looking at it, there are more than [-] books of exercises, and all of them are earth-level exercises. Although they are not authentic, they are still very precious.


Lai Yun pursed his lips, what is the identity of this Ye Yuye?Cangshuge exercises are not allowed to be brought out, as long as everyone in the academy knows that this time the academy actually broke the previous rules for Ye Yuye, if it was the same as before, it would never have happened.

Moreover, there are also top-grade cultivation techniques of the earth rank.

I don't know if there is a chance to see the heaven-level exercises.

Lai Yun found the kung fu he was practicing from this stack, and handed the kung fu to Ye Yuye because of the indescribable complexity in his heart.

Pretty much the same as before.

Ye Yuye glanced at the content hastily, then threw the booklet in his hand on top of the stack of exercises, and said to Lai Yun: "Stand and watch."

Lai Yun was suspicious for a while, but he was really a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and stood by the side in an orderly manner.

Still in the original position.

That phantom appeared.

Everyone suddenly became excited again.

Although they don't know how Ye Yuye did it.

Rao, it is impossible for other elders to achieve this level, right?

Even their family members, no one can do it.

Look at Elder Ye again, he is still sitting in his position, drinking tea and can't see any other changes, but the phantom is moving, deducing the first form of Qinglong Gale Palm, and then the second form .

Every style has reached the point of perfection.

It doesn't look like it's being demonstrated for the first time.

But countless times.

Looking at the phantom who cast the palm technique, everyone thought to themselves, this should be similar to a clone, right?Although it was just a phantom, they really felt the power of that palm.


I don't know who swallowed silently.

They have now admitted that Ye Yuye is the executive elder of the academy, he is indeed a genius, a monstrous genius who can reach a thousand ranks.

Master Uncle deserves to be Master Uncle.

All the elders sighed in their hearts, and they became more and more sure that this master uncle came back from the superior world.

But since he is a master uncle, it should be normal for him to understand the academy's exercises.

So no one should be surprised.

The third form of Qinglong Gale Palm.

It is worthy of being an earth-level middle-grade skill.

The power is indeed very strong.

And even waving your hands feels good.

All the female disciples stared at the phantom, either blushing, or blushing, or thumping in the heart, in short, all their attention was cast on the phantom, with admiration shining in their eyes.

Until that phantom swung the fifth form.

Lai Yun's attention became more concentrated, he stared at him without saying a word, his hands were clenched without knowing it.

The fifth form of Qinglong Gale Palm, almost all the people who practice this technique are stuck at this stage and cannot break through, because it is too difficult, but because it is too difficult to practice, so the rank is only the middle rank of the ground rank, otherwise it is really The rank has reached the upper rank of the earth rank.

Yin Chenxiu also practiced this technique, but since he couldn't complete the fifth form, he had no choice but to give up this technique and practice other palm techniques.

But I have to say that Qinglong Galewind Palm is really strong.

He also regretted not being able to complete the fifth form.

Knowing that Lai Yun asked Ye Yuye for advice on Qinglong Gale Palm, he had some anticipation for no reason, until he witnessed the phantom perform the fifth form of Qinglong Gale Palm.



Someone murmured foolishly: "So this is the fifth form..."

In the inner sect, a talented disciple cracked his mouth excitedly: "

No wonder the fifth form is so difficult to practice. It is simply incomparable with the fourth form. I almost thought it was a local high-grade exercise. God, I seem to have made a lot of money! "

The palm technique that was displayed was more than two feet high, even without the use of profound power, it was still very powerful, as if a chill enveloped his body, even the elders at the peak of the profound rank changed their complexions.

It's really strong.

It just stopped when it reached the fifth formula.

Everyone watched the phantom disappear with some unsatisfied interest.

Lai Yun came back to his senses and was extremely excited, as if he regarded this palm technique as a treasure, and bowed to Ye Yuye: "The disciple thanked Elder Ye for his guidance!"

This is not a guide.

This was clearly his turning point.

Suddenly, I was glad that I didn't give up this palm technique.

From today onwards, many people will probably choose to practice Qinglong Gale Palm, and they will not exchange it for practice. They all doubt that the academy will be able to upgrade Qinglong Gale Palm to the top-grade kung fu method tomorrow.


After the class is over, they will go to Cangshu Pavilion to exchange for exercises!
Since both of them received Elder Ye's guidance, and the results were very good, similar questions were raised one after another.

Just like before, before Ye Yuye could speak, those people consciously found out the exercises they were practicing and handed them to Ye Yuye, both excited and nervous.

A few asked questions about the same exercises, which saved a lot of trouble, Ye Yuye simply demonstrated them all, and taught everything that should be taught.

an hour.

Already displayed 28 sets of different exercises, including leg techniques, palm techniques, body techniques, and even sword techniques and saber techniques. Ye Yuye can teach you as long as you don’t know it.

Everyone even began to wonder if this guy is human?omnipotent this is?There has to be a degree of pretense, right?How about this?Out of sight?

 Hey, I'll try to keep my words to a minimum
(End of this chapter)

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