Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 974 So, You Mean To Want Him To Compete With Our Elder Ye

Chapter 974 So, You Mean To Want Him To Compete With Our Elder Ye

This one is whiter, and it is clear that he is going to die.

Unusual, Bai Feilong smiled at him: "Friend Yue, you don't look like a freshman."

"You too."

There was a trace of cruelty in Yuebai's eyes.

This is not like a new student.

Isn't it surprising that a freshman can fight against him for so long!

Bai Feilong dodged Yuebai's ruthless move, and said seriously thoughtfully: "I can see that you have reservations."

Yue Bai raised his head and glanced at him, then snorted coldly: "I actually want to kill you."

The blame is here, he can't kill this person at all, and he has nothing to do with him.

"Really?" Bai Feilong smiled, "Actually, I want to kill you too, but the rules still exist and it's unrealistic, so I want to abolish you."

Yuebai's pupils shrank.

Bai Feilong said again: "You have no objection?"

Of course!
Indescribable panic.

Yue Bai wanted to hide, but his breath had already enveloped his body. The next moment, Bai Feilong's figure seemed to turn into a biting wind, and suddenly a giant hammer hit him hard in Yue Bai's mind.


Yue Bai vomited blood, Bai Feilong was so fast that he didn't even give him a chance to admit defeat, he leaped and kicked him on the ground hard, stepping on him, the strength of his feet increased.


The crowd fell silent.

Most people in the academy have seen Bai Feilong. In fact, his real name is Xiang Tianfei, he is a disciple of the academy's inner sect, and his ranking is higher than Yan Yue.

Elder Mo, who was in a high position, stood up in vain, and in the next second, Bai Liu's voice could be heard: "A little accident is normal in a contest between peers. Elder Mo, you don't have to worry too much, our alchemists will take good care of him."

The corners of Elder Mo's eyes bulged, and his face was covered with haze.

Treat well?
But the more useless it is!
There is no use in treating a disabled person!
Always useless!

A genius of their Xuan Dao Sect was abolished just like that!
But Elder Mo really has nothing to do with the academy, he said the content of the competition!He made the rules!Now if you use this matter to make things difficult for the academy, you can't do it, you can't do it at all!

Seeing that the old man didn't plan to sit down, Bai Liu touched his chin and asked inexplicably: "Elder Mo, are you going back?"

Elder Mo froze.

After standing for a while, he smiled on the skin: "No, my legs are numb."

Leg numb?

This explanation is really far-fetched.

Bai Liu raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

But Elder Mo still sat back.

The second game is over.

Of the [-] competitions, the three major forces combined only won four games. The academy disciples were seriously injured in these four games, but they did not reach the level of being abolished.

On the contrary, the three major forces are more miserable.

Of the 26 people, nine were abolished.

After this trip, instead of taking advantage of them, they were abused by the disciples of the academy. For a while, it was really unacceptable.

Bai Liu asked: "Is it better?"

"Compare! It must be compared!"

These words came from Elder Lu of the Holy Sword Sect.

After this trip, they don't even know who that person is, how to go back, how to go back and explain, the three elders have their own calculations, and it's uncertain.

Bai Liu restrained her smile, and frowned slightly: "Okay, what do you want to compare?"

This time.

Elder Mo didn't hide any more, and said deeply: "We want to meet that genius."

The words fall.

The other two elders seemed a little surprised, a little surprised that Elder Mo would speak directly, but the purpose of their visit this time was indeed for this purpose, and it would be great if they could find out where that person was.

Pavilion Master Duan glanced at the three elders not far away, and sneered: "Finally I am willing to speak."

Can't hold it anymore?

Ha ha.

Do you really think they don't know anything?

Even the other two pavilion masters also lost face.

Bai Liu's voice raised a bit: "Elder Mo, which genius are you talking about? There are many geniuses in our academy."

Elder Mo held his breath: "Since Pavilion Master Bai knows, why is this so? I heard that the Academy has recruited a new genius. I heard that he has already stepped up a thousand steps of the ladder at a young age. And our Xuandao Sect also has a genius. It is a real genius." A genius, to be honest, he has the physique of an ancient dragon!"

The previous words did not attract attention, but his last sentence changed the faces of the four pavilion masters of the academy, not only the academy, but also the other three major forces.

When the Heavenly Demon Saintess heard that her face under the white gauze had changed, she was a little surprised, but even more shocked.

Azure Dragon Physique!

This is an ancient physique!

Xuan Daozong actually has a genius with the physique of a green dragon!

Xuan Daozong announced to the public at this time, why?
Outsiders don't know, but the four pavilion masters know very well that this year the academy has also produced a genius with an ancient physique, and he is also a phoenix physique!

Is it because of destiny?
But since the end of the ancient times, there has never been such a physique, but it happened at this time.

They suddenly realized that compared with the millennium, this time's Mandate of Heaven was unusual and something was wrong, as if something was about to happen.

Bai Liu's face became a little more serious, and after a while, he said, "So, you mean to let him compete with our Elder Ye?"

"Elder Ye?"

The three elders were startled.

Elder Mo frowned: "I am not talking about the elders, but the disciples who have just entered the academy."

"Students from this year?" Bai Liu smiled, "There is no such person in this year's disciples. The person Elder Mo is looking for is Elder Ye. The competition between disciples and elders is not in accordance with the rules. If it is spread, the outside world will think that the academy is bullying It's not right for you."


It seems that the atmosphere has become a bit frozen.

The three of them looked up, with a trace of astonishment in their eyes.

They never expected that the genius who had reached the thousandth step would become the elder of the academy!
Didn't you say that the rules of the academy are very strict?

No matter how talented he is, he shouldn't be an elder!
Elders don't care about talent, but strength!The strength is powerful!

What the academy did now made them unbelievable.

What is the academy thinking? !
Elder Mo didn't know whether it was embarrassment or confusion, but he was silent for a while before asking, "Where is that Elder Ye now?"

Ye Yuye raised his eyes, looked at the high position with interesting eyes, and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Bai Liu looked down.

Coincidentally meeting Ye Yuye's gaze, he was stunned for a while, smiled awkwardly, and when Elder Mo asked again, he motioned for the three of them to look over.

Look at this.

The three of them saw the figure of the young man in the elder's area. The main reason was that he was too conspicuous. Everyone else was standing, but he was the only one who was sitting, with a tea set and a steaming teacup beside him.

Very leisurely.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess was leaning lazily at first, but now she sat up straight, her expression became a little more serious, her brows became a little more astonished, and she stared blankly at the people below.

(End of this chapter)

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