Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 981 Remember, you are the Princess of Xizhou

Chapter 981 Remember, you are the Princess of Xizhou
Everyone is waiting for the demon saint to speak.

Of course, Bai Liu was just talking casually, I really didn't expect her to agree.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess rolled her eyes, and she couldn't guess what she was thinking: "Okay, in fact, I also yearn for the life in the academy."


The saintess of the Tianmo Sect really agreed.

The two elders were slightly taken aback, what was she thinking?

Or is there another purpose?

Bai Liu took a deep look at her, and then said: "The academy has always had strict requirements on its disciples, and the saint is good at formations, why not give her the status of an apprentice of formations."

The maid behind the demon saint changed her face.

What is the identity of their saints? In the Tianmo Sect, other than the Holy Master, the people they serve are saints, but now they are only apprentices in the academy, not even registered disciples.

But who knows, the Heavenly Demon Saintess seemed to be smiling happily, and nodded in agreement: "Of course that would be the best."

Any identity is fine, as long as you can enter and exit the academy.

Thinking about it, she smiled even more happily.

Bai Liu smiled: "Since the saint agrees, I will give the token of the academy to the saint when the saint comes next time."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess shook her head, and the corners of her lips under the white gauze curled slightly: "Don't worry, I plan to stay here for a few more days."

Pavilion Master Yun frowned, and looked at the Heavenly Demon Saintess for a while before looking away. He didn't understand what her purpose was, but it didn't matter after all.

It's just a saint of the Tianmo Sect, and the academy doesn't take it seriously.

"..." Bai Liu was stunned for a while, seeing that the demon saint didn't look like she was watching a joke, she pondered and smiled, "After it's over, I'll have someone lead the saint there, and I'll live in the formation area. Not bad."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess didn't seem to pay much attention to what Bai Liu said, and asked absently, "I don't know where Elder Ye lives?"

"Elder Ye?"

The four pavilion masters were all stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect the Heavenly Demon Saintess to mention their master and uncle.

Bai Liu seemed to understand what she meant, and said: "Elder Ye is not here, he lives in the back mountain, and the back mountain is a forbidden area of ​​the academy, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Back Mountain.


Outsiders cannot enter.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess quickly sorted out her emotions, and smiled: "Then I will trouble the four pavilion masters."

Only then did the maid behind her know that the saint is determined to stay in the academy, so do I need to report this matter to the Holy Master?They hesitated a little.

The two elders were startled, they didn't understand when the relationship between Tianmo Sect and the academy was so good?But this matter must definitely be told above.


The two great forces assembled and left without looking back.

As for the Xuandao Sect, it was rather bleak. Elder Mo died, and the killer prepared by the sect was seriously injured, and three or four people had to carry it. Looking at the mutilated corpse, they basically went back with a feeling of vomiting.

Elder Mo of Xuan Dao Sect is dead, and it is reckoned that it will become a joke for outsiders. He failed to move the stone, and even threw the stone on himself, which is embarrassing.

In fact, Elder Mo is dead, it doesn’t matter whether you take him back or not, but Gu Qiu is different, although he was injured,

But in the end, the man is not useless, not to mention, he is still a genius with the physique of an ancient green dragon, and the sect will heal Gu Qiu's wound even if he pays a heavy price.

It's been a lot quieter for four weeks.

But it didn't affect the conversation of everyone in the academy at all.

The blood stains on the ring and the residual flesh were all cleaned up.

Ye Yuye was supposed to go back, but was stopped by someone.

Looking up is someone who has a little impression, but she can't remember where she saw it. The stone next to her glanced at the girl in front of her, and relaxed her frowning eyebrows, a little surprised at her appearance.

Yin Miaoyin looked at him happily, then blinked at him again: "Elder Ye, long time no see."

Finally able to talk to him!
Qi Xi, who squeezed out from the crowd, was stunned when he saw this scene. What's the situation? What did he hear just now? Sister Yin knew Elder Ye? ?

Yin Ding walked out, a little helpless.

Qi Xi turned to look at Yin Ding, with many doubts simmering in his heart, and he didn't know how to speak for a while, did the boss also know?
Yin Ding walked over and stood beside Qi Xi.

Yin Miaoyin looked at the fat black cat on the boy's shoulder, then frowned again, her voice was a little anxious: "

Elder Ye, don't you know me?It's me, I'm from Xizhou, we've met before, when you went to Xizhou, I wanted you to use the teleportation array..."

Speaking of this, Ye Yuye remembered, looked at the girl's flushed cheeks amusedly, and nodded: "Yes, I know."

"Then you..." Yin Miaoyin paused, and asked cautiously, "You remember?"

The girl's cautious probing made Qi Xi a little suspicious of life. He went to look at Yin Ding next to him and asked, "Boss, is your sister tired of me?"

Yin Ding looked at him with eyes that you only know, without Yin Ding saying, Qi Xi understood what he meant, couldn't help feeling a little bit decadent, and sighed: "

I thought that your sister, like you, seldom talks, but in the end, I was completely wrong. It turns out that your sister doesn't like me. "

Ye Yuye looked at Yin Miaoyin and raised his eyebrows: "I remember, you are the princess from Xizhou."

As soon as Ye Yuye mentioned the word princess, Yin Miaoyin knew that he had remembered it, and she smiled extraordinarily happily, as if she was more satisfied than anything else.

Most of the surrounding academy disciples dispersed. Some people saw a young girl in front of Elder Ye, who seemed to be a freshman of this year. They were curious. Of course, they just took a few more glances and left.

Yin Miaoyin rolled her eyes with a smile, as if stars were twinkling, and there was a figure: "I actually wanted to come to you, but I didn't expect you to be in the academy, Elder Ye, is this a kind of fate?" ?”

"It is indeed a kind of fate." Ye Yuye thought for a while, and went to see her, "But why did you come to me?"

In the crowd, a tall and slender man looked up slightly, his long and narrow eyes were slightly narrowed, and the profile of his profile became much more serious.

Not far away, Yin Ding also heard Ye Yuye's question, his eyes locked on his sister's back, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes,
Look, the people you miss almost don't recognize you, and don't have any impression of you yet. Is it worth it to fall on this kid? If you rush forward, will you, little girl, regret it?

Yin Miaoyin blushed, and lowered her head uncomfortably: "Well, I didn't come here specifically to find you, they all said that Nanzhou is the place with the most geniuses, so I want to come and see, and my brother Also here."

Ye Yuye nodded and said, "It's right to come out and have a look, people can't stay in one place all the time."

 Tomorrow is Children's Day, Happy Children's Day

(End of this chapter)

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