Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 984 Are You... Jiang Yi?

Chapter 984 Are You... Jiang Yi?

Jiang Yi's eyes were shallow, and he looked in a certain direction. His room was next to him, very close, even the bed was very close, separated only by a wall.


Jiang Yi closed his eyes, he would rather sleep in his arms.

He opened the door and walked in.

Ye Yuye didn't go in, but raised his head and glanced at the night sky, the moon and stars were sparse, and there were layers of clouds and mist, covering the twinkling stars.

Ye Yuye was silent for a long time before she looked away, her black eyes suddenly sank slightly, she touched her chin in thought, no, something is wrong, there should be no mistakes in her memory, only some fragments were confused.

Jiang Yi's memory should also be correct.

Before the age of eight, I left him.

Ye Yuye seemed to have an imperceptible thought flashing through her mind, the corners of her eyes twitched a few times, her eyes couldn't help squinting and squinting, what if that memory was before she met Jiang Yi?
Is it possible?

Can it be explained?

The idea is extremely possible.

of course.

This is also just a guess.

Just one of countless thoughts.

Shi Shi looked up at the sky, then turned to look at the figure again, until he was sure that the master was okay, he yawned a little and returned to his room.

When Jiang Yi came out of the room, he saw the young man in white standing in the courtyard. He could only see his blurred side face. Occasionally, he could see his brows tightly frowned, as if he could see the gap between his brows. of irritability.


Sensing that someone was calling her, Ye Yuye withdrew his thoughts, went to find the source of the voice, and saw Jiang Yi who had already come out of the room.

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows, thinking that he was not used to the room: "What's wrong?"

Under the moonlight, the man seemed to be smiling: "It's getting late, it's time to rest."

Ye Yuye was stunned for a while, then nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Seeing Ye Yuye enter the room, Jiang Yi closed the door gently, and then went to the pool under the waterfall. At this time, Qingma and Baby Ginseng had already left, so he quickly took off his clothes and entered the pool.

When he came back, the light in that room went out.

Jiang Yi stood in the courtyard. After standing for an unknown amount of time, he entered his room, closed the door lightly, tossed and turned all night, lay on his side with his arms pressed down, and looked at the wall.

Raise your hand and touch it a little.

It seemed to touch the man lying on the other side of the wall.

Obviously very close.

Obviously there is only one wall.


When will I be able to hold you tightly in my arms.

No one knows, he posted very close to the wall.

Slowly closed his eyes.

During the period when the three major forces went back.

The news about them being in the academy was spread.

Knowing that an elder of Xuan Dao Sect died in the academy, and that Gu Qiu, who was ranked high on the Tianzi list, was defeated by a child, some people would be surprised. Who killed it is said to be a young elder of the academy .

What's even more strange is that Xuan Dao Sect is very quiet, and it seems that they will not pursue the matter of killing their elders by the academy.

The quota for the academy to go to the secret realm of the star field is still there.

But not long.

Breaking news has been spread!

Venerable Xiuran challenges the Suzerain of Xuandao Sect!The suzerain is defeated!
Venerable Xiuran challenges the suzerain of the Holy Sword Sect!The suzerain is defeated!

Venerable Xiuran went to the Shuiyun Sword Sect, and the master of the Sword Sect somehow managed to invite an elder in the Holy Land!
Maybe things will turn around.

But that elder still lost to Venerable Xiuran!
This matter spread crazily throughout the entire star field.

It wasn't why the suzerain of the Shuiyun Sword Sect was able to invite the elders in the holy land, but the elder in the holy land lost to the venerable Xiuran of the academy!
Venerable Xiuran's strength has become stronger again!

This made some people panic.

There has been too much movement in the academy recently.

Either a master uncle appeared, or a peerless genius came. He was caught off guard and had no chance to prepare for it. Now, such news came out, which was enough to make all the attention focus on the academy.

This time.

Venerable Xiuran appeared in the back mountain again.

Every time he came to Houshan, he always wanted to find his uncle for urgent matters.

But he saw another person besides Ye Yuye.

He stared at it for a while, and became more and more familiar with the handsome man in front of him, but he couldn't remember who this person was for a while.

Jiang Yi had already noticed the middle-aged man's appearance in the back mountain. When he walked out of the pavilion, he saw the middle-aged man and raised his eyebrows.

Venerable Xiu Ran stared at him, and after a long silence, he asked in surprise: "...You, are you Jiang Yi?"

Childhood memories are limited.

He can't remember everyone.

But Jiang Yi is different.

Due to the deep memory of him when he was a child, when he saw this man, he couldn't confirm whether it was him, because the change was too great.

Jiang Yi was of his generation, so logically speaking, he should be similar to him.


Venerable Xiuran looked at the handsome and elegant face of the man, and felt a little unreal.

Jiang Yi looked at him for a while, and his voice was always gentle and clear: "You know me?"

Venerable Xiuran was startled, it turned out to be true.

It's really him.

Venerable Xiuran smiled suddenly: "You may not remember me, we met when we were children, but you didn't seem to care about people at that time, and you walked around the uncle all day long."


Is it Master?
Only then did the bottom of Jiang Yi's eyes change. Perhaps he remembered most of the things about Master clearly, and he remembered some of the personnel affairs here.

In my impression, he was surrounded by a child.

It's just that he is not called Master Shishu, but Brother.

Regarding this, Jiang Yi's eyes fell on him again, especially his face. After staring at him for a long time, he finally uttered a few words: "I know you, your surname is Han."

"Oh," Venerable Xiu Ran looked surprised and looked at him thoughtfully, "I thought you had forgotten it, but I didn't expect you to remember it clearly, even knowing my last name."

"I haven't forgotten." Jiang Yi looked gentle and cold, without any other emotions on his face, and said concisely, "You came to look for Ye'er?"


Venerable Xiuran was startled, a little confused.

this name...

This name...

Could it be the uncle?

Venerable Xiuran looked at Jiang Yi strangely.

Isn't he the apprentice of the uncle?

Does uncle know?
This name is too intimate.

Facing the seemingly indistinct curvature of the man's lips, Venerable Xiu Ran was stunned for a moment, as if remembering that there were still important things to do, he hurriedly said: "Junior brother, can you take me to your master? I have something important to do." I want to talk to him about it.”

"He is refining alchemy."

Jiang Yi frowned, and said again, "Wait for a while."

"it is good."

Venerable Xiuran coughed a few times, walked around the man and entered the pavilion, seeing the endgame on the chessboard, he looked back at Jiang Yi in surprise, "

I remember when you were here, my father would play chess with my uncle when he had nothing to do, and we both watched from the sidelines. At that time, I said, I want to learn chess. Now your chess skills are better than mine. I feel ashamed. . "

(End of this chapter)

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