Chapter 997
Seeing the young man let go and the Nine Heavens Knife freed again, the joy in the four people's eyes was hard to hide. They didn't have the time to think about other things, they just put aside the previous questions and focused all their attention on the knife.

The four forces collided secretly, trying to draw the Nine Heavens Knife to him.

Nine Heavens Knife suddenly moved.

The direction to go is the position of the Supreme Elder of Nanzhou.

Bu Yuanju couldn't hide his secret joy. Just when the faces of the other three people changed suddenly, the Nine Heavens Knife came out in vain, and directly brushed against Bu Yuanju's arm. In an instant, he cut the defensive robe unexpectedly, and was soon stained with blood. scarlet!

Bu Yuanju's complexion changed, Jiu Xiao Dao made a big circle, and soon returned to Ye Yuye's side, it seemed that he had no intention of leaving at all.

In this regard, the people below suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the gap between the crowd, the head of the green horse was exposed, and it howled a few times, scaring the people nearby, but when they found that it was a handsome horse, they were stunned for a moment, feeling more and more suspicious of life.

This is not the sound of a horse.

Could it be that they got it wrong?

"Squeak Yaya, Yaya."

A section of baby ginseng protruded from the bosom of the stone, and its round eyes stared upward, full of worry and a little bit of fear.

Shi Shi sat obediently on the back of the green horse, holding Fat Cat in his arms, pursed his lips and said, "Master is very strong, he will be fine."


Baby Ginseng nodded in confusion, and the green horse roared a few times from time to time. It didn't sound like a horse's cry at all, it sounded like a tiger, and it sounded like a dragon's roar, which was strange.

In the sky, the holy masters of the three parties retreated to another place.

Only four old men and one young man remained.

Little did they know that at the same time.

The Holy Master Dongzhou put away his severed arm, his eyes were already scarlet, and his brain was dazzled by anger and murderous intent. He instantly locked the direction of the academy and walked towards the most conspicuous horse in the crowd!

If that person has disabled his arms, then he will kill these people in the academy!Take revenge for yourself!
Seeing the figure of the Holy Master Dongzhou, the people around were so frightened that their complexions paled quickly and there was no blood at all. They immediately backed away, and some even ran out with their legs loose.


It's just messed up.

I'm afraid that the Holy Master of Dongzhou will make trouble for them.

But at this moment, someone yelled loudly: "Don't squeeze, okay! He didn't come to kill us, he came to kill the academy people! There is a horse next to us, and the people on it are from the academy! All go inside ! Stop squeezing!"

Behind, no one is listening.

Because Dongzhou Saint wants to kill the people in the Academy!

On the green horse, the stone shook violently.

The green horse had no time to escape.

It was already shrouded in a terrible atmosphere.

Although the green horse is a heaven-level horse, this person's aura is stronger than it!First of all, it is banned, and it is completely impossible to get out!
The Holy Master Dongzhou stared at the child on the horse sadly.

Even without arms, a heavenly powerhouse still has the means to fight. Just as the profound energy circulated from his body and attacked the green horse, a figure passed by, only the black shadow in front of him.

In retrospect, it was a person's sleeve.


I didn't see clearly what the figure was doing at all.

The Holy Master Dongzhou shrank his pupils, and the attack bounced back to him, and immediately flew out and fell to the ground, spattering a mouthful of blood.

Everyone froze.

The people of Dongzhou are stupid.

This is a heavenly powerhouse, why is their Holy Master of Dongzhou so unbearable?Folded in the hands of two people? ! !

Seeing the tall and slender back, the eyes of the stone on the horse's back lit up instantly, and a smile appeared on his chubby face: "Little master!"

Isn't the master's apprentice the little master?

After confirming that they were safe and sound, Jiang Yi walked towards Dongzhou Holy Master expressionlessly.

He himself has a strong aura, which is completely different from the feeling of staying beside Ye Yuye. Junyi's facial features look much more serious, and those long and narrow eyes will make people feel creepy, and subconsciously feel that this person very scary.

They recognized it.

This person is with the boy before!

They are all from the Academy!

Dongzhou Shengzhu fell into the gutter of the academy twice.


It was the most embarrassing event in the Holy Land in tens of thousands of years.

It made the disciples of Dongzhou Holy Land feel very humiliated.

They are even thinking about whether to escape from Dongzhou after returning this time. Going to other holy places is also good. With their talent and strength, they can definitely enter the holy land of Nanzhou, and Beizhou is also good.

Ever since Holy Master Dongzhou fell to the ground, his tibia had been broken in six or seven places. He barely stood up, but his legs were trembling uncontrollably.

Jiang Yi stood in front of him expressionlessly, just standing there made him shudder, and the fear transmitted from his heart to his brain became more and more clear.

The Holy Master Dongzhou faltered suddenly, turned around and ran away almost without thinking, and fear that he had never felt before spread to his whole body.

The man behind sneered.

He raised his hand.

The profound force gushing out from between his fingers pinched his neck directly, and the next moment, the Holy Master Dongzhou exploded all of a sudden!The flesh was fried into pieces and scattered on the ground!The clothes she was wearing were blown into countless pieces of rags!
The bloody scene just appeared before everyone's eyes.

They smell blood.

And the heavenly breath that has not disappeared.

From Jiu Xiaodao back to the young man, at this moment, the four of them focused on the young man, feeling that he was becoming more and more familiar, and that familiarity came from the bottom of their hearts.

No matter the temperament.

Still me.

They are sure that they have seen this person before!
But this is the first time since their retreat, which means they have seen this person 2000 years ago!

Just when they were about to capture the most important key, Jiu Xiaodao left suddenly!Rushed to the edge of the abyss below, circling around a stone with great interest, the sound of the knife was very loud.

There is a breath of it here.

There is also the breath of the sword master.

Just as the Nine Heavens Knife was circling around the stone, there were four forces secretly competing secretly, and they all locked on the Nine Heavens Knife that was still excited at the same time.

Nine Heavens Knife is not by the boy's side.

They were not in the mood to think about things related to the boy, so Yue Gang left first!The cultivation base that completely surpassed the constraints of heaven and earth exploded at this moment!
Bu Yuanju was injured, but it didn't prevent him from snatching the Nine Heavens Knife. At that moment, the three of them also erupted with an aura that was not inferior to Yue Gang, and even the cold-faced old man was far better than him.


Precisely because this is a secret place!

It is a dark corner of nature.

They didn't hesitate for a moment!

As long as you are fast enough, you will not be detected!
And this time.

Ye Yuye didn't go to help, but just watched Jiu Xiaodao rolling the stones in a circle, barely avoiding the capture of the four with the stones.

Then go on.

Jiuxiaodao had no choice but to abandon the stone, dodge sideways, four terrifying attacks hit the edge of the abyss, and a loud bang sounded, which shocked the surrounding swords!

Thousands of swords are trembling!Let out a burst of whispering sound!

(End of this chapter)

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