love education

Chapter 1 Author Introduction

Chapter 1 Author Introduction

Edemondo De Amicis (Edemondo De Amicis, 1846~1908), an Italian novelist and a patriot during the National Revival Movement, was born on October 1846, 10 in the coastal city of Imperia, Liguria, Italy Onelia.Affected by the French Revolution, the unification and independence wars in Italy were in full swing. This wave left an indelible mark on Amicis' young mind.

In 1862, Amicis, who longed for the military camp since childhood and determined to dedicate himself to the unification and independence of Italy, was admitted to the famous Italian military academy - Modena Military Academy to study military affairs. After graduating in 1866, he immediately became an officer and participated in the Third War of Independence to unify Italy.The life in the military camp inspired Amicis, who loved learning and writing since he was a child, and he wrote some short stories with patriotic flavor on this subject. In 1868, he published these short stories together, which was his first book. The book "Life in the Military Camp" became famous in one fell swoop.Following the liberation of Rome by the Italian army in 1870 and the completion of the national unification and liberation, he resolutely gave up his promising military career, took off his military uniform, and moved to Turin, where he served as an army reporter and editor of a military newspaper, and devoted himself to professional literary creation.

In order to gain rich life experience, he traveled to many countries in Europe and Asia. These experiences have laid a solid foundation for his creation and provided a continuous source of inspiration.During this period, he described the customs and customs of various countries with a bright and novel style of writing, and wrote many travel notes, such as "Spain", "Netherlands", "London Chronicles", "Morocco", "Constantinople", " American Travel Notes, Memories of Sicily, etc.The lines in these travel notes are filled with the author's passion and painstaking efforts to educate the Italian people on patriotism.

From 1879 to 1889, these 10 years were the golden age of Amicis’s creation. He wrote many works on social themes, including "Prose Collection", "Friends", "Education of Love", "On the Atlantic" Among them, "Education of Love" published in 1886 made his creative career reach its peak.

After returning from a trip to the United States, Amiches became a socialist and joined the Socialist Party in 1891. He paid close attention to social issues, actively participated in politics, and participated in the socialist movement. Workers' Teacher" and "Public Tram". On March 1908, 3, he died suddenly of a heart attack in Bordinger.

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