love education

Chapter 26 January

Chapter 26 March (1)
brief introduction

night school

No.70 Prisoner No. [-]

dead child
On the eve of March NO.14

Award ceremony
my sister
Romagna's Bloodstain

little mason on hospital bed
Earl of Cavour

night school
Thursday the 2th

Last night my father took me to visit the night school, which is in the yard of our Baretti school.When we went there, the lights were already brightly lit, and the workers had already started to go inside one by one.When we got there, the principal and the other teachers looked very angry because just now, a window pane in the classroom was smashed by a stone, and the patrolling janitor rushed out and grabbed a little boy who happened to be passing by. The child's hair, but Stadi, who lived opposite the night school, ran out and said to the teachers:
"You arrested the wrong person. I saw it with my own eyes. It was Franti who threw the stone. He also said to me, 'If you tell me, I will deal with you!' But I am not afraid of him."

The angrily principal told the teachers that Franty should be fired.At the same time, I have been observing the workers who come in in twos and threes. There are now more than 200 students in the classroom.I've never seen anything more fun than night school, where the youngest boys were 12 years old, and there were a lot of adults, some bearded men who had just arrived from work, holding various School-books and exercise-books, and carpenters and black-faced mechanics, and masons with hands white with paint, and boys from the bakery with flour in their hair.Here your nose can feel all kinds of smells, varnish, leather, fishy smell, oily smell, etc. In short, there are smells from various industries.There was also a team of artillery technicians in this classroom. They were dressed like ordinary soldiers and led by a corporal. They walked to the long table neatly and energetically. The board was removed, and then he quickly buried his head and began to read seriously.

Still others stepped forward to ask the teacher questions, still holding open exercise books.I suddenly noticed that young, well-dressed teacher, the so-called "Little Lawyer", sitting at the desk, surrounded by three or four workers, correcting their homework with a pen, There was also the teacher with some disabilities. He was talking with a dyer with a smile. The dyer had just brought him an exercise book, all of which had been dyed with red, blue and blue dyes.My homeroom teacher was there too, he has recovered and can go back to school tomorrow.The doors of the classrooms were left open, and when the lectures started, I was amazed that all of them seemed so focused that they never took their eyes off their textbooks.I heard from the principal that most of them came here for class because they were afraid of being late, and they didn't even have time to go home for a bite of dinner. Now they are very hungry.

And those little guys couldn't bear it anymore, they only sat there for half an hour, because they were too sleepy, they all slid under the table, and even one child fell asleep with his head on the table .The teacher just poked his ear with a pen to wake him up.However, none of the adults here did this. They all tried their best to stay awake and listened carefully to the teacher's explanation, with their mouths half-opened and their eyes not even blinking.It really touched me to see those bearded men sitting on the little benches studying so hard.

My father and I also visited the classroom on the second floor.As soon as I went upstairs, I ran to the door of our classroom and saw a bearded man sitting in my seat. One of his hands was still wrapped with a bandage. He must have injured himself while operating some machine. At that time, he was trying to write something, although he wrote very slowly, very slowly.

And the funniest and happiest thing I saw was seeing the little mason's father sitting on the seat. He was as tall as a giant, and he had to curl up and stuff himself in that small space. In the middle of the day, his chin rested on his fist, and his eyes were fixed on the textbook. He was so absorbed in reading that he almost forgot to breathe.I can hardly believe that he himself told the principal that he wished he could sit in his son’s seat and listen to the class on the first night of the night school:

"Your Excellency, could you do me a favor and put me in my bunny-faced seat?"

He always likes to call his son that.My father kept me there until school was over.When we were walking on the street, we saw many women holding children, they were waiting for their husbands there, but when we got to the door, something changed, the husbands took the children in the arms of their wives, and the wives took them Those textbooks, exercise books and the like, they walked home together like this.In just a few minutes, the street was crowded with people, and there was a hustle and bustle everywhere, and after a while, everything quieted down again, and all we could see was the headmaster's tall, thin, The tired figure disappeared, and finally even the shadow gradually disappeared into the distance.

Sunday 5th

This is really not difficult to imagine.After Franty was expelled from the school by the principal, he was ready to take revenge on Stadi.When Staddy came out of school, he was hiding around a corner.Stadi was walking home, as he does every day, his younger sister, who attends the girls' school on Via Dora Grosso.My sister Sylvia witnessed the whole thing when she came out of her school and came home terrified.Now let me tell you what happened.

Franti, still wearing his little batik hat with the brim covering one ear, wanted to attack Stady from behind, so he stood on tiptoe and followed him quietly. There was a sudden tug on Staddy's sister's ponytail, and the poor little girl couldn't resist the tug, and almost fell to the ground with her head on her back.The little girl then gave a loud cry, and her brother turned quickly to see what was happening.Franti thought to himself, since he is taller and stronger than Stadi, Stadi must not dare to say anything, otherwise I will tear his skin apart.

However, Stadi didn't even think about it. Although he was so thin and not very healthy, he jumped on Franty's body as soon as he got up, and began to beat Franty with his fist.Franti couldn't dodge in time, but was hit by Stadi several times.There was no one else in the street except a few girls, so there was nothing to separate them.Franti turned over and threw Stadi to the ground, but Stadi quickly stood up again, and then fell to the ground again.Franti slammed at Staddy as hard as a door. In just a split second, he grabbed one of Staddy's ears and left a bruise on his eye. At this time, Stadi's nose began to bleed, but Stadi was a tenacious boy, and he roared angrily:

"You can kill me, but you must pay for it!"

No way, Franti had to bend down again, kicking and scratching, and Stadi was under his body, kicking desperately with his heels. At this time, a woman shouted in a high-pitched voice from the window:

“That little one is awesome!”

Another person also said:
"That boy did it to protect his sister. It's a good job. Teach him a lesson!"

Then, they started yelling at Franti, "You evil little bastard, you are a coward!"

At this time, Franti had already lost his mind. He stretched out a leg and tripped Stadi. He immediately rode on Stadi and said, "Surrender!"




In the blink of an eye, Staddy stood up on his legs, hugged Franty by the waist, and threw Franty to the sidewalk with all his strength, kneeling on the ground. on his chest.

"Oh, that little rascal, he's got a knife!"

A man shouted, rushing forward to take Franty's knife away, but Stadi was so angry that he couldn't hold it back at this time, he tightly grasped Franty's arm with both hands, still He took a sharp bite on his hand.The knife fell from Franty's hand, and his hand began to bleed.At this time, more people gathered around, and they pulled the two boys who were torn together and made them stand up.When Franty stood up, he was beaten pitifully, while Staddy stood there straight. Although his face was scratched and he had a blue eye, he was the last the winner.Her little sister stood beside him crying.The other girls helped them pick up the textbooks and notebooks that were scattered all over the floor. Those books were thrown everywhere just now.

"Good job, little one!"

The onlookers all said, "He is protecting his sister!"

Stadi didn't have time to think about his victory. He thought of his schoolbag, and immediately ran to check his textbooks and exercise books, carefully looking through them one by one to see if anything was missing or damaged.He wiped the pages of the book with his sleeve, inspected the pen carefully, and put everything back into the schoolbag. Then, calm and serious as usual, he only said to his sister:
"Let's go back quickly, I still haven't finished my homework."


Monday 6th
This morning, the old Studi, the father of the younger Studi, came to the school to pick up his son in person, in case his son would meet Franty again.

His worries were unfounded. The teachers said they would never see Franty again because he had been locked up in the asylum.Many parents came to the school this morning, in addition to Staddy's father, there is also Cleti's father, the lumber retailer, he and his son look so much alike, they seem to be carved out of the same mold Yes, so slender and thin, with a puffy moustache and a two-tone ribbon running through the buttonhole of his jacket.Because I often see these parents waiting for their children at the door, I almost know them all.

There is also a hunchbacked grandmother who wears a little white cap. She comes to school four times a day to pick up and drop off her little grandson, who is still in the lower grade of primary school, regardless of the weather.The grandmother took the trouble to take off the little cape for the little grandson before class, put it on him at the end of school, tie his tie, dust him, groom him, and go over his exercise book again .There is no doubt that there is nothing else in the grandmother's mind, and her little grandson is to her the most beautiful thing in the world.

The artillery captain often came to see his son off, he was Robert's father, Robert was the boy on crutches who rescued the child from under the stagecoach, and whenever Robert's companion passed him, he would gently touch him , and Robert's father never forgot to touch them or salute them, he never forgot anyone.He bowed down to the kids, and if the kids looked poor or poorly dressed, he would look more gracious, and he would appreciate them.

However, sometimes, there are some sad scenes. There is a gentleman who has not come to pick up his children for more than a month, because one of his sons has just passed away. During this time, he has been sending his maid. Pick up another son.On his way home yesterday afternoon, he happened to see the children in his younger son's former class after school, so he hid in a corner and cried loudly, covering his face with his hands.When the principal saw him, he took his arm and took him to his office.

There are also parents who know the names of all the children in their son's class, and some of these parents are girls from the school next door, or gym coaches, who also come to pick up their older brothers or younger brothers.There was an old gentleman among them, who had been a colonel, and if he saw any boy drop an exercise-book or a pen by accident, he would pick it up for him.There are also well-dressed characters in the crowd, with square scarves tied on their heads and baskets on their arms. They will discuss the big and small things in the school with the people around them:

"Oh, the questions left this time must be difficult."

"It seems that this grammar class will not be finished this morning."

If a child in the class is sick, all the parents must know.And when the child is cured, they will all be happy about it.This morning, there were about ten gentlemen and workmen standing around Cross's mother, the vegetable vendor, and they were asking about a sick child in my brother's class who lived near the Cross home. .The poor child's life is now in danger.

I have always believed that our school can make people get along as equals and love each other.

No.70 Prisoner No. [-]

Wednesday 8nd

Just yesterday afternoon, I witnessed a very moving scene. For several days, whenever the vegetable vendor passed by Dross, she would stare at Dross carefully, her eyes full of love. .For Dross alone, since the moment he found out about the inkwell and No. 70 Prisoner No. [-], he has developed a love for the poor woman's son.Cross, the red-haired boy with a broken arm, at school, Dross helped him with his homework, and when he couldn't think of an answer, Dross helped him solve it, and gave him paper, pens, and pencils.All in all, Dross treats Cross like a big brother, seemingly trying to make up for Cross's father's misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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