love education

Chapter 3 Author Preface

Chapter 3 Author Preface
This book is specially written for elementary school students aged nine to 13.

The book can also be titled "A School Year Chronicle of a Primary School Student", written by a fourth-grade student of an Italian municipal primary school.What needs to be reminded is that I cannot conclude whether the manuscript that was finally published as a book was directly written by the student.He used to keep writing what he saw, heard and thought in and out of school in his diary, and accumulated it into a volume.At the end of the year, his father, who is a writer——I specially added a lot of comments in his notebook, and even revised and added, but I tried my best to narrate the theme of the story in my son's original language style, and the childish innocence and childishness I wanted to express .Four years later, my son entered middle school, read this book again, and added many fresh stories based on the people and things he kept deep in his memory, and it became the final book.

Dear children, please read the works of this peer as soon as possible to understand their aspirations.I sincerely hope that those stories can also deeply touch your hearts and benefit you all your life!
How miserable every day must be if you don't go to school, how dull it will be.When the week is over, you're bound to be clasping your hands together, praying to go back to school, because you know your life is being eaten away by boredom and shame, and you're going to live for your loafing and doing nothing And feel disgusted.

Children, you must become a person with courage, love, vitality, and the courage to take responsibility and obligation!

(End of this chapter)

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