love education

Chapter 38 January

Chapter 38 May (2)
While people were discussing enthusiastically and anxiously, a firefighter stepped out of the window, stepped on the window sill with his right foot, and stepped on the ladder with his left foot, standing straight on the ladder like this.The people in the house deliver the residents one by one from the inside to the outside, and he catches them from the outside, and then sends them one by one to another team member, who then passes the victims to the people below him, In this way, firefighters sent those residents trapped in the fire to the ground one by one.The first to be rescued was the woman on the balcony, then a baby, then another woman, and finally an old man, and in this way, everyone was rescued.

After the old man was out of danger, the firefighters who were still in the house also climbed out, and the last one to come out was the corporal who rushed into the fire first.The crowd burst into applause as they greeted our firefighting heroes.The last man to land safely was the vanguard of the rescuers, the corporal who was the first to rescue in the face of an extremely dangerous sea of ​​fire. He was not afraid to meet the challenge of death. , All the people shouted for him and stretched out their arms to him as if welcoming a great conqueror. This kind of emotion is mixed with the love of the hero and the feeling of admiration and gratitude.Hundreds of people chanted his name "Jupese Nobinlu".

"Do you understand? This is courage, the heroism of man's heart, which has no cause and never falters, and whenever he hears the dying struggle of a dying man, it is like Like a flash of lightning, go ahead fearlessly. If I have time, I will take you to see the firefighters training, and I will show you which one is Corporal Nobinlu, because you will definitely be very happy to be able to know him, right?"

I replied yes. "That's him," my father said, and I turned around in surprise. At this time, two firemen had finished inspecting the room and were walking out through the door. My father pointed to the small fireman. There are also a few golden braids on the head.

My father said to me, "Shake hands with Corporal Nobinlu!" The Corporal stopped and held out his hand to me, I shook his hand, he saluted me and left. "Keep all this in your mind," my father said, "because in the rest of your life you're going to shake hands with hundreds of people, and of those people, he's worth shaking hands with. There may not be many people."

Looking for Mother in Six Thousand Miles (Monthly Story)
Many years ago, there was a 13-year-old boy from Genoa who went to America alone from Genoa to find his mother.

Marco's mother went to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, two years ago to work for a very wealthy family in order to earn enough money in the shortest possible time to better support her family.Alas, due to a series of misfortunes, the boy's family is already impoverished and heavily in debt.Of course, she is not the only woman who is as brave as the teenage mother. Many women have embarked on such a long journey, thinking that going to America to work is the best choice to get rid of poverty.Fortunately, because of the lucrative salaries that come with working in the Americas, most people can bring home a few thousand lire after working for a few years.When the boy's mother left, she cried until her eyes were almost bleeding, and she reluctantly left her two children. One of them and the other was Marco, who was only 11 years old.She set off without hesitation, full of beautiful longings in her heart.

All went well and she arrived in Buenos Aires in no time.Once there, she found her husband's cousin, who had lived there for a long time, who had had a shop in Genoa for many years and was very popular.He found a good Argentinian family for the woman, who paid her well and treated her well.At the beginning, she and her family kept good correspondence. When they were all stable, her husband wrote to his cousin, who then forwarded it to her, and the latter read the letter. , then gave her reply to her husband's cousin, who forwarded it to Genoa.Since her income is not bad, she is never reluctant to waste a penny, so she will send back a large amount of money to her family every three months.Her husband, a man of considerable self-respect and good character, slowly paid off his most urgent debts with the money his wife earned, and his reputation gradually improved, while he worked harder, He is quite satisfied with his current state. Of course, he also looks forward to his wife returning to China from time to time.Without his wife by his side, the house seemed empty, and his youngest son especially missed his mother. He was very dependent on his mother since he was a child, so that he couldn't bear her being so far away from him. He has been depressed for two years.

What worries them the most is that after being separated from their mother for more than a year, they never heard from their mother again after their mother sent a text message saying that their health was not very optimistic.They wrote to the cousin twice, but there was no response to the letters they sent.They also wrote to the Argentinian family where the woman worked, and it is believed that they never reached their house at all, and they moved.Anyway, they never heard back from any mother.Fearing what might happen to their mother, they wrote to the Italian embassy in Buenos Aires to get news of her.Three months later, they learned from the letter from the consulate that after the consulate published in the newspaper, no one came forward to say that they were the person they were looking for, and no one provided any information about the woman. Now the matter has reached this point I believe there is no need to explain, that is, in order to preserve the family's good reputation, this woman did not tell her master her real name.

After several months of anxiety, there was still no news, and the father and sons were already in a hurry.The youngest son, Marco, in particular, felt melancholy and unbearable. What else could the family do?Who else could they turn to now?My father's first thought was to go abroad to find a wife in America.But what about his work?Who will look after his two children?His older son also couldn't go because he had just started working and he had to stay at home.In this way, the family of three lived in anxious waiting all day long, talking about the same topic every day, giving the same sad answer, and staring at each other in silence until one night, Mark told his father and brother his decision:
"I'm going to America to find my mother."

His father shook his head sadly, but did not answer.He believes that this kind of idea is very good, but it is not feasible. It will take at least a month to go from Italy to America. How many difficulties and obstacles must be experienced along the way. He is only 13 years old, and it is so difficult to face alone.But the young man insisted on his idea very patiently, and told his father and elder brother about this request almost every day, and analyzed his plan more and more calmly, hoping that his father would agree with his idea.

"Others have been to America," Marco said, "and so have children younger than me. As soon as I get on the boat, I will get there like everyone else, and if I get to America, I will go to America." Look for your cousin's shop, there are a lot of Italians there, they will tell me how to find it, as soon as I find your cousin, I will find my mother. If I can't even find him, then I will Go straight to the embassy and find that Argentinian family, no matter what happens, there is always a job there, and I can get a job at the same time and make enough money to at least get me back home."

In this way, he patiently persuaded his father bit by bit, and finally convinced him.His father has always respected his son, knowing that he is a child with good judgment and courage, and he is also used to how to live in adversity and how to make sacrifices. These good qualities of him are all for finding The goal of mother has become extraordinarily powerful, and he loves his mother so much in his heart.Coincidentally, the captain of a steamboat also heard about the boy's plan. The captain was a friend of his father's. Finally, with his help, Marco got a free third-class ticket.After a little hesitation, the boy's father agreed to the plan.This time the voyage was settled in this way.The juvenile's father and brother stuffed him with clothes, put a few silver coins in his pocket, and wrote his father's cousin's address on a piece of paper and put it in his pocket.On a bright April night, his father and brother put him on the steamer away.

"Marco, my boy," his father called his name as he kissed him for the last time, and with tears in his eyes, he stood on the ladder of the steamboat that was about to set sail. "Don't be afraid, what you are doing is a noble thing, and God will help you in your time of distress."

Poor Marco, his mind has become extremely strong, and he is always ready to face all kinds of tests that may be encountered during the voyage.But when the beautiful Genoa that he had seen before disappeared under the horizon, he found himself on a steamboat speeding across the boundless ocean, that huge steamboat already packed with peasants ready to emigrate, and he was alone. , When I didn't know anyone, a strong sense of loss surged from the bottom of my heart, it was so sore and sad.He held the little bundle tightly in his hands, it was his lifeblood.

For the first two days, Marco cried secretly in the cabin like a sick dog, hardly eating anything.There are always sad scenes in his mind, and nothing is more painful and frightening than the thought that his mother may be dead. Heart, lingering.And in his intermittent and sad dreams, a strange face often appeared, that face often looked at the boy with concern, and said to him in his ear: "Your mother Already dead!" Hearing this sentence, Marco would wake up with a startled cry.

When the ship passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and Marco saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, he gradually regained a little energy and hoped to find his mother.However, this rekindled hope did not last long for him. Looking at the vast and calm sea in front of him day after day, feeling the increasingly hot temperature and growing loneliness, his heart was full of loss and hope. frustrated.The monotonous and boring days went on day by day, blurring his consciousness more and more, sapping his will, and he felt as if he had been floating on the sea for a year.Every morning when he wakes up, he will be surprised to find that he is still floating alone on this piece of misty waters, drifting little by little to the distant America.

On the boat, from time to time, there will be beautiful tropical flying fish falling on the deck, and you can also see the colorful sunset in the tropics - a big, big cloud, as beautiful as light and flames, as bright as blood, And every evening, the sparkling light cast by the setting sun seemed to ignite a fire in the entire ocean, and the sea water turned into scorching magma... All this made Marco feel so unreal, like living in an illusory dream middle.At sea, he also experienced bad weather, and in those days he could only stay quietly in the cabin.There, everything was tumbling and crashing into each other, and when the music of mourning and curses played in horrific turns, Marco seemed to feel his own doom was coming.There are also times when the sea will be calm with a yellowish color, surrounded by a boring and sultry heat, that is the most tragic moment that makes people see no end, and every time at this time, the exhausted passengers will remain motionless Lie on the bed, as if dead.When will this voyage end? Aside from the sea, there is the sky, and the sky is still the ocean. There is no difference between today and yesterday, and tomorrow will be the same as today.

The days seemed to repeat like this forever.Little Make always stood on the side of the boat for hours, looking at the boundless sea with doubts in his eyes, and thinking of his mother in a haze, until his eyes were too sleepy to open, and his head was full of sleepiness drooping.Every time at this time, he would see that strange face again, still with that concerned expression, saying in his ear: "Your mother is dead!" Every time he heard this voice, he would think Woke up from the dream, and then opened his eyes wide, staring at the unchanging sea level in the distance to continue his dream.

The voyage lasted a total of 27 days, and the weather in the last few days was fine, with a cool breeze blowing from time to time.On the boat, Marco met an old man who was very friendly to him. He was a Lombard who went to America to find his son. He was a farmer near the town of Rosario.Marco told the old man all about his situation, and the old man patted the back of his neck from time to time and repeated a sentence to him:

"Be brave, young man, you will find your mother, and she will be healthy and happy."

This friendship made the boy feel a lot better. His previous dark and sad premonitions have now become cheerful and happy. He watched the old man sitting on the bow smoking a pipe, and the farmer friends around him sang When he started singing, he looked at the magnificent starry sky and imagined the scene of his arrival in Buenos Aires countless times. He seemed to be able to see himself coming to a street. shop, and seemed to see himself running towards him, and asked him:
"How is my mother? Come on, let's go see her now, now."

They hurried away together, climbed a flight of stairs, and a door opened, and every so often his solitary soliloquy came to an end.His imagination was once again immersed in indescribable tenderness. At this time, he would pull out a small statue of the Virgin Mary around his neck, kiss it lightly, and muttered silently.

Just seven days after they left their homeland No.20, they arrived at their destination.It was a beautiful May morning, and when the steamboat dropped anchor on the banks of the broad Ba Plata, the banks were already ablaze with color.Ah, finally in Buenos Aires.

(End of this chapter)

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