love education

Chapter 46 January

Chapter 46 June (2)
What she said just reminded me, and made me think of those children who were working in the fields under the scorching sun, and those children who stepped on the white sandy beach by the river. Burn them; or the children who work in the glass factories, who stand still all day and hold their heads above the flames of kerosene lamps, every one of them is better than us Early, but never a holiday.So be brave!And even so, Dross's grades are at the top of the list, because he is never affected by high temperature or sleepiness, he is always very energetic, always in good spirits.His curly hair is still golden, he still studies as easily as in winter, and makes everyone around him wake up and alert like him, it seems that after he said a word, the surrounding air became fresh.

There were two other people who were as clear-headed as Dross, and they were also very attentive in class.One is Staddy, he keeps poking his face hard to keep himself from falling asleep, and the sleepier and hotter he gets, the more he clenches his teeth, and he keeps his eyes open so wide , It seems to want to swallow the teacher in one gulp.Garofi, the little trader, was completely immersed in the fans he had folded out of red paper and decorated with tiny matches, and he sold them for two cents each.

The bravest of these was Cletti, poor Cletti, who got up at five o'clock every morning, and then helped his father carry the wood, and at eleven o'clock at noon, he could no longer open his eyes at school. The eyes are opened, and the head is often hung on the chest.However, he can always wake himself up, he will shake his body, pinch the flesh on the back of his neck, or simply ask the teacher for a vacation to go outside to wash his face, and he will ask his deskmate to wake him up , Pinch his flesh.However, this morning he couldn't stand it anymore, his mind seemed to be filled with lead, and he fell into a deep sleep. The class teacher called his name loudly:

"Clayty!" He didn't hear the teacher's voice.The teacher got annoyed and called out again:

Cletti's neighbor, the charcoal worker's son, said to the class teacher:
"He was moving firewood from five o'clock to seven o'clock this morning." The teacher had to let him go to sleep, and then gave another half an hour of class.Half an hour later he went to Cletti's seat, put his mouth close to Cletti's face, and woke him very gently.As for Cleti, when he saw the head teacher standing in front of him, he backed away in fright, but the head teacher cupped his face with both hands, and said to him, kissing his hair at the same time:

"I won't scold you, my boy, you sleep in class not because you're lazy, but because you're too tired."

your father
Saturday 17th

I am sure neither Cletti nor Galen will treat their father as you have treated your father this afternoon, O Enrico!How can this be?You must solemnly promise me that this kind of thing will never happen again, never in my lifetime.Every time you retaliate against your father's scolding and say something rude, please think about the day when your father called you to his bedside and said to you: "Enrico , I am leaving you." Oh, my child!When you heard his voice for the last time, when you cried alone in his empty room for a long time to come, when you sat in front of the books he'd never open again, thinking When you need him so much at this moment, you will definitely ask yourself: "How can this be?" At this time, you can understand that he has always been your best friend, and when he has to punish you At that time, he suffered far more pain than you, and it was for your own good that he made you cry.

At this time, you must be regretful, and you will definitely want to kiss the desk where he has worked countless days and nights. It is for his children that he exhausted himself on that desk. .You still can't understand that, apart from showing charity and love in front of you, he hides all the pain and troubles in his heart.And you will never know, sometimes he walks on the verge of collapse because of hard work, thinking that he has not much time left to live, and whenever this time, he only thinks of you, he keeps talking You are the only one talking about it!Apart from being unable to forgive himself for leaving you alone and unattended, he doesn't have any other worries!How many times, after he has thought about these issues, he will quietly come to your bedroom when you are asleep, holding a lamp in his hand, standing there watching you quietly, although he is already Extremely tired and sad, but he would pick himself up and go back to work.

You don't know how many times he wants to find you and keep you by his side, just like all men in this world, he has all kinds of bitterness in his heart, and he regards you as his friend, So that he could feel a little comfort in his heart and forget the pain of the past.He wants to find refuge in your love for him, so that he can have the courage to find his inner peace and his own courage.Think about it carefully, if he does not find your love for him in you, but your indifference and disrespect for him, what kind of pain will he feel in his heart?Never allow your heart to be stained with such ungrateful emotions again!You have to reflect in your heart like this, are you a saint yourself?Your return to your father will never catch up with his dedication to you, but he is constantly working hard for you.Think about it again, you should never expect too much to be strong in life, because maybe one day, a natural disaster or a man-made disaster will come to your father and take him away forever. Still a little boy, it might happen in two years, it might be three months, it might be tomorrow.

O my poor Enrico, when you see everything changed around you, and your mother in sackcloth, how deserted and miserable your home will be, go, My dear boy, go to your father, who is working in his room.You go in on tiptoe carefully so he won't hear you, put your forehead on his knee and ask his forgiveness and let him bless you.

your mother
in countryside

Monday 19th
My loving father thus forgave me, and even if this happened, he still agreed to take me for a walk in the country.The outing was scheduled for Wednesday, and Cleti's father, the lumber merchant, was going to the country with us. We all needed some fresh mountain air, and this day was more joyful than a holiday.We met in Statuto yesterday afternoon. The people who came were Deros, Galen, Garofi, Prikos, and Cletti. They were both father and son.We brought food, fruit, sausage, and hard-boiled eggs. We also brought leather waterskins and iron mugs. Galen brought a gourd full of white wine, and Cletti's father's military The lunch box was full of red wine, and little Prix was wearing a loose blacksmith's coat, with two kilograms of bread under his arm.

We got into a car bound for Grandio, and by the time we got out everyone was happily walking up the hills.The colors are so bright green in the mountains and the cool breeze in the shade is so wonderful!We rolled merrily about in the grass, and put our faces in the clear water of the brook, and we jumped hedge after hedge, with old Clayty far behind us.

He slung his jacket over his shoulders and, smoking his clay pipe, warned us now and then with his hands to be careful not to tear our trousers.Pricos whistled, and I never heard him whistle before, and little Cleti whistled as he walked, and the little fellow could use his V-knife for Anything, that knife was as long as a finger, and he could use it for wheels and forks and spouts.He always insisted on carrying things for the other boys, and he wouldn't put them down until he was sweating profusely.But even when he was half dead from exhaustion, he was as nimble as a goat.Deros would stop and tell us the names of various plants or insects, I really don't understand how he knows so many things.Galen nibbled quietly at his bread, and now he did not eat as much as he used to.

Oh, poor Galen, now that he has lost his mother, he is still as good to us as ever, and whenever one of us wants to take a few steps back to build up the momentum to jump over a puddle, he Always ran to the other side of the puddle first, and stretched out his hands to catch us.Prikos was terrified of cows, for he had been knocked over by one when he was a child, and careful Galen stood in front of him every time we passed by a cow.We climbed Santa Margarita Peak and then descended in various positions, running and jumping, rolling and sliding again.Prikos fell into a thorny bush and accidentally tore his trousers. The rag was still hanging dangling from his body. He stood there very ashamed, but, Garofi There was always a needle and thread in his pocket, and he used his needle and thread to sew up the hole so that no one could see it.And Prikos kept apologizing:
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away like a child.Garrofi wasted no time on the road, picking up some herbs for the salad, a few snails, and stuffing every stone that shone even a little bit into his pocket, thinking that there might be something in it. Possession of gold or silver.Then, we continued to walk forward, jumping, climbing, and rolling all over the ground, so we went up and down, through the shade of the trees and under the scorching sun, we finally crossed the paths and countless After the intersection, unkempt and panting, we arrived at the top of a hill, where we sat down to lunch.

We could see the great plain, and the dark blue Alps with their snow-white peaks.At this moment, we were all so hungry that our stomachs were growling, and the bread stuffed into our mouths went into our stomachs like an instant solution.Old Clayty put our share of sausages on the leaves on the ground, and we began to talk about the teachers at school, and the boys who couldn't come to play with us, and the exams that were coming.Prikos seemed ashamed as he ate, and Galen forced the best piece of bread he had in his mouth.Kletti sat down next to his father, with his legs crossed, and they sat together like that, both smiling and rosy-cheeked and with white teeth, they looked more like A pair of brothers instead of father and son.His father gleefully drank what was left in the bottle and what was left in our glasses, and said:

"You are still at the age of learning. Drinking alcohol is not good for you. I, a lumber merchant, only drink this kind of thing."

Then he pulled his son's nose and said to us:

"Children, you must treat my son well. He is a flower held in the hands of a dignified man. Let me tell you so."

We all laughed, except Galen.While drinking, old Clayty continued:

"But, it's really a pity, alas, now you are all good friends, but in a few years, alas, who knows, Enrico and Deros may become lawyers or professors, or do something Other careers. And the remaining four of you may work in a store or become a businessman, who knows where you will all end up, and you will all have to say goodbye, farewell, students !"

"No!" Dross yelled.

"Even if one day I become the Tsar of Russia, Galen will always be my Galen to me, and Prix will always be Prix, and so will everyone else, wherever they go , I will go there too."

"God bless you!" cried old Clayty, raising his glass.

"That's the way to talk, God be my witness! Come on, touch our glasses, cheer for you brave children, cheer for your school! It's your school that gives you the opportunity to be A family, whether it's those kids who have families or those who don't!"

We all touched him with our hands or wine glasses, and then drank it down for the last time, "Let's also cheer for the Fourth Battalion of the No.40 Ninth Regiment!"

He stood up, shouted, and drank down his glass of wine, "If you can become a soldier one day, you must stand upright, just like us veterans! My Young children."

It was already very late, and we reluctantly walked down the mountain, running and jumping along the way, singing and laughing constantly, and walked a long way together arm in arm.When we walked to the Po River, it was already dusk, and on the banks of the Po River, thousands of fireflies were flying around.We parted at last in Piazza Statuto, saying that we would meet again the following Sunday so that we could go to the Victoria Emmanuel Theater to watch the night school presenting prizes to the students.Today is such a good day!If I had not met my poor schoolteacher on the stairs, I should have been very happy to be home.I saw her come down the stairs of our house, which was almost dark, and when she saw me, she took my hands and whispered something in my ear:
"Oh, goodbye, Enrico, remember me!"

I noticed she was crying, so I went home and told my mother what I had seen.

(End of this chapter)

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