love education

Chapter 50 Farewell

Chapter 50 Farewell
Monday 10th
At one o'clock in the afternoon, we gathered at the school for the last time to collect our final exam results and small certificates of success in our senior year.The streets were full of students' parents, some even squeezed into the school's huge foyer, and many people came to the classrooms, crowded in front of the teacher's podium.But in our class, the parents who came to ask questions crowded the aisle between the blackboard and the front row of desks.Galen's father came, and Deros's mother, and Prix the blacksmith, and old Clayty, and Mr Nelly, and the greengrocer, and the little mason's father, and Staddy's father, and many others There were people I hadn't seen before, and there was a lot of whispering and noise that seemed to be coming from the playground below.The head teacher walked into the classroom, holding the report card in his hand, and immediately began to read:
"Abatucci, pass, 55 points, Achini, pass, [-] points..." Then, the little mason was upgraded, and Cross was also upgraded. Then, the class teacher continued to read aloud:

"Ernest Deross, qualified, seventy points, he also won No.1."

All the parents present knew him, and they all said in unison:
"Brilliant, well done, Deros!"

Dros shook his head full of blond curls, and looked at his mother with a calm and handsome smile on his face, who was gesturing to him with her hands.Garofi, Galen, and the Calabrian boys were all promoted, but three or four boys were held back, and one of the boys was crying because his father was standing in the doorway with an angry face, Embarrassed.The head teacher comforted the father and said:
"Don't be like this, sir, please allow me to say a word. Sometimes you can't blame the child for failing the exam. Usually he has no reason to make things like this. I think this is the truth." Then he read again. :
"Nellie, pass, 62 points." Hearing this, Nellie's mother blew a kiss to her son from behind her fan.Stadi was also promoted and scored 67 points. However, when he heard his good score, he didn't even smile, and he didn't even put down his fist on his temple.The last one is Vatini, he is still the same, with new clothes all over his body, and he has also been upgraded.After reading the last name, the head teacher stood up and said to us:

"Children, today is the last time we will meet in this classroom. We have been together for a year, so now we are parting as good friends, right? I am very sorry to say goodbye to you." Don't want to, my dear children!"

He paused, and continued, "If I have been impatient with you in the past, or sometimes, inadvertently, have not been fair, or have been too harsh on you, I beg you to forgive me."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong!" shouted the parents and some of the students, "No, teacher, you never made a mistake!"

"Please forgive your teacher," the class teacher continued, "Think about me, okay, I won't be your class teacher next year, but I will see you again, and you will always stay In my heart, then, goodbye, and we shall see you again, boys!"

Saying so, he stepped off the podium and came among us.We all stood on the bench, stretched out our hands to the teacher, trying to grab his arm, some people grabbed the teacher's skirt, many people kissed the teacher, fifty people shouted to the teacher in unison:

"Goodbye, we will meet again, teacher! Thank you teacher, I hope you will always be healthy, and don't forget us!" When I walked out of the classroom, I was faintly depressed by the commotion, and I was like this Dazed and dizzy, he followed the crowd and walked out, and the boys from other classrooms also came out.There are so many boys and their parents mixed together, they are all saying goodbye to the male and female head teachers, and saying goodbye to each other.The female class teacher with the red feather on her head was surrounded by four or five children, and there were more than 20 other children around her. She was so tired that she couldn't breathe.The boys almost tore off the little nun's hat, and tied bouquets of flowers in the buttonholes and pockets of her black dress.Many people praised Robert, who lost his crutches for the first time that day.All around are crowds chatting and laughing loudly:
"Good-bye, good-bye! See you on October [-]!"

We all eagerly said goodbye to each other, ah, at that moment, all my loss did not know where to go.Vatini, who was always so jealous of Dros, was the first to put his arms around him this time.I said hello and kissed the little mason, and that's when he made the bunny face at me one last time.Oh, what a sweet boy he is!I also said good-bye to Prikos and Garofi, who let me draw a prize for the last time, and gave me a clay paperweight with a small corner broken.I then said goodbye to everyone else.At this moment, Nellie was so close to Galen that he couldn't bear to be separated from him. This picture was simply too touching.All surrounded Galen, and they said to him:
"Goodbye, Galen, see you next year!"

They all wanted to touch him and shake his hand, and they all liked this brave and virtuous boy so much and thought so highly of him.When Galen's father saw this scene, he was so happy for his son, and immediately he walked away with a knowing smile.Galen was the last classmate I hugged, I hugged him tightly trying not to cry, he kissed my forehead too, and I ran over to my parents.My father asked me:

"Have you said goodbye to all your classmates?" I replied that I said goodbye. "If you have wronged someone in the past, then go and ask him for forgiveness! Ask him to forget your past unpleasantness. people?"

"No." I replied.

"Then, goodbye!" My father looked at my teaching building for the last time and said emotionally.

At this time, I couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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