love education

Chapter 9 January

Chapter 9 November (3)
Oh, it’s not like that, Cletti, it’s not like that, you are the happiest person, because you have to study and work, because you are a useful person to your father and mother, you are more useful than others. I am much better, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times better, and you have more courage than me, my dear friend.

Friday the 18th

Clayty is very happy this morning because his third grade teacher is here to help supervise the monthly exams. His name is Cotty. He is a heavyset gentleman with a big head, big dark eyes and curly hair. Yes, with a big black beard and a voice like a cannonball.He always threatened the students in his class that he would tear them up and take them to the police by the neck.He also always made all kinds of scary expressions, but never punished anyone, and always smiled secretly behind his big beard.

There are eight male teachers in the school. Besides Kauti, there is also a small, beardless teaching assistant who looks like a child.There is also a male teacher in the fifth grade, who is somewhat disabled and always wrapped in a big woolen scarf, because he used to be a teacher in the country. The school was very humid, and even the walls were full of moisture. Since then, he has fallen behind. root cause.

In addition to Mr. Pubney in my class, there is another male fourth grade teacher who is old and his hair is almost all white. He used to teach a class for the blind.

There is also a well-dressed male teacher with a pair of glasses and a golden beard. Everyone calls him a "little lawyer" because he teaches while studying law and has obtained a degree.Meanwhile, he was working on a book teaching others how to write letters.

There is also a male teacher who teaches us physical education. He is a very heroic man. It is said that he once served as a soldier under General Garibaldi. He has a scar on his neck from being stabbed with a saber in the Battle of Milacuo. .

The last was the headmaster, a tall, balding man with gold-rimmed glasses and a gray beard that hung down to his chest, and dressed all in black, often buttoned tightly under his chin.He is very kind to us.Whenever students who made mistakes were called to his office, they were always trembling with fear, thinking that they would be scolded, but he never blamed them. Instead, he would hold their hands and tell them various reasons why they should not do so. They want to regret their actions, and they want to promise to change their ways in the future.The way he spoke was so kind and the voice was so soft that the students walked out of the office with red eyes and crying more than they were punished.

Poor principal!He is always the first person to appear at work every day. He waits for other teachers to arrive one after another, and listens carefully to the opinions of parents; when other teachers are already on their way home, he is still at school. Look around to see if there are naughty children who have fallen under the wheels of the wagon, or are standing on their heads in the street, pushing their little heads on the ground, or filling their knapsacks with sand and stones.Whenever he suddenly appeared in the corner with his tall stature and dark skin, a large group of students would run around, and before they could even get the copper coins and marbles, the principal would stretch out his index finger and stand there from a distance to scare them , but filled with a breath of sadness and love.well!No one had ever seen him smile before.

My mother said that the headmaster’s son had served in the army, but unfortunately died. He still has a photo of his son, which is placed on the small table in the headmaster’s office so that he can see it from time to time.After this incident, the principal originally wanted to leave here. He prepared a retirement application and wanted to hand it to the city government, but he never sent it out. Instead, he dragged it day by day, because the students who left the school would Make him extremely sad.

He seemed hesitant one day when my father was with him in the principal's office.His father advised him, "It would be a pity if you left this school, Mr. Principal." At this moment, a man entered the principal's office, intending to enroll a boy who had just I changed my address and wanted to transfer from another school to our school.The headmaster stared at him, his eyes full of shock. He looked at the boy, then at the picture on his small table, and then stared at him carefully.The principal also specially pulled the boy to his side, let him stand between his legs, and looked up at him. The boy's appearance reminded the principal of his own son."Okay!" said the headmaster, and he wrote down the boy's name.After seeing off the boy and his father, the headmaster fell into deep thought. "It's a pity that you just left like this." My father comforted him again.After a moment of silence, the principal picked up the retirement application form on the desk, tore it in half, and said to my father, "I want to stay.


Tuesday the 22st

The headmaster's beloved son was volunteering in the army when he died, which is why he always stares blankly at the soldiers passing by in the street.When we were leaving school, we happened to see an infantry regiment passing by the school gate. More than 50 of us boys burst into joy, singing and dancing around the infantry regiment, and beating the beat on the backpack and pencil case with a ruler.We gathered in the street and watched the army march with great interest.Galen stealing in his tight clothes; the well-dressed boy—always in the Florentine cashmere vattini; Prix, the blacksmith's son, in his father's jacket the Calabrian boy and the "Little Mason"; and the red-haired Cross and the grim Franty; and of course Robert, the son of the artillery captain, who rescued the little boy from under the wagon. The boy now has to rely on crutches to walk.

At this time, Franty, who was accustomed to mischief, saw a soldier limping towards them, and giggled in his face.Suddenly, he immediately felt a man's hand on his shoulder, and when he looked back, it was the principal. "You have to be careful," the headmaster said to him, "if you laugh at a soldier who is marching in formation and he can neither retaliate nor answer, it is as if you are insulting a It is a despicable act like a person who is tied up." Franty ran away in fright.The soldiers marched forward, all with sweat and dust on their faces, but their guns glistened in the sun.

The principal sighed and said to us earnestly:

"You should feel kind to the soldiers, boys, because they are our protectors, and if tomorrow another country threatens our security, they may die for us. They were once only a few years older than you Boys, they go to school too, and among them there are noble and graceful people, just like you. They come here from all over Italy, see, boys, and see if you can recognize them Come on, people from Sicily are passing by, followed by Sardinians, Neapolitans, and Lombards. This is an old infantry unit that participated in the War of 20. Although the soldiers have Not the same soldiers, but the flag is still the same. How many people died for the motherland [-] years before you were born, and they died under the flag of the motherland!"

"Right here," Galen called.In fact, not far away, the flag was looming, sailing in the wind over the heads of those soldiers.

"I want you to do one thing, children," said the principal. "When the tricolor passes, salute the tricolor by raising your hands to your brows." An officer walked past us carrying the flag, which was badly battered and faded. Yes, the medal is tightly attached to the flagpole.We all raised our hands to our foreheads, and the officer smiled at us and gave us a military salute in return.

"Good job, boys!" A voice came from behind us, and the students all turned their heads to look. It was an old man with a blue ribbon from the Battle of Crimea in his buttonhole. Pension officer, "Well done!" he said, "You have done a noble thing."

At the same time, the infantry regiment turned a corner at the end of Corso Street. They were tightly surrounded by a group of boys, and they composed a beautiful military song with cheers one after another and loud bugles. "Well done!" the old officer continued, staring at us. "If a man can respect the flag of his country when he is a child, he will certainly be able to fight to defend its honor when he grows up."

Nelly's Patronus
Wednesday 23nd

Nellie, the poor little hunchback, seemed to be thinking about something when he joined us yesterday to watch the soldiers go by: "I'll never be a soldier!" Nellie was a good boy and loved but he was so small and pale that he could hardly breathe, and he always wore an apron made of a shiny black cloth.His mother, a short, blond woman who always wore black, would come to pick Nellie up after school.She would always pet little Nellie gently.At the beginning, many boys laughed at little Nellie as a hunchback, and hit Nellie on the back with their backpacks, but Nellie never resisted, and he didn't tell his mother about it. I was worried, and I didn't want my mother to know that her son was the object of teasing and ridicule among his classmates.When his classmates laughed at him, he always leaned his little head on the long table and wept quietly.

But one day Galen jumped up suddenly and announced to everyone:
"If someone dares to touch Nelly again, I will slap him hard and make him roll three times on the ground."

Franti ignored it and continued to go her own way.Soon, he was slapped and rolled firmly on the ground three times.Since then, no one has dared to touch Nelly again.The homeroom teacher arranged Galen next to Nellie, and they have now become good friends.Nellie is grateful and adores Galen from the bottom of his heart. Every time he enters the classroom, he makes a special effort to see if Galen is here. When he leaves, he never forgets to say, "Goodbye, Galen." Galen did the same.

If Nellie drops a pen or a book under the table, Galen will immediately bend down to pick it up, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for Nellie. The careful Galen will not only return Nellie’s book or pen to him , and helped him pack all his things, put them in his schoolbag, and straighten his crumpled clothes.Nellie is deeply in love with his good friend Galen, always staring at him with nothing to do.Nellie was also delighted whenever the homeroom teacher praised Galen, as if he had been praised himself.I think Nellie must have told his mother everything that happened--the taunts he'd been given, the torture he'd had from the bad boys, the man who had stood up to protect him, and how he'd been bit by bit I fell in love with this person who helped him - because a very touching thing happened at noon today.

Half an hour before school ended at noon, the class teacher asked me to send some things about the teaching plan to the principal.As I entered the principal's office, a small, blond woman in black, who was Nellie's mother, also entered the door, and she said to the principal:
"Dear Principal, I would like to ask if there is a child named Galen in the same class as our little Nellie?"

"Yes," replied the principal.

"Can you do a good deed and let him come here for a while? I have something to say to him."

The principal called the teacher on duty and sent him to class to call Galen over. A minute later, Galen appeared at the door.With his hair cut very short, he looked very energetic. When the woman saw Galen, she literally flew over, hugged him, and kept kissing his little head. muttering:

"You are Galen, my son's good friend Galen, you are my poor child's protector, it is you, my dear, brave boy, it is you!" After that, she began Searching frantically in her pockets, and her purse, but finding nothing, at last she tore a chain about her neck with a little cross on it, and put it on the Garen on his neck, under his tie, and said:
"Keep it, dear boy, and think of me in it, and of little Nellie's mother. My dear boy, I will always be grateful and blessed to you."

Class No.1

Friday the 25th

Galen has now won everyone's love.And Dross is the envy of the whole class. The excellent guy who always won No.1 in the past won No.1 this year. No one can compare to him. Everyone knows his subjects No matter how good his grades are, whether it is arithmetic, grammar, composition, or art, he is No.1. His comprehension ability is very strong, and his memory is also very good. He can win everything effortlessly. like a game.The teacher also said to him yesterday:

"God has given you such a precious gift, all you can do is not waste your talent."

In addition to his grades, he is tall and handsome, with golden curly hair like a crown on his head; he is also very flexible, and can jump over a long table with one hand; and he has also learned fencing .Only 12 years old, he was the son of a wealthy businessman, often dressed in blue clothes with gold-plated buttons.He always looks so outgoing, lively and cheerful. He is very close to everyone and helps everyone with their homework when exams are due. No one dares to do anything disrespectful to him, even if it is to say a rude word.

Nobis and Franti often squinted at him, and Wattini had a jealous gleam in his eyes, but Dross never seemed to notice this, as he moved gracefully back and forth to collect his homework. At that time, all the people smiled at him and hugged his hand or arm.

He wished he could bring everything from home to school, give them illustrated books, beautiful little pictures, and he drew a little map of Calabria for the boy who came from there Son.He always had a smile on his face when he gave something away and never lost sight of what he had to give, just like a great gentleman.He never favors anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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