Aspiring Food Supplier

Chapter 120 119. Selling Vegetables

Chapter 120 119. Selling Vegetables ([-])

After receiving the money from the program group, Huang Lei and He Jiong were also satisfied.

No matter how well the radish sells for a while, the money received is always in his own hands. You know, it is really not easy to get the money from the program team.

It's really not easy.

If it weren't for now, the program team would not be able to let go of their appetite, otherwise, there is really no other way.

Of course, this is just a highlight of the show.

After a while, the three groups first transported the radishes to the village together, and then drove to the town.


in the car
Ling Rui was driving the car, while Peng Peng and Zifeng sat in the back.

"Brother Rui, for a while... If our radishes can't be sold, can I buy them myself?" Peng Peng asked cautiously. He had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

"Cough, you can count me in." Zifeng coughed lightly.

Ling Rui: ...

"Of course not. If it doesn't sell, and we bring it back and the show is finished recording, then it doesn't matter." Ling Rui smiled, "But if you want to win, you still have to work hard. I don’t want to eat instant noodles at noon, even if we ate luxuriously last time.”

"Okay." Peng Peng nodded, "But what if the food prepared by the program team is not as delicious as the instant noodles we had last time?"

Zifeng also thought seriously, yes, what if this happens?

Ling Rui also frowned, "This is indeed a problem, but the program team said that since it's a luxurious meal, it won't be too bad, not to mention that they invited five very selected people at once this time. Guest, the price is not cheap."

"It's more's a trap!" Peng Peng opened his eyes wide, "You think, the program team spent a lot of money to hire them, and the program budget is always limited, do you still have the money to prepare a luxurious meal? With the personality of the show crew, I don't think it will."

Ling Rui thought about it seriously, and then looked at Zheng Zhou, the co-pilot, "Brother Zheng, do you know what?"

Zhengzhou was terrified, a few brats, they were really talking nonsense!
Then he shook his head desperately.


"We're in a group of four, it's really old people's help." Huang Lei drove, looked forward, and laughed.

"Really." Sun Honglei nodded, "I didn't feel old before, but the more I get along with the younger generation, the more clearly I know that I am old."

"Look, one Xiaorui, one Pengpeng, one Zifeng, one Yixing..." Huang Yan counted with his fingers, "Not counting Xiaozhu and Mr. He, look at us, which one is already Gradually look old?"

"Hey, don't wait a while for our old bones to be surpassed by those young ones." Wang Xun narrowed his eyes, "I figured it out, the meaning of the program group's doing so."

"The four of us, combined, should be the first or second in popularity among the three groups."

"You want to say that we are not the last one."

"With the addition of Teacher Yixing Xiaozhuhe, the popularity of this group will not be counted down."

"In other words, only Xiao Rui's group is slightly less popular because they are still too young."

"Then don't they have natural defects? The program crew deliberately cheated them?"

"Trick them?" Huang Lei squinted his eyes, "You guys think too much, with Xiao Rui here, how could the program crew cheat them."

"That is how the matter?"

"I don't know, just look at it."


"Teacher He, our opponent is very strong." Xiaozhu looked at He Jiong in the driver's seat and said, "Teacher Huang's group, four old foxes."

"Peng Peng's group, Xiao Rui saw that it was not easy."

"Yeah." Zhang Yixing nodded, agreeing with Xiaozhu's words, "So, we'll sell it well, sell it earlier, and sell more."

"If you win, you can have a big meal."

He Jiong smiled, and then said, "Yesterday's grouping was an instruction given to me by the program group."

"we know."

"But the division of the program group must be intentional."

"I think, no matter who the program team cheats on, they will definitely not cheat Xiaorui." Xiaozhu rubbed his chin, "This morning, when you went to ask for money, you just called Xiao Rui, and the program team obediently paid the money. I’m afraid this has never happened in the history of yearning, right?”

"Indeed." He Jiong nodded, it was true that he hadn't.

"So, normally speaking, Xiaorui's group should have the greatest advantage."

"In terms of popularity, their group has no advantage at all..."

"So, the advantage must lie elsewhere."


Soon, the three groups all arrived at their destinations.

Morong Town, which is the town to which Wengcao Village belongs, Ling Rui and others got out of the car and saw a fairly familiar town. Looking around, they were the only group, "Mr. He and the others didn't come?"

"Hey, are we the only ones here? What about Teacher Huang and Teacher He?" Peng Peng was puzzled.

Ling Rui narrowed his eyes, "Teacher He and my master's car, did you see it later?"

Peng Peng and Zifeng shook their heads.

"The program team is playing tricks." Ling Rui said indifferently, "Let's go, move the radish down and start working."


Guzhang County, a county-level city above Wengcao Village, welcomed two groups of stars in the vegetable market.

"Hey, you are here!" Huang Lei looked at He Jiong and the others with a smile, "Where are Xiao Rui and the others?"

"I didn't see it, isn't it in front of you?" He Jiong was puzzled, looking at the group of seniors.

"It seems that Xiaorui and the others are not in the same place as us." Huang Lei touched his chin, "The program team is going to punish people!"

"No matter how much it is, let's work first!" Sun Honglei said, "Facing them, we are under a lot of pressure."

"it is good."


Ling Rui and Peng Peng worked together to move the jar out of the trunk, put it on the trolley, and pushed it to the market.

Because there are a few photographers behind, Peng Peng and the others are also watched by the people here. Most people in the town know that they yearn to record programs here, so they are not too obsessed with Peng Peng and the others The star chasing behavior is just a few more glances.

"Brother, should we put it here?" Peng Peng stopped the cart and looked at the people around him who silently began to increase.

Ling Rui nodded, "Yes."

So Ling Rui released the cardboard box that he had prepared to write a long time ago: pickled radish, 10 yuan/jin.

"Brother Rui, is this price too expensive?" Zifeng was a little worried. In her opinion, pickled radishes are not worth much money.

Ling Rui shook his head, "It's not expensive."

In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ordinary pickled radishes in the vegetable market cost more than ten yuan per catty, not to mention, this is not ordinary.

This price was something Ling Rui had thought about.

Ordinary people will feel that it is expensive, but they will not feel that they cannot afford it.

And, it's worth the price.

"Go to the grocery store and buy a plate, then buy a pack of toothpicks, wash them and come here." Ling Rui ordered Peng Peng.

"it is good."

Big Killer for Selling Food: Free Tasting!

 Chapter 2.

  Good night.

  Sleep well!

  This is on time~
  I am going on a business trip on Saturday, so the update may be later.

(End of this chapter)

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