Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1006 Chapter 70 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1006 Chapter 70 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
It seems that some things need to find an opportunity to clarify.

Between her and him, what to do next.

Lian Jue has already made up her mind, but she doesn't know what the other party thinks, so before the final, she plans to have a good chat with him.

With less than a week left before the final, the two finally met again.

The message Qi Ran sent her came very suddenly.

Lian Jue glanced at the location on WeChat, it was the building of the rehearsal hall, not far away.

Lian Jue raised his eyebrows, did he think of going with her?
In preparation for the finals recently, Qi Ran probably won't make any further trips outside.

The next week is the finals, we can see each other, but it is estimated that there may not be a chance to speak alone.

Thinking of solving it as soon as possible, Lian Jue put down the work in hand and went to the place he said.

Pushing open the door of the lounge, there were only two people in the huge space.

Two lines of sight shot over at the same time.

The girl was wearing a black suit, with black hair loose on her shoulders.

Fair complexion calm.

Sitting is Qi Ran, and standing is the make-up artist.

The young man's eyes fell on the girl, and he didn't move for a moment.

The make-up artist called Ye Jianjian.

Qi Ran just looked at her, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he didn't speak.

The makeup artist looked back and forth between the two, smiled and quickly packed up the makeup tools and walked out.

After running so many times in a row, Lian Jue originally thought that he could at least see a trace of tiredness on the opponent's face.

but no.

There is no trace of exhaustion that can be captured, but the whole person looks calmer.

Maybe it has to do with how you dress.

It was different from the casual casual clothes that you usually see in peacetime, and it was also different from the radiant performance clothes on the stage. Today he wore a suit, pure black, and he wore a black silver watch on his wrist.

Maybe he just came down from some formal occasion.

If it was said to be radiant and scorching in the past, then the person in front of him now has a more restrained radiance and a more calm demeanor.

The girl walked over, pulled a chair across from him and sat down, and tilted her head: "Finally no work today and think of Mr. Jinzhu? A big star?"

Her tone was teasing.

However, these words did not stimulate the other party, he just looked at her quietly, those deep eyes were more focused than usual.

Then just when Lian Jue was about to speak, he suddenly leaned forward and pressed his hands on her neck, pressing his lips up.

Lian Jue: "???"


The milk dog turned into a wolf dog again? ?

It doesn't matter, she is the patron, she is generous and doesn't care about her little lover.

Lian Jue thought kindly.

Book it first, and come back with revenge later.

This was a kiss that lasted too long, and the way to verify it was that her lower lip began to hurt faintly.

And her neck hurt so much from the watch on his wrist, the girl finally couldn't hold back and pushed his face away, "Don't go too far!"

Junyan who was pushed away was pushed away, stared at her quietly for a few seconds, and finally smiled, "I just miss my sister."

When the handsome guy who always had a cold face started to smile, the lethality was comparable to the explosion of an atomic bomb.

Lian Jue: "..."

Even with a thick skin like her, she couldn't help a slight blush on her face.

It was a little difficult for her to look directly at the person in front of her.

It's not just that the other party suddenly starts talking about love.

(End of this chapter)

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