Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1013 Chapter 77 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1013 Chapter 77 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
System: "Host, I'm afraid you have to deal with something."


System: "Qi Ran's mother's condition has deteriorated and she needs an operation. His family has not contacted Qi Ran. Now the only person in the family who can take care of her is Qi Ran's younger brother Qi Yi who is still in school."

Lian Jue was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I see, please tell me the address of his home in Lancheng first."


It was only a few days before the finals, but at this time something like this suddenly happened.

The girl's delicate brows were slightly frowned.

It's normal that they couldn't get in touch with Qi Ran. Qi Ran's original mobile phone was always with the program group, but the one in his hand was bought for him by Lian Jue, and it only contained her phone number.

Now that it's the finals, Lian Jue doesn't want him to be distracted at the critical moment, so it seems that she can only make a trip in person.

His younger brother is still in high school, the pillar brother is not around, and his parents are both sick in bed, so the child is probably at a loss.

She asked the program team for a few days off.

Although it can be said that it is very difficult to ask for leave at the juncture of the finals, things over there are obviously much more important.

"When the finals are over, I'll have to knock on Qi Ran. Is my girlfriend really the best girlfriend in the world?" The girl said with emotion as she closed the car door.

The system had to remind her of one thing, "You seem to have promised him to go to the finals."

Lian Jue: "..."

It seems oh.

She had to stop and count the time.

If it is processed quickly, it will take at least two days including the time of traveling back and forth.

But the final is the day after tomorrow.

If you come back at high speed, at least you have to drive late.

The girl's expression became tangled, "Anyway, the finals will be broadcast live, or..."

System: "Are you sure? You made an appointment to be together after the finals. If you don't show up by then, he might think you've run away and break up with him."


Forget it, thinking of the cold expression on Zhang Jun's face that might appear on Qi Ran's face if he didn't find her, Lian Jue decided to risk his life to accompany the beauty.

"There should still be time for a celebration banquet. When he performs on the stage, he won't be able to notice me anyway, so he should be able to fool around by saying that I've been there all the time."

The tone of the system suddenly became affectionate: "If you need P-picture technology at that time, if you P into the final scene, welcome to come and find me."

The girl turned a deaf ear, "Don't worry, there are so many people, he won't find out that I'm not there."

The system thought about it for a while, so regrettably dropped the p-map function just updated by the headquarters.


"The rehearsal is over!"

As the loudspeakers of the director's group blared, a group of young boys in brightly dressed clothes suddenly switched from energetic idols to dead dogs in a second.

"I'm so tired..."

"Hurry up, go back to the dormitory! I'm going to die here suddenly if I don't sleep."

"Whoever is not me will sleep, my bed! Simmons! Here I come!"

Coming out of the bathroom, the young man who had already changed into a pair of crisp loose short-sleeved shorts pulled out the chair and sat down at the table.

He opened the drawer and took out the cell phone that was under the score.

After unlocking and swiping to the WeChat interface, Qi Ran stared at the familiar avatar for a while, and clicked in.

The last time a message was sent appears to be three days ago.

Recently, the days and nights of rehearsals have been turned upside down, and now I see the date, it turns out that three full days have passed.

There were many staff members at the base during this time, but in retrospect, it seems that I haven't seen her for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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