Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1015 Chapter 79 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1015 Chapter 79 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Qi Yi looked a little embarrassed, "Sister, I bought some fruits, you can eat them when you are bored."

The boy is tall and straight, no matter in appearance or figure, he looks about six or seven points similar to Qi Ran.

As if seeing Qi Ran when she was a child, the corner of the girl's lips twitched slightly, "Okay."

"It's still not advisable to ask for leave. I will hire a nurse in the future. Try not to do this next time."

Qi Yi nodded and hummed.

In fact, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the agent sister in front of him, he might have been at a loss for a long time. In the past, his parents were suddenly sick, and his brother was the one who dealt with it. He was young, and he always went to school with peace of mind under the arrangement of his brother. .

This time my brother just left for a few months...

It turned out that such an accident happened, and he didn't know how to deal with it at all. It turned out that there were so many things to do without his brother.

The boy's eyes gradually became firm.

He also needs to become a leader as soon as possible.

"Sister, there are a few places in Lancheng where the scenery is pretty good..."

"it is good."


Final day.

Since the early morning, the live broadcast equipment has been modulating and running.

In the dressing room, Qi Ran stared at the hurriedly dressed staff not far away, but he didn't see that one.

After watching for an unknown amount of time, he frowned slightly.

Not that I came back yesterday.

The young man slowly retracted his gaze.

Maybe... was delayed by something.

It should appear before the finals tonight.

To arrange the newly recruited nurses, Lian Jue told Qi Yi some necessary things.

"I still have work, so I can only take care of you here. Don't worry, your brother will be able to get the phone after today's game."

"Maybe we'll come over together then."

Qi Yi nodded, "Okay, sister, be careful on the road."

After completing all the necessary procedures at the hospital, the girl drove onto the highway.

"Didn't the weather forecast say it would be sunny?"

"Why did it start to rain?"

Girls are a little weird.

The system checked the higher-level system and it showed, "It shouldn't be raining heavily, and it will stop after a while."

Lian Jue complained, "It's dark and it's raining, it really doesn't affect the sight normally."

System: "Blame me, I can't manipulate the weather."

"Of course it's your fault, but if you have the ability, I'm flying with the sword now, so there's no need to drive here." The girl said confidently.


Yu Jianfei, why didn't you think that you would be drenched in water?

The two of them were fighting each other like this, and it wasn't boring in the rainy night, and the distance to the capital was getting closer and closer.

"Wait, system, am I dazzled? Why do I feel that there is a bright ball in front of me?" The girl suddenly rubbed her eyes.

The system fell silent: "...It seems that you are not dazzled."

"Fuck! What is that!"

As the distance approached, the ball of light became bigger and bigger, gradually tending to engulf everything.

To make matters worse, Lian Jue found that she could no longer control the steering wheel, and her car was rushing straight ahead, that is, the bright spot.

"Aliens? Flying saucers? What the hell kind of system, tell me something!"

The system also fell into anxiety, "I tried to manipulate it to no avail, it doesn't seem like things on this plane might be dark matter from a higher level of the universe..."

Lian Jue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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