Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1031 Chapter 95 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1031 Chapter 95 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"What do you want to do?"

He snorted, with hatred in his eyes, and more complicated emotions in his eyes, "Since you don't want to tell the truth, there's no need to go on. Don't you know why you're here?"

"Ye Rui," he spit out a sentence with a fierce expression, "I want you to be my slave, and you will never be able to escape from me in this life."

Lian Jue: "..."

She felt a little dizzy.

"Wait," she never dreamed that Qi Ran would have such anti-human and anti-social thoughts, "Qi Ran, we have no relationship for a long time, controlling personal freedom or something, you are breaking the law and committing a crime. "

It's okay if she didn't say that, after emphasizing that "the two have nothing to do with each other", that handsome face slowly raised one corner of his lips, and looked through with indifference, "Isn't it very simple to have a relationship or something to happen again."

Lian Jue: "..."

She had reason to suspect that they were not thinking of the same relationship.

"Have you forgotten how good I was to you before?"

Seeing the clear encroachment and plunder in the opponent's eyes, the girl subconsciously took a step back.

"Yes, sister, you were really good to me before, but why did you leave? Since you provoked me, why didn't you take responsibility?"

He followed closely and slowly took a step closer, the predatory look in his sight became more and more intense, and the girl followed closely and took a step back.

"I didn't, I wasn't..." The girl struggled needlessly, almost crying.

Qi Ran opened his hands slightly, his handsome figure looked a little gentle and scary under the sun, "Sister, now you just need to come here obediently, let's restore the previous relationship, okay?"

"Then will you forgive me?" The girl took another step back and couldn't help but ask.

Qi Ran's face curved up, "Are you being too naive? Of course, I have to pay back what my sister owes me in the past two years."

Lian Jue: "..."

She knew it would not be that easy!

"I didn't lie to you..." The girl retreated to the bottom of the wall, this time it was really impossible to retreat, with a mournful face, weak and pitiful: "I was really sucked away by the black hole..."

"Where's the evidence?"


He lowered his eyes and snorted softly, "Sister is really good at deceiving people."

"My sister's small mouth is the same as before, without a single word of truth."

He murmured softly, kissed her, and instantly blocked her lips.

She knew she couldn't escape today's fuck.

Resigned to fate being confused by the other party.

After kissing presumptuously for a while, the person under him was breathless, Qi Ran's eyes were full of emotion, and his lips leaned against the other's slightly hot ear, "Although my sister's small mouth loves to lie, it is still It hasn't changed, it's as sweet as before."

Lian Jue: "..."

She was extremely ashamed, and she was still trying to wake up Qi Ran's conscience, "You really don't believe me at all?"

"That's not important anymore." The other party gently brushed up the broken hair beside her ears.

His tone was gentle and slow: "It's more important to have a relationship with my sister again now. Didn't my sister say that we have nothing to do with each other?"

Lian Jue: "..."

His kisses fell down densely.

Along the neck, all the way down.

He unbuttoned his shirt one by one.

There was no way to escape anyway, so Lian Jue decided to lie flat and pretend to be dead.

She can only pray that Qi Ran will not be so energetic today, that he can hurry up...

The man froze his fingers.

When his eyes fell on a certain point, the bottom of his eyes glowed with boundless dark red at an unimaginable speed.

(End of this chapter)

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