Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1044 Chapter 108 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1044 Chapter 108 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
The girlfriend pursed her mouth and almost cried out, "He's so scary, so scary!"

Lian Jue: "??"

Gu Lanlan tightly grasped her friend's clothes, "He has been torturing me and beating me mentally, madman! Madman!"

Lian Jue: "..."

Is Qi Ran crazy?
The best friend in front of her now looks like a lunatic.

But she knew that everything has a cause and effect, so she asked patiently: "What happened to you? Tell me."

"What's wrong with him? Huh?"

A bad premonition had already permeated my heart.

Gu Lanlan sobbed and said, "It was when you didn't see me just now, we were all looking for you, but everyone has their own way, because I don't know him well and I haven't contacted him..."

"It was nothing at all. I knew that the announcements for his debut were very full during that time, but I didn't expect him to be looking for you all the time."

"One month after you disappeared, my dad told me clearly that I couldn't find it, because there were no clues. Not only the police but also the detectives my dad hired at a high price collapsed. Everyone was helpless, so I had no choice but to give up..."

"On the second day after I gave up looking, Qi Ran probably got the same notification as me, and then he came to me."

Lian Jue: "And then?"

She was a little puzzled.He couldn't find it, and neither could Gu Lanlan, and couldn't get any clues. How could Gu Lanlan be so afraid?
"Then this son of a bitch tied me up!" Gu Lanlan cried.

Lian Jue: "..."

"Put me in an unknown dark room for ten days! I don't know how he did it, my dad didn't even find me!"

"You don't even know how terrifying he looked at that time, threatening me, threatening me, interrogating me, and even saying that he would use a needle to pierce my beautiful face into a hornet's nest!"

Lian Jue: "..."

How could Qi Ran do this, is he crazy?

She crusaded with her best friend: "This is too much! How could he say such things to girls!"

"That's right!" Gu Lanlan snorted, "After thinking about it, I think he must have taken what I said on the day of the finals seriously, otherwise he wouldn't have come to force me to ask such stupid questions as to where you are."

"What did you tell him the day of the final?"

"I said you traveled abroad alone, and even laughed at him for not being as close to you as I am." Gu Lanlan was confident.

Lian Jue: "..."

He does not press you to ask whom.

Good guy, she really convinced her best friend's IQ.

A good beauty, but no brains.

"How did you get released later?"

"He didn't ask anything, so he knew I was lying, so he let me out."

Lian Jue: "..."

She nodded, and had to admit that her best friend was so unique.

Seeing that the time spent in the toilet was likely to arouse Qi Ran's suspicion, Lian Jue led people out.

Gu Lanlan seized the last chance and asked, "What's your situation now? Why do you have to ask his permission to go to the bathroom?"

Lian Jue was silent, "It's a long story."

She took out a letter from her pocket, "Give this to someone for me, and the address is in it. I should be able to come out alone next time we meet, and I'll talk about it in detail then."

"it is good."

Gu Lanlan carefully put the envelope at the bottom of the bag.

The two girls walked towards the dining table with normal expressions and sat down again.

(End of this chapter)

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