Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1048 Chapter 112 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1048 Chapter 112 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Thinking about it this way, this wish is very reasonable.


There are no people on the street in the evening.

The students around this point are still in class, and the Cherry Blossom Street is extremely quiet, with occasional gusts of wind, you can hear the rustling sound of petals falling in the air.

"After the photos are taken, let's go to the food stall and have another meal?"

"it is good."

Lian Jue happened to be wearing a long white dress today, and when the skirt fluttered open, petals fell onto it.

Pink and white.

The driver who followed squatted on the floor and said in a raised voice, "Mr. Qi, Miss, you can take off your mask."

"Take off the mask?" The girl turned sideways with a smile.


"I'll help you."

"I'll help you."

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Finally both of them laughed.

"Sir, miss, smile!"

In the camera, the corners of the girl's beautiful face curled up, revealing her white teeth.

The youth is the same, with clear and handsome eyes, a long body like jade, and a beautiful arc on the corners of his lips.

A gust of wind blows, and the petals of the cherry blossoms are scattered in the air.

The screen freezes.

Spring is just right all year round, and it is also when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

"The last time you couldn't eat spicy food, you actually ate so many skewers with me."

"I can eat a little."

"It's a lie, it's a puppy who secretly takes stomach medicine."

The proprietress saw two exceptionally beautiful people entering the store, and she quickly led them to the cleanest position with a smile on her face. She usually didn't pay much attention to entertainment news, and she didn't realize that the people in front of her were well-known celebrities. The coat on the other side seems to be quite expensive.

"Handsome girl, what do you want?"

Lian Jue glanced at the menu, ordered some skewers and side dishes, but told them not to put spicy food.

Qi Ran: "It doesn't have to be all like this."

He knew that she had a heavy mouth, and when he came for the first time, he still clamored for being hot and unhappy.

"You care about me? I just want to pamper you."

The girl flung the menu aside, "Handsome guy, are you self-conscious? It's my date now, and I'll make the decision."

Junyan smiled, "Okay, as long as you are happy."

"Eat this."

"and this."

After the side dishes were served, the girl kept holding the dishes for the other party. The water spinach was the largest one, the shredded beef was the longest, and the seaweed strips were the most even.

Qi Ran smiled and enjoyed the girl's full service, eating side dishes with his head down, very gentle and charming.

I can't see the airs of a big star at all.

He peeled a shrimp, and said slowly: "The proprietress here doesn't know me, so I can come here often in the future."

The girl paused, and stopped holding the chopsticks in her hand. After a while, she deliberately frowned, "Isn't that good? You have such a handsome face, it's hard to guarantee that she will recognize you that day."

"That's the truth," Qi Ran curled his lips slightly, "The greatest luck in my life is to have this face."

"Isn't it the throat?" The girl said casually.

His throat kissed by God should be the greatest luck in his life.




"It's already very light."

"Must I beg you?"

"Well, it's not impossible."


A moment of deep sleep.

There seemed to be a light voice in the ear.

"Wake up, Qi Ran?"

"Qi Ran?"

"Don't sleep."

"I am leaving."

"I'm leaving, you take good care of yourself."

He opened his eyes slightly, still a little unconscious, watching the white figure getting further and further away.

The sky is softly lit.

The room was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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