1051 Chapter 3
"Damn it, come to steal my watermelon again. Who! Who is it! Which family's little bastard is it? If you see you, don't run away!!!"

Even Jue was not an idiot, he left the watermelon in the melon seedlings in the backyard and ran towards the wall while dwarfing.

However, as she ran, she realized, hey, why is there another person in front?

Take a closer look—hey, isn't that Xiaopang?
I don't know when he actually ran to the front.

Or the kind that left her far behind.

Lian Jue: "..."

She had to admit that she was really a flexible little fat man.

Although he is not tall and his legs are not as long as hers... but who would have thought that his legs would be short and fast.

This posture of running legs like the wind feels like he can take off on the spot in the next second.

Lian Jue looked in amazement and quickened his pace.

When he turned over the wall, Lian Jue was shocked again. The other party was like a martial arts master. He supported the wall with his fleshy little hands, rolled his body, and controlled his strength to draw a beautiful arc in the air. landed steadily.

The flat ground generates wind, and the posture is perfect.

Lian Jue was dumbfounded.

At that moment, it seemed that he was the person who was extremely skilled at stealing chickens and dogs in the village, and she was the little fat man from the city who didn't work hard.

After reacting, she followed closely behind and jumped over the wall.

After turning over from the wall, the little fat man wilted in an instant, and the heroic demeanor he had just produced disappeared in an instant. It became a veritable illusion. His expression was nervous, his feet fell down, and his eyes were full of panic. : "Did they have a dog? Are we going to get caught?"

Lian Jue put his hands behind his head, and his whole body was full of familiarity and comfort of a habitual criminal, "Even if there is a dog, it can't get over this wall."

Listening to that soft and clear voice, the little fat man finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Is the watermelon delicious?" Lian Jue glanced at the little fat man, and raised the corners of his lips viciously.

Recalling the taste sweeter than honey, Xiaopang subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth: "It's delicious."

"I just said it's delicious." The girl looked proud.

Looking at the other party's vivid expression, Xiaopang blushed again, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not good to steal watermelon."

"I, we just agreed, should leave a dollar."

The little fat man said with an annoyed expression.

"The fastest runner is you, okay, keep the money~" Lian Jue just wanted to continue to tease a few words, when he suddenly noticed a touch of red on his short sleeves from the corner of his eye.

After realizing what it was, the girl was furious: "Little fat man, you ruined my clothes. I will fight with you!"

Xiaopang was grabbed by the collar in a daze, and his eyes fell on the ugly mark on the opponent's body, and then he belatedly recalled that when he ate the watermelon just now, it seemed that he had splashed the watermelon juice on the girl. .

"I'm sorry I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."

He anxiously explained, his plump face turned red and pale.

Under the girl's murderous gaze, he blushed: "Yi Yi! I will pay you for a piece of clothing."

"Next time, next month my mother said that she will come again, and I will bring you new clothes then."

"There are also lollipops, chocolates, and so many delicious things." He hurriedly added.

In the end, he grabbed his sleeves and said, "As long as you don't tell my mother and your parents..."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Lian Jue couldn't help but loosen his grip on the other party's collar. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Chocolate? Are there any imported ones?"

"Yes." Xiaopang said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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