1055 Chapter 7
But it's a pity that his chubby figure not only failed to show a sense of fashion, but instead wore trendy brands like an upstart temperament.

Xiaopang scratched his head, "My mother works in an electronics factory as a supervisor."

Lian Jue let out a long oh.

No wonder he is so rich.

Now the electronics factory is the most profitable.

"What about your father?" the girl asked casually.

Didn't see it both times.

"My father..." Xiaopang paused, and finally lowered his head, "My father and my mother are divorced."

Lian Jue was taken aback, he had never heard of this from Li Huawei.

Seeing that the other party was depressed and a little silent, Lian Jue patted the other party's shoulder friendly from behind, "It's okay, and it won't affect our children's double pocket money."

Xiaopang was stunned, "Yiyi, you, don't you laugh at me?"

Lian Jue was surprised, "Why did I laugh at you, divorce is so normal now."

More and more couples get divorced every year.

Xiaopang rubbed his eyes and smiled embarrassedly, "My classmates all laughed at me and said I was a little fat boy without a father."

Lian Jue was speechless, what age is this, and there are still such ignorant children, if this happened to her, she would definitely see and beat him once, she patted him comfortingly, "Don't pay attention to what they say , People who say such things are childish ghosts."

Fatty suddenly showed a grateful and touched smile, twitched his nose, and rubbed his eyes, "Yiyi, you are so kind, you are different from them."

Seeing that the other party is obviously sad but still smiling, Lian Jue feels a little distressed.

It can be seen that he should not have many playmates since he was a child, and her mother is busy with work and has no time to take care of him, so he has developed the character of being submissive and fearful.

Being bullied, ridiculed, humiliated by classmates...

It's probably commonplace at school.

He didn't tell anyone.

In other words, dare not tell a person.

Even the fuck probably doesn't know.

The girl boldly patted Xiaopang on the head, "Will you come to my house again in the future?"

Xiaopang nodded ignorantly, "My mother said to come every week."

The girl's voice was crisp and clear, "Very well, then you can hang out with me from now on! If no one plays with you at your school in the city, come to the countryside and I will take you to play!"

Xiaopang was stunned, and golden beans suddenly dropped from his eye sockets, "One by one..."

"Yi Yi! Yuan Yuan! It's time to eat!"

He Cui's angry voice sounded, and the girl wiped away the other party's tears. Her tone was rare and gentle, and she said in a crisp voice: "In the future, don't cry because of being bullied. Whoever bullies you, bullies you back."

Fatty: "OK."

The two children walked out of the room holding hands.

Under the cover of Lian Jue, the adults did not lose the golden beans, and the family finished their meal happily.

Xiaopang and Aunt Li He stayed that night.

The next day, Lian Jue took his little followers to the river to catch fish and crabs, and also dug up snails and mussels.

On Sunday, the two followed the harvesters to pick up beans in the field, and the two little bean diced came back sweating profusely and made two barrels of tea each.

In short, every day in the country is interesting and fulfilling.

Especially for Xiaopang, it was really fresh.

It's an experience I've never had before.

It is completely different from the daily cram school and interest classes in the city.

More importantly, every day one by one smiled sweetly at him.

By the river, she turned her head and smiled at him in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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