1061 Chapter 13
My sister-in-law bought a lot of delicious food for her and Xiaopang on the first day of her arrival, and also cooked many hearty dishes.

Lian Jue couldn't eat enough.

She also has a dedicated room.

The princess bed and dressing table have already made her very satisfied.

On the day of school on Monday, the neighbor pushed the door out early in the morning to throw out the trash, and bumped into a particularly agile figure.

"Let's go, little fat."

Then she saw Pidianpidian, the son of the family next door, following up.

The little girl seemed to notice this from the corner of her eye, and smiled at her, "Hello, Auntie."

The neighbor hurriedly said: "Hey, hello, you are the one who just came to study in the city, right?"

The little girl nodded and took her brother away.

The neighbor said with emotion, it looks really cute.

Although Lian Jue came from the countryside and never studied in the city, she became the goddess of the new school soon after with her incomparable beauty.

Oval face, round nose, small cherry mouth...

The most important thing is that smooth and flawless white skin, and slender legs that are longer than girls of the same age.

When she first entered school, she wanted to dress more formally, so she wore the white dress that Xiaopang gave her.

Unexpectedly, the breeze was blowing that day, and the hem of the skirt was flying...

Everyone in Beijing, who didn't know that there was a fairy-like new student, especially the boys, were all fascinated.

Just two days after the start of school, she became a man of the day in the whole school.

Even Jue was very sad.

Being too popular is also an annoyance.

Not long after, something else happened.

Everyone gradually discovered the relationship between Xiaopang and the goddess.

So some people approached Fatty.

"You are so ugly to have such a beautiful sister, hehe."

"Little fat man, I really envy you for having such a beautiful sister."

"Does your sister have a boyfriend? If not, what's her criteria for choosing a mate? Pass me a love letter, little fat."

More is mocking his figure.

"Little fat man, I never expected that you have such a thin sister. I remember that your mother is not fat. Your sister is so thin. Are you the only one who is fat?"

Xiaopang has always known that he is fat, but he has never been bullied by so many people.

Waves of despair surged in the injured little fat man's heart.


"One by one, do you want to eat chocolate?" Xiaopang took out a large piece of chocolate from his schoolbag with eyes full of anticipation.

"No." The little girl glanced at it, then turned her head.

"Why?" Xiaopang was stunned.

The girl fiddled with her bangs in the mirror, "What else could it be for? Of course I want to keep fit."

Fatty was stunned.

Xiaopang didn't understand why she didn't want to gain weight when she was already so skinny, so he said earnestly, "Yiyi, you should eat some, this is your favorite flavor before."

The little girl put a homemade aloe vera mask on her face, "If I don't eat it, I don't want to gain weight. If I gain weight, no one will like it."

Chubby was stunned.

Fat... no one likes it?

So Yiyi wouldn't like him either?

Xiaopang followed the video on the Internet to formulate a weight loss plan.

Soon Li He noticed that his son's appetite at the dinner table had decreased visibly with the naked eye.

She dubiously poured half a bowl of rice into his bowl, "Don't you have a bad appetite? No, don't you usually cook three bowls of rice in a row?"

Fatty who was hungry: "..."

He silently pushed away the bowl full of rice that was extremely attractive to him.

(End of this chapter)

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