1068 Chapter 20
The girl mumbled, "Everyone else has a boyfriend, but I don't have one. You're not a girl, so you're not in a hurry."

Why don't I fall in love at this age?
Which girl wants to be ugly all the time.

They must all want to be beautiful and fall in love with the handsome school bully.

"What did you say?" He raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Do you want to have a boyfriend?" Li Xiyuan read out this sentence very calmly.

"Li Geyi."

"Your parents sent you to school in the city just to let you fall in love?"

Lian Jue: "..."

One hit kill.

It was this sentence that instantly confused Lian Jue.

She felt a little uncomfortable.

This sentence really touched her heart a little bit.

Falling in love in high school... Could it be that she can't do it because of He Cui and Li Huawei?
Of course, her focus is on another one.

He reminded her that the university might not be able to study a junior college or something as she had originally imagined.

At first, she just wanted to reduce the financial burden on her family.

But now...if she doesn't get into a decent university, the family will definitely feel sad to some extent.

Lian Jue sighed inwardly.

Forget it, let's let go of fun and love first.

"But I still want to be a little whiter..."

The girl looked at the mirror melancholy for a while, pinched those freckles, "Even if I go to college to find a boyfriend in the future, I probably won't find one... Boys don't like this kind of freckles."

"When I grow up, I will have surgery to remove these spots with laser," she said to herself.

"Those are not good for your health." Li Xiyuan frowned, not really wanting her to do those messy projects: "Yiyi, you will always be the prettiest in my heart."

"What's the use of that. My boyfriend has to think so."

The girl lowered her head to squeeze out another pimple.

Didn't notice the silence of the boy sitting on the side.

Although he decided to study hard in the future and fall in love with fate, Lian Jue still secretly saved money to buy a set of whitening skin care products.

She recently worked odd jobs in a fruit shop.

Because she is under age, she cannot do many jobs. It is not easy for her to find a part-time job. It is not easy to find a job in a fruit shop.

She saved most of what she earned, and at the end of the year she took He Cui to the hospital to see her stomach problems.She will definitely not touch the money, so she worked for a while before finally saving enough money to buy whitening products.

Regardless of whether they are in love or not, Lian Jue can't stand being a little black charcoal anymore.

However, when Lian Jue was excitedly taking care of his skin every day...a bad news happened unexpectedly one day.

When she returned, her only skin care product, the whitening kit, was gone.

She looked around strangely, and finally found it, but it was found in the hands of my sister-in-law.

She was facing the vanity mirror, taking the jar of whitening cream and applying it on her face.

Lian Jue: "..."

She bit her lip, "Sister-in-law, your set of skin care products is..."

The little aunt smiled, "Hey, one by one, this is what Xiyuan brought for me. This kid said he picked it up on the road."

Lian Jue: "..."

Her teeth were almost ground.

The sister-in-law was still smiling and commenting, "Actually, this product is really good, and it feels quite useful. Although I don't know where he got it, it should definitely not be picked up on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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