1070 Chapter 22
This is considered to be a relationship.

Lian Jue was very happy, feeling like he had an extra long-term meal ticket.

Of course, it wasn't that the Bancao family next door was rich.

The main reason is that in the long life of doing tasks, there must always be some fun, how happy it is to fall in love.

Especially the feelings of this age group are the purest.

Of course, she did not fall behind in her grades.

After reflecting on his study attitude last time, after Lian Jue worked a little harder, his middle grades in school slowly rose to the top ten in his grade.

After He Cui and Li Huawei found out, they were also very happy.

If this trend continues, although Li Xiyuan is not as abnormal as the first in grade, it is still no problem to pass the 985 and 211 exams.

After everything was stabilized, Lian Jue started a sneaky and happy relationship mode.


"Sign your name here."

A gentle voice sounded.

The student who committed the crime took the register book with his head down and signed his name. After signing, he handed it to the person in front of him convinced.

"Excuse me, how many points should I deduct?"

"It's the first time you've been caught smoking in the toilet. According to the rules, you get two points, but I'll give you one point less because of your good attitude in admitting your mistake."

"Thank you." The student who was still sad immediately cast a grateful look at that clear and handsome face.

The armbands of the cufflinks swayed slightly with the opponent's movements, and the sound of paper tearing resounded in the air.

The slender white fingers suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and a piece of paper was handed over unhurriedly, "This is a disciplinary note, go to class."

"Okay, okay." The boy wearing glasses ran back gratefully holding the disciplinary note.

White fingers put away the punishment note, and Li Xiyuan walked to the playground.

The inside of the school has basically been inspected, and only one place, the playground, has not been inspected.

This is his routine work as the head of the student union.

Take a moment every Friday to deal with the headaches of offending students.

Those who fight, those who fall in love with each other early, those who smoke, those who peek at the women's restroom... There are all kinds of bad habits.

Friday is his day to deal with these people.

The young man's eyes were clear, and his steps were unhurried.

As soon as I turned the corner, I heard a clatter.

"I beat you to death, you bastard!"

"Let you do it? Do you still dare to steal my girlfriend? I warn you, Xiaocui is my girlfriend! Do you believe that bitch? What kind of true love! Love a fart? She is Laozi's woman, a woman who has been played Slut!"

A thin young man lying on the ground with bruises and bruises on his face had been beaten until he lost his speech.

A few people were still cursing, and there was a dull sound of physical impact in the air.

Unhurried footsteps sounded.

"doing what?"

A quiet voice sounded.

"Of course it's a fight! I still need to ask? Don't you have eyes?"

The three men who beat him were cursing.

Turning around, he was stunned at the same time.

The other party was tall and handsome, wearing a white shirt, exuding a very abstinent and cool aura...Of course, this is not the point.

The point is the red armband on the opponent's arm.

Several people's heartbeats accelerated rapidly.

It's broken, I met someone from the student union.

And it's not that they don't know this person.

Or it should be said that almost no one in the whole school did not know each other.

Li Xiyuan, the discipline minister of the student union, is the first in grade and has a great reputation.

Several people looked at each other, and they all knew each other well, given the level of beating they just had, if they were caught, they would definitely drop out of school!

(End of this chapter)

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