1072 Chapter 24
"What did you say?" The boy suddenly turned his head.

The girl looked surprised, "Your sister... didn't tell you about her relationship with you, did she?"


"Li Geyi, are you in a relationship?"

When I got home at night, Lian Jue just opened the refrigerator and took out a drink, took a sip of water, and sprayed it out.

Today, she had something to do with the club, so she came back late, so she didn't come back with Li Xiyuan.

Looking up at this moment, it is a young man wearing plaid pants and a sweater, looking very homely.

Holding a book, he slowly walked down the stairs.

Lian Jue's heart skipped a beat.

But soon realized something was wrong.

Why is the other party so calm?

Especially after that sentence fell, he poured two cups of tea, "Sit down one by one and chat."

Moderate tone.

Probably because of wearing glasses while holding this book, the youthful sharpness on his body is gone, but a more elegant temperament.

Lian Jue looked over suspiciously.

Thinking about it in a different way, I suddenly felt... that's right, it's not a big deal to fall in love now.

Maybe he still thinks it's normal.

Besides, her grades have improved recently, so she has nothing to be guilty of.

So the girl hummed, pulled a bench and sat down carelessly, "We're talking."

"What class does your boyfriend belong to?" Li Xiyuan pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose.

"The class next door."

"What is your name."

"Li Ruize."

While talking, Lian Jue felt like interrogating a prisoner.

So he rolled his eyes, "Don't worry about me, you're not really my brother."

The young man smiled slightly, "But you are my sister, so I naturally have to ask a few more questions."

Lian Jue: "..."

Why did she suddenly know that she was called sister?

It's unacceptable.

"You're not going to report on me secretly, are you?" She doubted.

She didn't forget his job as the Minister of Discipline. There were ten couples in the school, seven couples were dismantled by the dean, and three couples were dismantled by the person in front of him.

Specialized in exposing, reporting and reviewing smoking and drinking.

Li Xiyuan smiled, and then the top of the girl's head was rubbed.

"Of course not, you are my sister."

Lian Jue: "..."

The young man stretched his waist, "It's just—it's your first time dating, I'm afraid you'll be bullied."

Lian Jue believed what he said a little bit, although he still didn't think he would be so kind, "Don't you understand me? Which man would bully me."

"Being bullied by me is almost the same."

"Don't make progress too fast. After all, everyone is still a student. Sister, you should be careful."

Li Xiyuan's lips curved nicely, and his eyes sparkled.

She didn't intend to make any progress.

Lian Jue nodded, "Then you promise me that you will never report on me, or catch me in the playground."

"There is also Xiaoshulin. The school is so strict now. If my handsome boyfriend is found out, what should I do in the next day. High school life is already so boring."

"The grove, the playground?" That beautiful jaw line lowered, "Is there any other place?"

"There are also things like the school utility room. He took me there."

"I see, this matter should be kept secret from uncles and aunts, right?" The boy nodded.

"of course."

"Okay," Junyan yawned, and a thin layer of mist covered her hazy beautiful eyes.

"Go to bed early, Yi Yi. I'll go up first."


The boy stepped up the stairs and disappeared.

The girl looked away.

It's really nice to have a younger brother who is the Minister of Discipline.

This brother is still somewhat useful.

 Thank you, I don't believe anyone can repeat the little cutie's reward of 200 book coins!

  Thank you for the active little cute reward of 100 book coins!

  Thank you for picking the stars with your bare hands, cutie, for rewarding 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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