1077 Chapter 29
The young man beside her said something for her, and said with a smile, "Auntie, Yiyi is quite likable at school."

Hearing this sentence, He Cui lost his composure instantly, and said in a nervous voice, "Li Geyi, you don't know how to fall in love at school."

Lian Jue thumped in his heart, a little guilty, "Mom, what are you thinking?"

After speaking, she immediately looked at Li Xiyuan.

The eyes are staring like copper bells.

I was afraid that he would expose her in public.

The young man smiled, with a gentle and sweet voice: "One by one is very serious about studying."

He Cui immediately felt relieved, "That's fine, no one will think highly of her like she is now."

Lian Jue: "..."

Why is it always her who gets hurt?
At the dinner table, he secretly drank some wine, and the result was that when the adults decided to go for a walk and watch a movie together, Lian Jue was already dizzy.

Li Xiyuan smiled and said to the adults, "Uncles, aunts, mom, I'll take them home first."

The young man was gentle and polite, the adults had nothing to worry about, instead they wished for this, and nodded their heads in greeting.

In the cool night wind, the girl was buried behind the boy, unconscious.

"Drunk one by one?"

After returning home and putting her on the bed, Li Xiyuan took off her shoes and socks.

He looked at her slightly flushed fair face with a funny face.

After admiring the girl's overly cute sleeping face for a while, Li Xiyuan couldn't help pinching her elastic face.


Star eyes stared at the person in front of him.

"Are you so defenseless in front of me? Or... are you like this in front of everyone?"

"If you don't say it... I will treat it as if I am only in front of me."

His eyes were filled with gentle light.

"Yiyi, good night."

Two days later, an outing was organized in the school.

Three or five classes were in the same class, and when Lian Jue got on the bus, he realized that his class was actually in the same class as Xiao Zhuma's.

Li Xiyuan raised his eyes and saw the slightly stunned girl, but he didn't show any surprise, as if he had expected it.

He nodded his chin to the side, motioning for her to sit over.

The girl turned around and sat down beside her deskmate.

Not at all.


"Yiyi, look at my new bag, does it look good?"

"It's pretty, this pink suits your skin tone better."

Listening to the chat of two girls not far away, Li Xiyuan lowered his head and smiled, pushing his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Minister, is there anyone here?"

A slender and beautiful girl pursed her lips and said, with a hint of nervousness about being rejected.

"No." Li Xiyuan shook his head, "Sit down."

The corners of the girl's lips raised immediately, she carefully pressed the skirt, and sat down very ladylike.

Li Xiyuan noticed that he didn't know what he thought of, the corners of his lips could not help but rise slightly, and his eyes drooped.

Yiyi never sat so ladylike.

When Lian Jue turned around, he found that many girls were looking behind.

In the early morning light, the boy was wearing a school uniform, with a handsome profile, and his skin could not even see any pores.

He lowered his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, with a slight smile on his face.

But everyone was not staring at him, but at the girl next to him.

All of them were jealous and envious.

Lian Jue turned around with a little shame.

If she was sitting there, she might be the one being stared at by so many people now.

The girl couldn't help thanking herself for her wit.

The activity of the outing was mountain climbing. The bus stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the students got off one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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