1082 Chapter 34
Why did a woman suddenly appear, and the two of them still chatted?

Lian Jue's sudden appearance naturally couldn't be passing by, in fact, the system informed Li Xiyuan in advance that he would be blocked by others today.

So she came to watch over her little bamboo horse and promised not to let anything happen to him.

The corners of the teenager's lips curved lightly: "The muay thai boxing we learned together is just a good time to test the results of the test."

The girl followed him and posed, but snorted, "You can't beat me, and it's not the first day you know?"

Seeing a girl join the battle, the little gangster who had never seen this scene was stunned.

do not care!let's go!

A group of people rushed up aggressively.

3 minute later.

The punks were beaten all over the floor.

As for the two people standing in the center, they were still chatting.

He glanced at the densely packed people beside the girl.

"Don't save any face for me." Li Xiyuan patted the dust on his hands with a helpless expression.

The girl in the black sweater stretched her waist, "Let's go, go home and play games."

"Rest your eyes once an hour."

Lian Jue waved his hand impatiently, "Are you some kind of antique? Go to your student union quickly."

Li Xiyuan had his own persistence, and said lightly: "Don't let me catch you after you go back, or you will fall in love..."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Understood you long-winded spirit."

Brother Biao, who was lying on the ground, looked at the two people still flirting, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, with a look of death on his face.

When Lian Jue came home, it was impossible for him to listen to his stinky brother, so he played more than a dozen rounds in a row.

In fact, she is not very good at playing games.

A typical person is still addicted to vegetables.

After the fight, don't you just want to play a game and relax.

Technology doesn't matter.

Hee hee hee.

When Li Xiyuan came home, the girl was lying on the bed and whimpering.

The sound effect next to it is still on, so it's biubiubiu.

He walked lightly to the bed and stared at the figure in the grass for two seconds.

It must have been disobedient.

The young man with red seedlings glanced at it and sighed.

Hang up, turn off the phone.

Pick up the thin quilt next to it and cover it on the girl.

Seeing something, his eyes froze slightly.

He picked up the girl's wrist which was hanging to the side.

A thin line of blood had scabbed over.

The wound was not in an obvious place, so she probably didn't notice it herself.

Li Xiyuan slowly put down that hand, and the original charming mood dissipated instantly.

a few days later.

Brother Biao was smoking a cigarette, wandering around No. [-] Middle School boredly.

He has not dared to tell his family about his expulsion.

His father would definitely beat him to death when he found out, and he spent 20 yuan to buy the admission quota.

So he didn't even want to go home.

I've been wandering around the neighborhood for the past few days, staying at my brother's house.

I found an alley behind a milk tea shop, and after smoking a cigarette, a shadow suddenly fell in front of me.

Brother Biao raised his head in a daze, and when he saw clearly who the other party was, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"I didn't intend to teach you a lesson." The deep voice was magnetic and pleasant.

"But you met one of mine."

Since seeing the opponent's true strength last time, Brother Biao has always been eager to take a detour, but he didn't expect to be found by the opponent!
"Handsome guy, forgive me, forgive me, I don't understand what you are saying, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it..."


A gentle voice echoed in the night, "I'm bored, I just want to practice with you."

"I can't beat one by one, I'm really annoyed."

(End of this chapter)

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