1084 Chapter 36
Although He Cui and Li Huawei found it a little difficult to accept, they were not completely unacceptable. It seemed strange for girls to learn this, but thinking about it carefully, it is not bad to go to x University.

It's the head of the medical school.

So my heart is balanced.

After entering university, Lian Jue's focus is no longer on dating.

Maybe it has something to do with her major.

According to Lian Jue's experience, a handsome man usually has a somewhat sick mind.

Her focus is gradually on knowledge learning.

For psychiatry, Lian Jue was only interested in it at first, but gradually felt that it was really interesting.

So more and more obsessed.

Putting on a white coat, sometimes you can stay in the laboratory all day.

"Yiyi, there is a handsome guy looking for you!"

There was a knock on the window, the girl took off her glasses, walked to the window, and opened it.

into a head.

"Is it your boyfriend?"

The roommate who was doing the experiment on the other side had a small head and was very curious.

Lian Jue glanced at him, "It's my younger brother."

Li Xiyuan enrolled in the School of Architecture of Imperial University without any mistakes. Although the two of them are now separated in two cities, they will visit each other at least once every half a month.

He has been to her school several times, but it was the first time he was bumped into by his roommate.

Lian Jue hurriedly changed his clothes and walked out from the gate.

The roommate who just poked his head in also came out.

Embarrassed, he walked in front of her with a shy expression, "Yiyi, I..."


"I, I can..."

The girl picked out her ears, "What can I do?"

"Can I see him a doctor?!"

The roommate looked excited.

Lian Jue: "..."

"He looks so handsome, but he looks very sick."

The light in the roommate's eyes became even hotter.

It could almost eat a baby.

Lian Jue: "..."

"Forget it, he has a bad temper and he can also play muay thai. I'm afraid he will beat you if he disagrees." Lian Jue didn't change his face.

"Swipe brush-"

The roommate was flying around in a notebook that he took out at some point.

A delicate and weak little girl, with a huge light bursting out of her eyes, "Great! There is a sharp contrast between appearance and heart, handsome and violent, gentle and irritable! It is simply a perfect schizophrenic personality!"

Lian Jue: "..."

You calm down.

"Is the orientation normal? How many kilograms of food do you eat a day? Normal bowel movements? How many abs?"

The girl who memorized the key words held a pen and asked questions like cannonballs.

She pushed up her glasses, and at that moment, she actually revealed the aura of the famous Detective Conan.

Lian Jue: "..."

She raised her lips, "I don't know if he is crazy, but you look very crazy now."

The roommate smiled shyly, "It's as if you have a job with me when you go out on missions."

Lian Jue was silent.

"Hello, are you Yiyi's roommate?"

The roommate turned around and bumped into those bright starry eyes.

"...I am." For some reason, Xu, who is used to mental illnesses, got a little tongue-tied.

"Nice to meet you," the young man smiled and stretched out his hand, "I am Yiyi's younger brother, Li Xiyuan."

"Very... nice to meet you, me, me too..."

Student Xu was so dumbfounded that he didn't let go of the other person's hand.

Damn, what's the matter with being so handsome and yet so masculine!

No, no, so handsome must be mentally ill...

No, no, he looks so normal, how can he be crazy and impossible.

Whether the other party is mentally ill has not been judged, but student Xu feels that he is about to become mentally ill.

(End of this chapter)

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