1086 Chapter 38
If we say that when we were young, it was because we had to lead by example as a student cadre, then now...

Although they are still student cadres now, they are completely different.

"Do you like men?"

The girl lowered her voice mysteriously.

Li Xiyuan rolled his Adam's apple and couldn't help laughing.

"Gender male, like female, pure."

Lian Jue stared at him steadfastly, not letting go of any slight expression on his face.

However, she was defeated by a psychiatrist.



"I have a girl I like."

Suddenly speaking, Lian Jue was stunned.


She turned sideways in disbelief, "Do you have a girl you like?"

"Yeah." The young man leaned his hands behind his head and nodded reservedly, with a magnetic voice, "I've liked her for a long time."

Lian Jue: "..."

This melon is a bit big.

This melon is a bit old.

"and then?"

There is a girl you like, then what?

"What are you expecting?" The slender fingers patted the hat on her head amusedly, with a handsome side face, "No confession."

"... crush?"

Li Xiyuan was quiet for a while, "Yes."

He raised his head slightly, staring at the light above his head, "I dare not show too much, in front of the person I like, it is always easy to lose confidence, you know?"

"How do I know," the girl rolled her eyes, "I don't have anyone I like."

Li Xiyuan sighed lightly, feeling a little funny, "But she's too stupid."

"So I never knew how to speak."

"I've been waiting and waiting for an opportunity."

"There's no need to struggle to confess, I'll teach you, you just rush up to the wall, 'Woman, let me tell you, you have successfully attracted my attention, you can't escape!'"

"Are you sure you are doing it for my own good? I will be beaten, right?" Li Xiyuan raised his eyebrows.

Lian Jue raised his chin and fell into deep thought: "Then you say—"Woman, my family has a [-]-acre manor that produces [-] hectares of peaches every year, but none of them are as tender or sweet as you! How about it? Are you moved?" ? Would you like to be the proprietress of my manor?'”

Li Xiyuan sighed, "Sounds like some kind of Pu Quexin man."

The girl Xianyu lay paralyzed on the backrest behind her, shaking her head: "I can't save you, I can't take you with you. Even if you can't get married, you can still make Goddess smile."

"I'm sorry." Li Xiyuan couldn't help laughing.

"But I really can't imagine myself saying these things to her. She might beat me to death."

Lian Jue took a sip of water, sat up again, his round eyes were a little puzzled, "Don't you boys just confess when you like someone?"

How come you haven't spoken for a long time.

"Maybe I'm a freak." He smiled.

"As long as there is no one else around her, and only me, that's enough."

"Just look at her?" Lian Jue looked doubtful.

"En." The young man nodded without hesitation.

Lian Jue felt even more confused, she kept slapping her face a little hot, "...don't you want to kiss her or sleep with her?"

Li Xiyuan, who was about to take out the hanging neck fan from his schoolbag, paused: "..."

He smiled, "Li Geyi, although we have grown up and have some things to discuss, are you sure you want to talk to me about this in public?"

Lian Jue glanced around.

Everyone was playing with their phones, and no one looked over.

But she restrained herself a little, "Okay, okay, then I wish you Plato the best of luck."

(End of this chapter)

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