1097 Chapter 49
After calming down the girl, Li Xiyuan said in a low voice, "Go to my room tonight?"

The girl's eyes widened in disbelief, "Why?"

"Or I'll come to your room." Li Xiyuan quickly changed his words: "That's fine."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Are you crazy? My parents are still here! Your mother is here too!"

In the evening, Li Huawei and He Cui are going to stay here for one night.

right next door.

"We are all together, why can't we rest together?" The young man looked serious, "Or do you mean that Yiyi doesn't believe in my character?"

The girl swallowed.

He said bluntly, "Do I not trust you? I don't trust myself! What are you thinking? I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

Li Xiyuan smiled, "One by one, if you don't believe in yourself, what will happen to me?"

"Of course... I'm afraid I'll beat you up in a bad mood like when I was a child!"

The final beating scene did not appear, but the two of them sat side by side and watched TV.

After several parents had rested, there was a light knock on Lian Jue's door.

When she opened the door, a strong hand grabbed her wrist.

was dragged out.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, in stark contrast to the quiet night.

At the same time, there is an inexplicable sense of excitement.

There was no one in the huge living room, only the slight footsteps of the two were silent in the room.

"Click." Li Xiyuan closed his room.

He turned on the light and turned to see the girl tugging at the sleeves of her pajamas restlessly.

Somewhere in his heart softened, and he raised his eyebrows: "Nervous?"

It's not only nervous, but also exciting!

After all, it was in the next room, and her parents were asleep.

And across the way is the fucking room.

In case the adults heard something... Lian Jue suddenly felt that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

She glanced in the direction of the window and the doorway with some wandering eyes.

Accurately capturing what she was thinking, Li Xiyuan smiled, "Yi Yi, they are here, do you think you can leave easily?"

He took a step towards her and pressed his hand against the wall behind her.

Lian Jue raised her face, the top of her head just touching his chin.


The girl subconsciously took a step back.

It's purely physical.

He followed her footsteps and took a step closer.

Lian Jue took another step back, this time hitting his back directly against the wall.

Then he was completely pressed against the wall.

The girl's heart beat a little faster.

The softest part of her face was pinched suddenly, and she said in a low and seductive voice, "Li Geyi, it's so soft."


He chuckled, "Wait for me, I'll go to the kitchen and cut a watermelon for you to eat."

Then he got up and opened the door and went out.

The door was closed, and the girl stood there holding her heart.

The feeling of being pinched on the cheek is still there, crisp and numb.

She looked a little dazed.

Was actually teased by a younger brother?

The system clicked, "Host, you can't do it."

Lian Jue's tone was blunt, "Will you try it instead?"


Lian Jue glanced at the leaking light, and carefully closed the door.

She walked to the sofa in the center of the room and sat down, looking around the room involuntarily.

She had entered Li Xiyuan's room several times, but she never had the opportunity to take a serious look at it like today.

Calm and mild blue fills the room.

The quilt sheets are, and so are the curtains and tablecloths.

The whole room was in order, the quilt was neatly folded like a block of tofu, the floor was spotlessly clean, even the chairs pushed in were tightly fitted without a single gap.

(End of this chapter)

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