1113 Chapter 65
Li Xiyuan reported the name of a nearby hotel in the girl's ear. He has no experience in such occasions.

"What are you going to the hotel for?" But instead, she received a strange look from the girl: "You don't want to go to the hotel to eat, do you? Of course we are going to the food stall."

Li Xiyuan was taken aback, nodded and smiled, "As long as you fairies are satisfied, I don't care."

Lian Jue asked about those rice worms who couldn't help eating and drinking.

Sure enough, he got a bunch of crazy heads.

The food stalls on summer nights are always crowded with many young faces, drinking and chatting, making it very lively.

"Brother-in-law, what major do you study?"

"Brother-in-law, do you drink beer?"

"Brother-in-law, do you want to eat lamb kidneys?"

"Brother-in-law will bring you some roast meat. Boys have to do physical work, so eat more."

Li Xiyuan never refuses anyone who comes, "Thank you sister, thank you sister, but you don't need lamb kidneys, if you want to eat roast chicken, you can order it, I can do it."

Lian Jue: "..."

Sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law...

It always feels like things are going in a strange direction and never coming back.

"Hey, you ordered too much!" The girl finally couldn't help but said, holding He Jing's hand to open the menu on the next page.

What Lian Jue thought was that his boyfriend lived in a hotel these days, and the room fee was a big one, so the money he had with him should not be enough.

So she turned down the offer to go to the hotel in the first place.

I chose the food stall I often go to.

But now the food stalls they order are no less than two hundred.

Will her boyfriend be able to eat in the next few days?

After being stopped by her, the girls looked at each other in dismay, and then silently put down the menu.

Li Xiyuan coughed, and his face looked extraordinarily handsome and elegant under the dim light in the store: "It's okay, I'm going to eat to my heart's content today."

With the Dinghaishen needle spoken by the brother-in-law/brother-in-law, the girls suddenly felt at ease.

Flipping through the menu, the excitement on the faces of several people couldn't be hidden.

It turns out that when Li Geyi and his boyfriend are together, it is the boyfriend who decides!
So each of them became a little presumptuous.

"Li Geyi, learn from your boyfriend and see how generous he is!"

"Exactly! Fortunately, we haven't let Yiyi take care of the money yet, and we can still eat as much as we want. I guess it will be difficult for us to eat so much after Yiyi takes care of the money."

"That's not necessarily the case. I think the brother-in-law will manage the money after marriage."

"Oh, I don't have the brains to manage money."

The girl smiled slightly, and her eyes fell on the crowded heads, "Is it because I didn't order enough? There is still a chance to talk."

Li Xiyuan glanced at her with a smile.

At the dinner table, the girl's voice gradually became quieter.

But it just lowered the voice a little, and it didn't disappear.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, one by one becomes angry from embarrassment."

"Yes, that's right, maybe we won't be able to eat the food later."


In the middle of the meal, Lian Jue found a chance to go to the bathroom to settle the bill.

As a new girlfriend, she thinks she is still very considerate.

Li Xiyuan just waited to be moved.


But things didn't happen as she expected.

The moment she just took the payment code on her mobile phone, a generous and warm body was attached to her back.

An arm reached out at the same time and took her phone away.

The low voice is like the most beautiful variation on a summer night, "Girlfriend, what are you doing, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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