1120 Chapter 72
The facts are in front of you - you can't.

Li Huawei usually calls her when there is anything at home, unless it is something very important, He Cui can only make a move.

Finally, it was still tremblingly connected.

If she is sentenced to death, at least she can be left with a whole body, right?

The girl exhaled.


"Li Geyi," on the other side of the conversation, He Cui said coolly, "I don't want to talk to you these days, if you are self-aware, give me and your dad a time to calm down and don't bother us. "

Lian Jue: "..."

She had no choice but to say, "Mom, take care of your health..."

"Crack", the phone was hung up.

Woo woo woo.

Mom and Dad love me again.

Without wasting any time, she dialed a call to my sister-in-law to ask for confirmation, "Sister-in-law, tell..."

"One by one," Li He said shyly, "Can we talk later? I'm at your house in the countryside, talking to your parents."

Lian Jue: "..."

She hung up the phone wordlessly.

Very good, as expected, I spread the word out today.

It's all like this, her mother still found time to call her to express her attitude, it's amazing...

Meanwhile, another call came in.

Li Xiyuan.


"it's me."

Hearing these two words, inexplicably, his mind seemed to settle down, and Lian Jue hummed, "You also know?"

"I know, did your parents tell you anything?" His voice was unexpectedly gentle.

"My mother called me," the girl sighed slightly, "She said she asked me to calm down for her and my father for a while, but she didn't get angry. I was quite surprised."

According to He Cui's temper, if he changed his partner, he would have been kicked out of the house long ago.

After all, in the stereotype of the peasant family, they really care about the gossip between neighbors. This kind of thing between the two of them is no longer a simple matter between two people. All kinds of rumors spread...

It is really difficult to predict whether they will all agree.

"Why can't you think about it from another angle?" Li Xiyuan kicked the stone at his feet, not in a hurry, but a little leisurely, "My daughter is going to marry anyway in the future. Instead of marrying an unfamiliar person, maybe It's not as good as the people who grew up watching at home..."

"Besides, this kid is good in everything. He looks upright and has strong abilities. He is a reliable boy in the eyes of the world. Besides, this is more kissing than kissing, isn't it?"

Lian Jue was amused by him.

"Your skin is thicker than the Great Wall."

Seeing the girl's tone relaxed, the corners of Li Xiyuan's lips finally rose slightly, "Yiyi, I want to see you this week."

"miss you."

"Is it okay? It should be fine."

Reminded by him, the girl suddenly stood up and slapped her thigh, "The stopwatch after my experiment is still counting..."

She hurriedly said: "I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to deal with tricky things first. Meet me? Wait for me to see the progress of the new project this week."

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Staring at the darkened phone screen, Li Xiyuan smiled helplessly.

Every time I hung up his phone, I didn't hesitate at all.

It would be a miracle if he took the initiative to hang up the other party's phone.

Putting away the phone, Li Xiyuan put his hands behind his head, and stared at the clear sky not far away.

He has already forced her to take the first step, and in the future...will it get better and better?
(End of this chapter)

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