1129 Chapter 81
The two of them scribbled for a while at the door of the room.

Until Lian Jue couldn't bear it anymore, staring at the figure not far away, he urged: "My mother is here to look."

Li Xiyuan finally reached out and tapped the girl's nose, "Open the window before entering the door."


He still hasn't forgotten about this matter, even Jue is convinced.

"My father and mother are here, and I will break your leg when I get caught." She whispered.

"If you interrupt, just interrupt," Li Xiyuan whispered, "If you interrupt, I will sleep with Yiyi."


Back in the room, Lian Jue stared at the window, finally got out of bed and unlocked the window.

In case Li Huawei heard him slapping the window loudly later, that would be a disaster.

She was holding a book, and the sound insulation of the room was not good. After a while, she heard the low and pleasant voice of the young man in the living room.

"Auntie, I'm going to rest."

"Okay, go to bed early." He Cui's tone was actually quite kind.

She glanced at the crack of the door, there was no one in the living room, and the lights were turned off.

Staring at the window, the girl had a faint premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, the next second, there was a light tapping sound.

"...unlocked." She stretched her neck to remind.

But the sound slowly died down.

Return to quiet.


The girl climbed down from the bed worriedly, walked to the window and peeked out through the crack of the window.

no one?

The girl opened the window suspiciously, the old house in the countryside will not be hit by birds.

The moment the window was opened, a magnified handsome face suddenly appeared, with lips printed on it.


His laughter sounded, his hands were straight on the window sill, his voice was low and sweet in the night, "My Rapunzel, can you let your prince go up with your hair?"


This is the first floor, brother, what are you kidding about?

But the girl still pushed her hair forward and put the end of her hair in his hands, "here, you crawl."

Li Xiyuan grabbed her hair, curled it slowly with a smile, as if in a good mood, "Hey? I met a slope, wait...well, I climbed up."

Lian Jue looked at him like a fool.

After the words fell, the young man leaned on the window sill with one hand and turned over and jumped into the room.

The girl stepped back against the wall.

The windows were silently closed.


After thinking about it, He Cui was still a little uneasy, and put a coat on her body to get out of bed.

"No, I'm a little worried, I'll go and have a look."

Li Huawei looked at the newspaper, took a sip of tea calmly, "It's not necessary, besides, if there is something, it's already too late for you to go there now."

He Cui: "..."

"You didn't remind me earlier!" He Cui regretted a little, turned her head and complained again: "Why don't you care about your daughter at all? You are not afraid that your daughter will be taken advantage of!"

Li Huawei put down his teacup, "You really think you can stop it. Besides..."

"Isn't it the same when we were young? Don't be too harsh on the young people. You have to believe that they are all sensible children and will not do anything out of the ordinary."

He Cui: "..."

"Anyway, I don't care." Although Li Huawei's words evoke a lot of memories of her youth, she still can't bear it if she puts it on her daughter, "If your daughter is really bullied, you will regret it to death!"

"Don't you want to hug your grandson earlier?" Li Huawei said lightly, and glanced at his wife.

In fact, he naturally knew that the two children were so young that it would definitely not be so early, but in order to stabilize his wife first, he still used it as a trump card first.

(End of this chapter)

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