1136 Chapter 88
Really, what kind of son did you raise?


"Open your mouth."

A low magnetic voice sounded, and Lian Jue's mouth was filled with a slice of orange.


She gave him a suspicious look.

"What did my sister tell you?"

Lian Jue is still a little uncomfortable with the transformation of a wolf dog into a milk dog.

Although he had been gentle all day today, especially now, it was simply exaggerated.

"My mother told me to love my wife so much."


"Things in the trash can," Li Xiyuan paused slightly.

"What?" The girl wondered.

Li Xiyuan smiled, and stuffed a piece of orange into her mouth, "Forget it, it's nothing."

Just don't tell her.

Otherwise, according to her personality, she would be ashamed to eat dinner.

Let him bear this kind of embarrassing thing in silence.

For dinner, Li He stewed a pot of old hen soup.

She enthusiastically served bowl after bowl and placed it in front of the girl.

"One by one, if you have a cold, you should replenish your body."

Lian Jue was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask.

Do you need chicken soup for a cold?

"Thank you, aunt."

When the sister-in-law turned around to get other dishes, Lian Jue gave Li Xiyuan a look.

Can't finish it.

Give me a drink or two.

He raised his eyebrows, glanced at the people in the kitchen, picked up the bowl and was half bored.

His heart is like a mirror.

Such a big bowl, his little girl must not be able to finish it.

Avoiding the other side's gaze, Li Xiyuan drank a lot more until the bottom of the bowl reached the bottom.

"I'm full, one by one, wait and cheer yourself up."

He handed the bowl back with an expression of helplessness.

Lian Jue: "..."

Staring miserably at the sister-in-law who was walking not far away, Lian Jue held the bowl and sipped the chicken soup at the bottom of the bowl.

"Did you finish drinking so quickly? Come, sister-in-law will serve you some more."

The girl is miserable.

He gave Li Xiyuan a look.

It turned out he was staring at her with a smile on his face.


In the end, Lian Jue still drank half a bowl of chicken soup.


She was lying on the bed rubbing her stomach uncomfortably, the door lock rang, and Li Xiyuan came in.

"Have you digested it yet?"

"I've been to the toilet several times..." The girl threw a pillow over, "It's all your fault!"

Li Xiyuan sat down by the bed and rubbed her head, with a soft voice, "My mother went to the market to buy the old hen, just to nourish your body, and I can't justify drinking too much for you."

"Besides, your small body really needs to be repaired."

Warm palms covered her belly, and Lian Jue was rubbed comfortably, just like last night.

Then she saw the young man climb into bed.

"Why didn't you climb the window today?" The girl was in a daze, and finally thought about this question.

"It's not necessary. Mom saw it when I came out." Li Xiyuan lifted the quilt with a calm expression.

Lian Jue: "..."


"Then you're still coming in?!" She stared at him in disbelief, feeling that her boyfriend's mind was amused.

Li Xiyuan leaned over, and the girl subconsciously backed away, only to realize that the other party was turning off the light after reacting.

Touched my nose.

Then the opponent's body pressed on top of her, but stopped when he withdrew.

"Why can't you come in? You are my girlfriend."

He leaned down slightly, so close that Lian Jue could count the eyelashes on his lower eyelid.

Long, dense, like a small fan.

It added a lot of refinement to that handsome face.

"Of course not, sister-in-law will misunderstand..."

"Misunderstanding?" Li Xiyuan raised his eyebrows, "There is no misunderstanding between the two of us."

"Isn't it justified?"

(End of this chapter)

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