1139 Chapter 91
Li Xiyuan raised his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have heard a word hidden in her vague words just now, "What?"


The girl got up from the pillow, put her hands down, held his hand, and held it tightly together, met his gaze with a sincere face, "Even I was touched by myself."

"How much I love you."

"So sleep, honey."

"Good night, I love you the most."

Li Xiyuan: "..."

"Love me the most? Really." He lowered his voice and looked at her with a smile.


"Then it's agreed."


"It's agreed."


In a blink of an eye, a summer vacation has passed and a new semester has arrived.

Summer goes and autumn comes, autumn goes and winter comes, and it is the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

"Yiyi, are you going home for the New Year this year?"


"You don't think about the internship Mr. Liang said?" Roommate asked curiously.

The girl shook her head, "I won't go, I applied for a project, and I can do it at home."

"But didn't you participate in all the freshman years, why didn't you participate this time?"

A few people in the dormitory went home and went home, researched and verified, and she was lonely for the internship.

The girl smiled slightly and packed her luggage, "Isn't it because her boyfriend disagrees? I would be happy if I could participate in such a good opportunity, but having a boyfriend is troublesome. Let me tell you that boyfriends are really annoying, especially yes……"

Before she finished speaking, she was kicked out of the door even with the box.

The door closed in front of her with a bang, and a blunt voice sounded, "Go home and get out!"

Lian Jue touched the ashes on his nose and snorted, "Don't be so grumpy, young man."

Dragging the suitcase, Lian Jue checked the important items on his body and made sure that he had brought them all. After warming up, he set off with a sense of peace of mind.

Originally, the internship was arranged uniformly, but this year many people found other excuses not to go.

Lian Jue asked her boyfriend, and the other party said that in order to go home with her for the New Year, he had already postponed a training camp in the imperial capital.

So Lian Jue felt that... uh, it seemed that he didn't say anything, but he actually said a lot.

After careful consideration, she took the initiative to say that she would not go.

The other party really laughed immediately.


Men are really young until they die.

"Li Geyi."

At the high-speed rail station, a slender figure who was one step ahead of her stood under a striking platform and waved to her.

Looking from a distance, that handsome figure is like a tall and straight poplar, with broad shoulders and long legs, and it looks like a male protagonist who came out of a comic. The proportions are perfect, and the handsome appearance seems to be carefully drawn by God.

The girl walked over with a suitcase.

"Why did you suddenly call me by my full name?" She had a dissatisfied expression on her face that she didn't realize, "Didn't you call me one by one before?"

Li Xiyuan smiled, but did not speak.

"and also……"

"You're weird," the girl couldn't help but said again, "You see everyone is rushing up to meet their girlfriend, but you are the only one standing there motionless."

"Could it be that you are not Li Xiyuan, you are a tour guide I hired under Li Xiyuan's skin?"

She looked suspicious.

Li Xiyuan frowned.

He was really surprised, where did the people who used to rush up and carry suitcases, carry bags, and ask for warmth go?
Lian Jue stared at him uncertainly again.

(End of this chapter)

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