1141 Chapter 93
When checking out, there were two girls chattering around, but Li Xiyuan ignored them and went to the shelf to concentrate on shopping.

"Strawberry or grape?"

Lian Jue stared at the ground, trying to find a crack.

Li Xiyuan thought she didn't hear, so he repeated it again, the voice was louder than before.

"Hey!" Lian Jue finally couldn't bear it anymore and tiptoed to cover his mouth, "Buy whatever you like, can you please be quiet!"

"How can it be?" He took a box from the shelf and tossed it lightly in his hand, "This is our common feeling."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Hami melon." The girl just wanted to make a quick decision and casually reported a taste, and glanced around guiltily.

Li Xiyuan nodded slowly, "Is there a bump or is it natural?"


"Naturally..." Her soul was already trembling.

"There's also a new one with soft..."

The girl jumped up, brushed, brushed, stretched out her hands and grabbed them all over, "Don't say buy them all, go home and try them all yourself!"

Junyan rubbed his chin, "Is it the one I thought to try one by one?"

He also blinked.

"Yes." The girl hesitated without hesitation.

She looked around, "Honey, let's go home and go to sleep, it would be a waste of time to stay any longer, what a beautiful day and beautiful day."

He must not be allowed to stand in front of this Durex wall any longer, it would be embarrassing to be with her! ! !
"Okay, then I won't choose, but... none of these are suitable."

The dozen or so small boxes she held in her hand were taken away.

The girl watched suspiciously as the other party put the small square boxes back on the shelf indifferently.

Lian Jue: "..."

The girl looked like she had been struck by lightning.

After realizing it, she gritted her teeth, "In public, you actually have a yellow accent..."

Li Xiyuan took the girl's hand, and finally walked away from the Durex shelf, "I can speak more than pornography."

Lian Jue: "..."

Suddenly, I felt yellow all over my head and face.

When checking out, the lady in charge of the cash register was stunned.

Staring at Durex in the arms of the girl, he was so frightened that he lost his voice.

Look at the girl and then at the boy behind the girl.

The girl smiled and bent her crescent eyes, "Sister, we are running errands to buy wholesale Durex, and the stock in the hotel next door is not enough."

Walking out of the supermarket, Li Xiyuan carried two big bags of snacks, leaving only a small bag for her.

Just now, the lady at the cashier kindly presented a special anti-peeping small bag.

Lian Jue was carrying the small bag, as light as a swallow.

Don't forget to chat with the people behind you, "Li Xiyuan, how many do you plan to use today?"

"Just unpack one box today, and save the rest for later use."

"I'd like to try the... bumpy one."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Have a nice evening." The girl said sincerely.

"You too." Li Xiyuan raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Let's have a good time together."

That's not necessary either.

A person's happiness, you deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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