Chapter 1159 The Idol's Cat 11
The melodious sound of the piano floated out from the piano room.

Unexpectedly, he really has two brushes.

Lian Jue was a little surprised.

Although he is said to be a child of a rich family, he really can't reach this level without any talent.

She listened quietly for a while.

The doorbell rang.

Shen Wu stood up and went to open the door.

The milky white kitten followed behind him.

"Hello, the cat food and cat litter you ordered." said the courier boy.

"Thank you."

The door was closed, and the kitten looked into the bag curiously.

The bag was very big, and Shen Wu dumped it all on the table in the living room.

Bags of cat food, canned cat food, cat litter...

Various cat supplies.

He picked them up and studied them one by one.

Slightly condensed brow focused.

She stared at her four strong legs and climbed onto the table.

At first glance, I bought a whole package online to save trouble.

I guess I don't even know what's in it.

Seeing his expression, Lian Jue rolled his eyes inwardly.

But what Lian Jue didn't know was that although Shen Wu did buy a gift bag of pet supplies online, the price was tens of thousands.

Lian Jue's eyes were attracted by something.

A small stick with feathers, bells, and ribbons.

The kitten looked down for a while, and finally stretched out its paw slowly and poked lightly with hesitation.


The little milk cat trembled all over, extremely energetic.

Why, why so...

Damn it sounds good? !

The little paw stretched out tremblingly, and then moved slowly.

As soon as the "ding dong" sound fell, he was caught.

The stick was lifted by a slender white finger, and the kitten raised its head blankly.

He met a condescending gaze.

He glanced at the dumbfounded kitten, and then at the cat teasing stick in his hand.

The wrist shook slightly.



Lian Jue's cat pupils seemed to be on fire, his paws moved back and forth a little uneasy, his eyes were fixed on the clinking stick and he pounced several times, but he didn't pounce.

"Meow! Meow!" The kitten ran from one end of the table to the other.

As if he didn't hear the urgency in the cat's meow, the stick still jingled, Shen Wu glanced down at it, "So you like this."


who loves it!
However, her actions were duplicity, jumping around chasing the stick, staring at the cat teaser with incomparable concentration.

Already bewildered.

It didn't take long for her to realize that Shen Wu wasn't the worst, only worse. After the cat teaser scratched her, she moved away, and she pounced - pounced in vain.

She fled—there was no escape.

Being teased again and again and then leaping ferociously and then being teased again...

Half an hour passed.

Lian Jue: "In my next life, in my next life, I will never be a cat again."


It's not up to you.

Shen Wu glanced at the time, his pretty brows were slightly frowned, he didn't understand why he could play with a cat for so long.

The cat can was opened, seeing Shen Wu's strange movements, the girl looked away with some disgust.

The exercise just now consumed too much of her energy, and there was still a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

After licking the canned cat food, Lian Jue had only one emotion in his heart—human food is still delicious.

Lian Jue's new home was placed next to Shen Wu's bedroom.

I also want to thank him for not throwing the newly bought cat litter in a corner of the living room.

Although it didn't let it enter the door, it was not far away anyway.

Just find a chance to sneak in at night.

(End of this chapter)

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