Chapter 1178 The Idol's Cat 30
"Hello friends, good morning." The magnetic and melodious young voice sounded.

The fan barrage went up for free.

"Good morning handsome guy!!!"

"The cat of ID Qin Fengfeng rewarded 10086 flowers."

"Husband, I'm coming~"

"ID don't wear pants, Qiu Yiliang rewards 588 gold coins."

"ID Qin Xiaohua, you are the most beautiful and reward a rocket."

Barrages drifted past one by one, and the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly increased to 30.

The gifts flew up, dazzling the viewers.

Qin Feng looked at the number of people and was very satisfied.

Shen Wu glanced a few times, then retracted his eyes and drank water calmly.

He sits on the edge, occasionally pointing a few fingers in the mirror, so nobody notices.

Especially when the fans' attention was on Qin Feng at the beginning of the broadcast.

Those who come from this point are usually diehard fans who have been in the support group early on.

Everyone is farting in the rainbow, boasting Qin Feng thoroughly from head to toe, and even writing out hundreds of words of templates for outfits.

Qin Feng was really happy, and he was gearing up, "Today, I will show you what is five consecutive victories! Let me wait for you!"

Qin Feng is full of confidence.

Since he started this live broadcast, it shows that he is very confident in his skills.

The brother who is so smooth in the barrage is awesome, brother, I will wait for you to kill the Quartet.

Qin Feng started the live broadcast of the game.

Dedicated to the gaming business.

Shen Wu watched from the side, occasionally stroked the cat, and sometimes drank water.

Lian Jue was still rolling on the keyboard, she couldn't control her body.

This allowed the shit shovel officer to take advantage of it, and the softest place was rubbed badly.

The kitten meowed and purred aggrievedly.

You actually messed with your father when I was at my weakest, you shameless bastard!

However, he didn't have the slightest sense of guilt for shoveling someone. He should be touched and rubbed, and the situation on the kitten's face changed after being caught.

She's dirty woo woo woo.

The cat's claws occasionally exposed at the bottom of the camera did not escape the attention of netizens.

The main reason is that the homemade cooking skills are too good, and some fans have begun to shift their attention. They knocked on the melon seeds and wondered, "When did Fengfeng start raising cats?"

A row of "no no no no no no no nothing."

"Maybe it's the neighbor's cat?"

"I saw the corner of the clothes, and there are others."

"gay friend?"

"It's not in the circle, otherwise there should be a linkage. The shots are not all given."

"I can see that he is a handsome guy, and he is also a handsome guy with eight-pack abs, broad shoulders and narrow hips."

"Show your face, handsome guy."

"Hey, hey, can't you guys watch my brother play games? How heartbroken he is to know!"

The fans finally stopped for a while.

After a while, a hand appeared in the camera, and the fans became restless.

"Fucking Leng Baipi! The slender fingers and knuckles clearly belong to my future husband!"

"I tm fly directly to the child!"

"Burst photo! Burst photo! Burst photo! Oh no, face burst! Face burst!"

"I'm a little curious about what the little brother in the black sweater looks like."

"Little brother, just say something, don't play with cats all the time, don't you want to go to the toilet after drinking so much water?"

"Hey, what's so bad about playing with a handsome guy? It's probably someone outside the circle or something like a rich second generation. Brother Feng didn't want to expose his privacy, so he didn't let him into the range of the camera."

"Am I the only one who feels that these hands, this style of dressing, and this cat all reveal a deep sense of familiarity...?"

"You're not the only one upstairs."

While frantically swiping the screen, the little brother who couldn't even see his head in the black sweater spoke.

A clear and cold voice resounded faintly in the live broadcast room.

"On your level... a rookie."

(End of this chapter)

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