Chapter 1182 The Idol's Cat 34
Fans who came late went to watch the return interview one after another.

At the same time, hot searches on Weibo were repeatedly bombarded by this live broadcast.

#Shen Wu's cat who smelled catnip#
#Qin Feng is how the king five stars#
#帝都军艺How many stars have come out#
Lian Jue didn't know, but in just one noon, she was on the trending searches.

Still the number one hot search.

Her live broadcast was made into various emoticons and animations by netizens, and she even had her own chat and forum.

The popularity has surpassed many popular traffic starlets.

Of course, she didn't know this until later.

Qin Feng and Shen Wu brought over steaming meals prepared by their aunt.

The little kitten, who had finally returned to normal, looked at the braised pork, braised prawns, and sweet and sour pork ribs on the dining table with longing eyes... Its tail, which usually wags back and forth, wags obediently behind it.

Shen Wu pursed his lips and smiled, "My dear daughter, do you want to eat?"

The little milk cat nodded hurriedly.

The young man turned his eyes slightly, didn't look at her again, picked up a chopstick of beef, "If you dare to eat it, I will cook you."

Lian Jue: "..."

Holy crap, ruthless!
I've never seen a face turning faster than a book!
Qin Feng looked sympathetically at the greedy little kitten lying on the ground.

Back then, when he was a child, he was abused by Shen Wu in the same way.

Ah no, now also...

What's even more shameless is that, halfway through eating, Shen Wu took out a cat teasing stick.

Qin Feng looked dumbfounded.

You don't forget to abuse kittens even when you eat. You are the hottest person in the world.

"Meow, meow~"

The kitten was jumping and screaming pitifully.

Hungry and tired, the cat is stupid.

Shen Wu finally put down the colorful stick with feathers, and was caught by the cat.

He took out a simple lunch box from his backpack and poured the prepared cat food and water into it.

The cat immediately moved over in small steps, with its head lowered, to eat.

Shen Wu took out the super wide-angle lens of his mobile phone to take a picture.

Also took a few shots in all directions.

After shooting, I also edited the picture.

Qin Feng: "..."

He couldn't help urging, "My brother, can you do it after dinner? Your cat won't be stolen from my house."

I haven't seen him fix himself up and down after taking selfies. How did his cat become so fine?
Besides, isn't his sauced elbow delicious?

Shen Wu hummed, saved the repaired picture in the album, and sent another photo to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng opened it: "...fuck you really have it!"

His face turned green.

In the picture, a boy with an upturned braid and a big red mole between his eyebrows is smiling at himself, and he is still wearing a flowered padded jacket with chicken exposed.


Childhood black history, but that's all.

He put the phone away angrily, "From now on, don't get close to my mother."

Shen Wu hugged the cat, the old god was there, "I don't want to either, Auntie always takes the initiative to share some good things with me."

Qin Feng: "..."

Why is there so little dark history in Shen Wu's hands, but so much black history in Shen Wu's hands!

I'm so angry, that mother who always loves to sell her own son!

He was angry, "Get out, get out after eating quickly."

But after eating, when it was time to leave, Shen Wu dawdled in the hallway for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

Following his line of sight, Qin Feng saw half a sprig of catnip on the cabinet.

Qin Feng stared at the strange brother for a while, "What are you looking at, do you want to take it away?"

Unexpectedly, he raised his eyes, "Can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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