Chapter 1186 The Idol's Cat 38
Of course there are other canned cats.

The kitten picked its chin and motioned him to read the words on the cat can.

At the same time, Zhao Kai glanced lightly and landed on the word lime.

His eyes lit up, and he almost jumped up: "Wow, this is lime flavored, there is such a flavor in canned cat food! Great, my cat must like it..."

Lian Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally got her intention of giving gifts.

Of course, strictly speaking, the gift was not for him, but for his cat.

Lian Jue had just smelled the lime-scented mouthwash on Zhao Kai, and even his clothes were scented with lime-saprum, so he guessed that he must like limes very much.

"Mo Mo, I love you to death!"

The kitten was lifted into the air and held high.


Zhao Kai: "..."

I don't know why, but the air in the lounge feels a little bit frozen.

Seeing that the other party was about to change into costumes, Zhao Kai held the cat can and said logically: "Captain, then I'll go back and change."

After finishing speaking, before waiting for an answer, he froze.

What happened to the captain.

It's getting more and more scary! ! !

There was no one else in the lounge, Lian Jue hesitated, and walked towards Shen Wu.

His clothes have changed back to casual clothes.

The little cat tilted his head to see what he was looking at.

A hand reached out suddenly and pinched its short nose.

Shen Wu said coldly, "He who has no conscience."

The kitten "meowed" several times.

How come you have no conscience.

She tugged at his sleeve.

Shen Wu snorted, looked at the script of "Xinglin Chunman", and turned a deaf ear to it.

The kitten sat next to him with its head down.

After a while, a hand reached out and rubbed the cat's back.

The kitten turned over consciously, revealing its white and soft belly.

Shen Wu touched it, rubbed it again, and ravaged it as much as possible.

"Your dad and I work hard outside, and I don't have any self-consciousness about a little padded jacket." Shen Wu snorted again, and turned over the script in his hand, "What's the use of raising you."

Haven't realized it yet?
They all took the initiative to turn their stomachs to let Rua, still haven't realized it?

In fact, Lian Jue was ashamed, just at that moment.

But compared with his self-esteem, if he threw her out of the hotel at night with his lukewarm attitude, it would be a real blow.

So with this thought, don't want any self-esteem.

Fortunately, Shen Wu's mood improved again later.

Maybe it was because of the smooth negotiation of the movie, maybe it was something else, anyway, he picked her up again and carried her all the way to the hotel.

To Lianjue's surprise, her cat litter was already made in his bedroom.

It's not in the living room, but in the bedroom.

The little cat thinks that today's shit-shoveling officer must have been imprisoned by someone.

But Shen Wu behaved normally.

At night, after Shen Wu fell asleep, she finally had time to check on his physical condition.

The results worried her.

——It was more serious than imagined.

It seems that his poor state is not caused by the tour, but mainly by the damn miasma.

Ten days ago, she deliberately cast a small spell on him to avoid the evil eyes, because she knew that she would not be able to accompany him to replenish her spiritual power for the next ten days.


Did it not work?

After Lian Jue saw the black mist behind Shen Wu clearly, she thought she had found the reason.

Miasma has evolved.

This damned miasma!

It evolved so fast!

The kitty clenched its fists.

However, in the next second, he lowered his head, extremely frustrated.

- She hasn't evolved yet.

"System, is there any way to turn into a human as soon as possible?"

She was a little skeptical, if she would become an adult before she could, the male protagonist of the plane would not be able to hold on to death anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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