Chapter 1204 The Idol's Cat 56

Shen Wu pinched the cat's ears and stopped.

He lowered his head and took something out of his jacket pocket.

The make-up artist had already stood behind the newly promoted top class and set up the make-up tools. Seeing clearly what was in the other's hands, she was surprised that she even applied an extra layer of powder, "What a beautiful bell."

The kitten heard the movement and looked up.

A bell made of brown colored glass beads was hung on the slender fingers. When the wind blew, it shook slightly and made a crisp and pleasant sound.

Brown, the same color as her eyes.

The kitten stared at the bell, and was stunned for a moment, unable to take his eyes off it.

"Gift." Shen Wu slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and hung the necklace with bells on the kitten's neck.

Just the right length.

The kitten shook its body majestically, and the bell immediately made a jingling, crisp and pleasant sound.

"Oh my god," the makeup artist sighed, "Mr. Shen, you spoil your cat too much!"

If she was not mistaken, the glazed beads seemed to be carved plaques. Regardless of the small one, it was probably more than half a year's salary.

Really, some people work hard every day, and the GDP created throughout the year is not as good as a kitten. The makeup teacher wants to cry.

Shen Wu pinched the tips of the cat's ears with his fingers, "I have always doted on girls."

Lian Jue didn't pay attention.

She is admiring the cute cat wearing beautiful new jewelry in the mirror, posing a few cute or sexy poses from time to time.

Oh my god.

What kind of little hot girl is this.

Shen Wu: "..."

His eyelids twitched, and he pressed the other person's head with some hot eyes to make her stop posing, "Sit down and don't move around."

The tone is faintly majestic.

It's a pity that the little cat is not very obedient, twisting and turning, dangling the new bell on its neck back and forth.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

"Ding ding dong..."

Shen Wu: "..."

He pressed between his brows, regretting putting it on her so early.

And... this little guy is very smart, he seems to have seen through him, knowing that no matter how much he does, he won't really care about her.

She used to be afraid of him, but now she is becoming more and more reckless.

"Pride and pride." He snorted coldly.

After finishing makeup and hair, the makeup artist caught a glimpse of another member of FW approaching, packed his things wisely and left.

The team's vocal manager, Xia Ming, came over.

He was born in the same year as Zhao Kai, only one month older than him, and he is also the younger brother in the team.

"Captain," Xia Ming lowered his voice, "Did you contact the girl who chased you at the last party?"

He blinked.

Shen Wu frowned, "I'm not a fan."

"I think it's not that the captain is not a fan, but he is not interested in them." Zhao Kai waved around, and his courage returned, and he smiled gloatingly, seeing through and telling the truth.

After Zhao Kai finished speaking, he looked at Xia Ming again, "Why, you like the girl who likes the captain? It's normal, there is no girl in the world who doesn't like the captain."

Xia Ming blushed a little, and said fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense, she's my sister's friend, and I'm not happy if you insist on asking me."

Shen Wu drank slowly, "It's true that you don't like it, and it's true that you don't like it."

Xia Ming nodded, "Okay, I'll go back and talk to my sister, let her pass it on, I should give up now."

Lian Jue noticed a small detail, what Shen Wu said just now was "I don't like it", but he didn't answer "I'm not interested". upbringing.

(End of this chapter)

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