Chapter 1212 The Idol's Cat 64
She pursed her lips, so she had to sit a little further away with the cat in her arms.

... The boss's temper and thoughts are becoming more and more unpredictable.

Why did the girl provoke him?

Many FW fans came to the scene, the most of them were holding Shen Wu's sign.

Xiao Jing was bored in the lounge, and went to the auditorium to watch it with the kitten in her arms.

On the stage, nine people have finished performing and are being interviewed by the media.

The person in the middle has a handsome profile and a straight nose.

Every frown and every movement is radiant and charming.

As long as he stands on the stage, he seems to be the king, no matter where he is, he is the focus of attention.

Lian Jue remembered the regret he said about not being able to join the army, and suddenly felt that it was not such a pity.

The stage is his home.

This is true.

He was born to belong here.


After the activity in the afternoon, Shen Wu answered a phone call, answered, and asked the driver to change the direction of going back to the villa halfway.

The phone call from the old house, grandpa is back.

Xiaojing stopped going along the way and found a place to get off the car.

So the kitten was alone, ah no, a cat stayed in the corner.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the round cat pupils are quiet.

Shen Wu closed the script and finally glanced at the kitten.

Shen's mother opened the door, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw the milky white kitten, "Ah! Momo is here."

Lian Jue: "Meow~"

Auntie, I miss you.

Mrs. Shen happily took the cat from the other party's hand, noticing the familiar arm, she raised her head and looked up.

Seeing this, I am even happier, "My son is here too."

Shen Wu: "..."

In the living room, the old man in military uniform and on crutches coughed, "Xiao Wu."

Shen Wu changed his shoes and walked over, calling out, "Grandpa."

The young man squatted down and held the hand covered with age spots, "How is your body? Has the conditioning in the army worked?"

Shen Huafeng smiled, "It's much better, it will definitely be fine when you get married."

The laughter is hearty, full of energy, and it seems that the body has indeed recovered.

Shen Wu took the remote control of the air conditioner and raised the temperature a bit, "It's probably still early."

He paused for a while, and couldn't help but glance elsewhere.

Finding that his mother was leading Shen Mo in the kitchen and didn't know what to do, a little milk cat crawled up and down.

"How is your career going? Yesterday, a comrade in arms asked me for your autographed photo, saying that my granddaughter likes you very much."

Shen Wu withdrew his gaze, "It's pretty good."

Grandpa is getting old, Shen Wu knows that he doesn't understand things about the entertainment industry, and he said these things just to have a common topic with him.

He chatted with the old man for a while, and then talked about international current affairs.

The old man was considered a relatively open person. He kept asking questions at the dinner table, and he laughed heartily when he heard some interesting stories about his work.

The elderly rested early, and Shen Huafeng entered the room early after eating.

Mother Shen went to call Father Shen.

Shen Wu hugged the cat and went back to the room.

It was the first time for Lian Jue to come to Shen Wu's room.

The rooms in the villa are entered every day, but this is actually the first time for his room in the old house.

Lian Jue saw a photo hanging in the middle of the room at a glance.

From the center of the photo, there are grandfather Shen, father Shen, Shen Wu when he was a child, mother Shen when he was young, and another man.

She saw Shen Wu when she was a child.

The small one, judging by his height, was estimated to be in primary school, with a very immature face and milk fat on his cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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