Chapter 1214 The Idol's Cat 66
His popularity in the entertainment industry is all fake.

Shen Wu stood on the stairs and looked down.

Shen's mother has already returned to the room, and the lights in the old man's room are also dimmed.

"Let's go."

Lian Jue followed him up the stairs.

The stairwell was very dark. In order not to attract the attention of the servants, the two of them did not turn on the lights.

The fire that year was a heartache for the whole family. Not only did they lose their home, they also lost a family member.

Until the house was rebuilt, Mr. Shen did not get out of the pain of losing his son. After the house was built, there was still a decorated empty room.

Lian Jue heard from Shen Wu that there was no one living in that room, only the little uncle's belongings were kept there.

Before entering the room, Lian Jue thought quickly, "As long as you wake up the memory of the evil miasma, let him remember his original intention to save the little nephew, should he be able to settle his grievances?"

System: "In theory, this is the case."

With a sound of "squeak", the door was opened by Shen Wu.

The room was very dark, Shen Wu didn't turn on the light, the moment the girl stepped in, there was a moment of hesitation.

No, I have seen the miasma, and the ghost is one level lower than it, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

Lian Jue stabilized his mind, and began to search under the moonlight.

Shen Wu seemed to be still thinking about the cold war, and after opening the door, he didn't walk with her all the way, and even walked in the completely opposite direction.

Lian Jue: "..."

The tsundere spirit is indeed a tsundere spirit, she can't do anything arrogantly.

There are very few things in the room, and the things that were burned that year are basically gone. The things that are left are probably the things that my little uncle left in the school dormitory.

Lian Jue found a diary and several certificates.

Very elegant handwriting.

The little uncle has a very good style of life, and he is a very good person who is very popular in school, but it's a pity...


She sighed.

With the moonlight outside the window, she could clearly see what was recorded in the diary.

It's just everyday stuff, of little value.

What Lian Jue really wanted to find was something related to that disaster.

"Have you gained anything?"

She glanced at Shen Wu.

Footsteps sounded, and in the dark night, a slender body stopped in front of her.

Shen Wu spread his fingers.

A mutilated mahogany amulet that has been burned.


"It's great, just burn it back to him."

Lian Jue put the mahogany talisman in his arms, feeling relaxed.

The footsteps behind him suddenly stopped.

The girl looked back.

A handsome face approaching appeared in front of her, expressionless.

The voice is low like the music of the world, "Why are you holding my amulet?"

Lian Jue: "..."

She was speechless for a moment, "...Is it fun?"

Shen Wu saw that she was not frightened, and his expression was calm, "The save file is over, and the file loading starts."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight away from her, with a Qingjun figure that didn't look sideways.

Lian Jue: "..."

Shen Wu and his little uncle look too much alike. Although she didn't admit it just now, she was really shaken when he approached, and she was a little frightened.

Fortunately, she was calm enough.

Tsundere is still a naive ghost.

Walking out of the yard, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The two walked to the edge of the fountain and looked up at the starry sky at the same time.

I didn't feel any sleepiness when I went back to the room at this point.

Lian Jue watched, and his eyes naturally fell on the man in front of him.

He was a full head taller than her.

From her angle, only a smooth mandible angle can be seen.

There is also half of the tall and handsome side face.

He put his hands in the pockets of his slacks, and his figure was straight and loose.

"There is something I want to tell you clearly." The low magnetic voice suddenly sounded under the moonlight.


"Let's end our relationship now."

(End of this chapter)

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