Chapter 1222 The Idol's Cat 74
"Now that you're happy," he hummed, "let's talk about the two of us now."

Lian Jue was pushed onto a wicker chair by him.

Eyes stared at him without blinking.

"Usually when you come to sit on this chair, you are in a good mood, so you have to sit on this chair today and listen to what I will tell you next."

Lian Jue was a little confused by his formal battle.

The girl looked over in a daze, then rubbed her knees suddenly, and said in an extremely inappropriate way: "But my legs are a little cold."

Shen Wu: "..."

He stared at her.

Lian Jue: "..."

But really wow.

The rattan on the rattan chair is cold, and it has been blown by the wind for an unknown period of time, and it has long been freezing.

Shen Wu paused for a few seconds, took off his coat, and covered her body, "You don't even wear a coat when you come out."

Lian Jue said honestly, "Good guy, you know it's my fault, you didn't remind me to bring a coat on your treasure map."

Shen Wu raised his eyebrows, "I think everything you do is reasonable."

Shen Wu was tall, and the coat covered her body and legs.

Everything else is fine, the only thing that catches Lian Jue's mind is the nice smell of cedar on his coat.

Like the slogan of a certain mineral water, it is cold and fragrant.

"It's good that you know, I'm not a lady anyway." She was a little uneasy.

He rubbed his cold, slightly red nose, "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll talk about it later."

"Listen to me first."

The girl huddled in her coat and kicked her legs, complaining sincerely that Shen Wu couldn't choose the time and place, "Are you going to confess? Then hurry up."

Shen Wu stared at her for a while.

Suddenly smiled lightly, "You are smart."

Lian Jue thought he was talking ironically, so he lowered his head and straightened his shorts, "You're so well prepared, and it's a gift and a serious business, and you're almost holding a ring with flowers. It's not a confession."

Shen Wu nodded, his handsome eyebrows stretched, and his magnetic voice was pleasant: "It can be understood in this way."

Lian Jue: "Hurry up, I'm still waiting to refuse."

Shen Wu: "..."

Those eyes were quiet, suddenly dangerous.

Lian Jue met his focused gaze and suddenly felt suffocated.

Wow, no, it's really... Confession...

She suddenly panicked.

The beating of the heart faintly evoked discomfort.

Shen Wu lowered his eyes lightly, and didn't care about her.

He walked to the other side and sat down.

"Forget it, there's no need to be so formal, just treat it as a small talk."

Probably Shen Wu also realized that it was a waste of time to be formal with her.

"We were a little awkward some time ago. The reason is that I don't think it needs to be said. One is enlightened and ignorant, and the other is unwilling to enlighten. To put it bluntly, it's just such a trivial matter."

Lian Jue was stunned when he heard that.

"You asked me if I was angry. For me, the time I ignored you was not so much anger as I was sorting out my thoughts."

"After you become human, you don't want to share a room with me. I understand what you mean. I know this is a way for you to make you feel safe. There is nothing wrong with any girl making that choice."

"On the other hand," he looked at her calmly, "I was immersed in my wrong ambiguous illusion, and I was trying to go further."

Lian Jue didn't expect that he would dissect himself in this way, and was immediately dumbfounded.

"I never thought of respecting your ideas before. I even felt that what is mine is mine since I was a child. There is nothing wrong with taking possession in advance, as long as I hold what I want in my hands."

(End of this chapter)

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