Chapter 1224 The Idol's Cat 76
His face was a little red in disappointment.

He is a male protagonist from another dimension, and he actually takes the lead in making fun of it!
Crazy, crazy, to admit to being a virgin in front of her.

I don't know what it means to be proud.

She won fifty cents for buying crispy noodles yesterday. Is she proud?


Even Jue didn't know what he was but, just seeing the other person's pretty face in front of his eyes, the balance in his heart was involuntarily tilted.

Well, damn it, how does this person look so good-looking...

People who can see that face every morning should be very happy...


Lian Jue went downstairs with the panda's dark circles under her eyes.

A look of excessive indulgence.

Shen Wu got up early, probably already had a morning run and took a shower.

Lian Jue was not surprised that he would appear in the living room at this point.

Slowly stepping on the carpet, she walked down to him and opened the refrigerator to get water.

Noticing that the young man is refreshed and in a good mood, Lian Jue's teeth itch.

You can tell at a glance that you slept well last night, maybe you didn't have a dream all night.

Shen Wu had also noticed the dark circles under her eyes a long time ago.

He moved closer, and the standard refrigerator thumped, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Lian Jue froze at his sudden approach.

And his breath was spraying in her ears!

Lian Jue pretended to be disgusted and said, "What are you doing so close to me? I just got sweaty and dirty."

"I've taken a shower." He whispered.

It was indeed a shower, refreshing and clean, exuding the smell of male hormones all over his body.

Like a leprechaun.

"Have you thought about it?"

He still didn't pull away, Lian Jue was always trapped in her arms, as the other party seemed to approach her small body stiffly, "...Your few days are so short?"

Shen Wu lowered his head and laughed, "OK."

Even Jue didn't know what to do, so he just did.

Shen Wu straightened up lazily, "Don't drink ice water."

He turned around and was about to leave, but he paused again, "I've confessed, I'm in a good mood, I slept well, but I didn't expect to cause you a burden."

Shen Wu smiled, but it was a bit malicious, "I have to miss me all night, I'm sorry."

Lian Jue: "..."

Even if she was killed, she would not admit that it was related to what happened last night, "Ordinary humans like you will not understand why our geniuses have insomnia."

After deliberately waiting for him to walk a few steps, Lian Jue opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of mineral water.

However, Shen Wu seemed to have eyes behind his back, he stopped and looked back accurately.

The eyes of the two of them froze on the mineral water in her hand at the same time, "..."

Shen Wu opened the refrigerator and put back the bottle of ice water she had just taken out, "Drink it cold in the morning, and want to have diarrhea?"

"It's not up to you now." She took it out again and said back.

Shen Wu folded his hands, lazily said, "I'm in charge of my toilet."

Lian Jue: "..."

"If you drink something cold today, don't go to my bathroom." He Shi Shiran stood against the refrigerator, looking casual.


Made, so ruthless!
The girl ground her teeth, and suddenly brushed her hair lightly.

"Last night, I thought about it all night. I think it's not easy for you, a virgin who is almost [-]. If that's the case, I can't reluctantly agree."

She smiled slightly, "So, now I'm in charge of your toilet."

Xiao Mian, you can't beat me.

The girl raised her eyebrows, extremely proud.

Shen Wu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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