Chapter 1226 The Idol's Cat 78
The cat teaser appeared in Shen Wu's other hand, gently stroking the kitten's soft fur, "It makes you so full in the morning."


After going back and forth several times, the kitten couldn't catch the cat teasing stick, and gradually became a little irritable.

A paw swung at the culprit.

Shen Wu dodged back, raised his eyebrows, "Want to scratch brother's handsome face?"

"Shen Mo, you are so cruel."

"Meow meow meow!"

"A little bit."

Xiaojing: "..."

Sitting for a while, Xiao Jing suddenly felt a little redundant.

Why does the boss see nothing but cats?
Especially the look in the cat's eyes, it's funny, it's nostalgic, it's soft, it's like something, just like...

Xiao Jing suddenly remembered that she had seen Shen Wu guest-starred in a certain youth movie, the domineering senior and the soft and cute primary school girl!

That look is almost the same now.

No, it's truer now than in the play.

Xiaojing felt more and more weird.

Gradually, an even weirder idea broke out...

The boss of his family will not be single for too long, even looking at a cat feels pretty, right? ?
Uh, although Mo Mo is indeed pretty.

Just looking at it, Xiao Jing found that Shen Wu had tied a little bun with a pink bow on the top of the kitty's head with great interest.

Scratch the kitten angrily.

Xiaojing: "..."

After arguing for a while, Lian Jue got tired and lay on top of him, sticking out his tongue.

Shen Wu said casually: "Are you a dog?"

Lian Jue: "..."

She was lying on his lap, maybe the other party was reading the script with lowered eyes and stopped fighting with her, Lian Jue felt a little smoke coming from his forehead.

She stepped on his lap.

Neither sitting, nor lying down, nor lying down.

Always feel a little blushing.

Not to mention, the skin under the paws is still tight, with faint muscle lines. The little girl stepped on it curiously, and then stepped on it again.

Step on it again.

Then I stepped on something.

Lian Jue: "..."

Shen Wu: "..."

He slid his eyes from the script, glanced at her, and said in a calm tone, "Why do I feel that you are more impatient than I am?"

no! ! !

The kitty roared inwardly but remained calm on the surface, and even jumped off him nonchalantly, looking at the scenery outside the window, pretending nothing happened.

She pretended to be deaf and dumb, and for the rest of the journey, no matter who called her again, she never answered.

After arriving at the place, Shen Wu touched the cat as usual, "Do you want to play with your brother or with your sister?"

The little milk cat with a small knot tied on top of its head rushed towards Xiao Jing immediately.

Junyan smiled, stretched out his hand and fished it back.

He kissed her on the forehead before putting it down again, with a faint smile in his eyes, "A kid who loves to play."

Lian Jue felt very ashamed, and buried her head in Xiao Jing's arms.

Woo woo woo.

It's still comfortable for the beautiful sister who buried her breasts.

When Shen Wu entered the set, the little cat finally looked up, pitifully, "Meow~"

Xiaojing looked guilty, "I'm sorry, Momo, if I pick off this bow tie for you, the boss may scold me later."

She coughed, "Just bear with it, and it will be fine when he finishes filming this scene."

Lian Jue: "..."

Who will save Shen Wu's aesthetic...

***A little extra***
Shen Wu: "I like you, stay with me, I will buy you a lot of cat food, it will be very good for you."

Lian Jue had an idea: "Didn't you say you are not a fan? I am your fan."

After a short pause.

"It's not that I don't fuck, um..." Shen Wu said slowly: "If you fuck, only fuck one."

(End of this chapter)

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