Chapter 1229 The Idol's Cat 81
"Yeah." The girl nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Even if she has an ex-boyfriend, they are from different planes, and it is difficult to bring him in front of him.

Junyan stared at her, Qingjun frowned, "There is one more thing."

"what's up?"

"In case you get lost in the future, where can I find you?"


Shen Wu was expressionless, "I don't even know what kind of species you are, a cat for a while and a human for a while, if one day I'm not with you and run away, wouldn't I be prostituted for nothing?"

Lian Jue: "..."

She thought it was a little funny.

She shook her head, "I won't."

Shen Wu sneered, Lian Jue couldn't tell whether it was a hum or ah, "A woman's promise is often not convincing."

Lian Jue: "??" Just wondering.

You got the gender wrong.

Lian Jue thought for a while, "Okay, then if you can't find me in the future, just..."


Lian Jue: "..."

Almost blurted out the secret of time and space.

He looked at her quietly, "Just what?"

The girl bit her head and said: "Just go to the river where I sent my little uncle off, call my name, and I can hear it."

"Helpful?" The long fingers clasped lightly on the table.

"Of course, otherwise I will tell you what to do." Lian Jue acted nonchalantly.

After a pause, he hummed, "Trust you for now."

Lian Jue felt a little guilty when the letter was put in her hands.

"Let's go."


He took her by the hand and went downstairs.

A goodnight kiss on the forehead before bed.

For the first time since the two people established a relationship, they slept in the same bed, and they were more married than ever before.

Shen Wu's words are exaggerated every time he speaks, and he always uses obscene words like "off place", which makes people feel that his mind is full of such things.

But in fact, the relationship between the two is holding hands.

Just broke through one - kiss the forehead.

He is actually more innocent than anyone imagined.

He hugged her and talked in her ear, mentioned a few things that happened during the day at work, and then fell asleep.

Lian Jue felt a little uneasy because of the lie, and tossed and turned for a while.

In the end, she couldn't fall asleep, so she took the mobile phone beside the bed and swiped it for a while.

Maybe it was because she was bored, but she swiped into the super chat of Shen Wu's millions of fans.

Seeing the first post, the corners of her eyes twitched.

The title is - "What Shen Wu Shen 18 has to say"

Looking at the title alone, I think it is quite normal, but when the parentheses are not age but cm, Lian Jue knows that it is not that simple.

Sure enough, after reading the full text, Lian Jue: "..."

Whoa, what is this...

good stuff!
Fans are too...


Although I don't know if there is any basis for what is written in it, but one day she will be able to verify it herself.

Lian Jue regained his energy, and conveniently clicked the bookmark.

As if she had done something bad for fear of being discovered, the girl turned her lower body and glanced back secretly.

Shen Wu slept soundly and quietly.It's not the same as usual, a little unexpected milk, so I can see that the brows are wrinkled, and there seems to be some milk fat squeezed out of the cheeks.

like a child.

Lian Jue couldn't hold back and pinched the opponent's cheek, turned around and slid down to read the comments.

The comments are similar, and they are basically lamenting what a good thing this is.

And praise the author's keen observation and would like to call it a detective.

Only a comment by the internet name Sister Wutong attracted Lian Jue's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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