Chapter 1240 The Idol's Cat 92
[I remember I remember!Die-hard fans come to report!My brother didn't say anything at first, but later he said that if he really liked it, he would quit the group for her.You can neither deceive fans, nor miss it with the girl you like...Ahhhh I remember I almost cried at that time]

[The link is here, thank you for taking it away]

【I do not believe!If it's true, our brother... the sacrifice must be too great! ! ! 】

[If this is the case, it is to the extent that fans of this passer-by feel distressed]

[Crack your fingers and do the math, there are hundreds if not dozens of fans who collapsed this year, right?Passers-by suddenly felt that Shen Wu instantly became taller]

【Are idols proud to be in love?It's been half a year because a woman can't bear this?Are you sure you want to continue to follow idols who make such irrational decisions when their career is on the rise?Are you blind?]

[Obviously it can be kept secret... I bet any idol would secretly talk about this matter, let alone damage their own interests and leave the group, and break up immediately after being exposed. 】

[But if you like him, don't you just like his character, what's the matter now, it's really revealed that you have a girlfriend, so you immediately take off your fans? 】

[Nothing has come out, maybe they are too busy to juggle double jobs, the fans are gone, can passers-by stop joining in the fun, they are gone...]

[Trouble to recognize the rhythmic marketing account, is your father Shen Wu short of that money?People who are rooted in the entertainment industry are interested in it, okay?When you meet a girl you like, of course you’re going to fall in love, and you’re not a monk]

[To add, it's not that there is a lack of resources in the entertainment industry, your father really doesn't like it]

[Yeah, if it's true, leaving the group because of the girl you like, but I think it's not romantic... Damn, this is probably the fearlessness of the young master]

It was not until the afternoon that the turmoil was finally calmed down under the control and comments of fans.

Near [-]:[-] p.m., Shen Wu's personal Weibo and studio also reposted FW's statement, and the studio's Weibo responded:
"The past is good, and the future will be even better. I look forward to Boss Shen's solo single "Kate" spreading flowers/applause"

This time it was different from the chaotic scene in the morning. It was stated that the fan club was orderly swiping the screen on Weibo.

【Indus will never leave】

【Indus will never leave】

【Indus will never leave】

"It feels so good to be liked." Lian Jue put down his phone, pinched the face of the person on the bed.

The young man just woke up, still a little confused, with disheveled hair on his forehead.

After being pinched by her, she remained motionless, and just looked at the pillow quietly.

The girl really convinced him, even when he was so soft and cute, he actually had a natural cool temperament.

Like a quiet male lion, it exudes majesty even if it is motionless, letting people know that this is not a person to be trifled with.

Lian Jue was more courageous.


She reached out and squeezed again.

The young fair skin soon showed a few traces of blush—it was squeezed out, and it turned red in a while.

A powerful wrist came up and held her evil hand. For a moment, the world was turned upside down.

He turned over and pressed the girl's two slender wrists against the corner of the bed with both hands, his black eyes staring at her for a moment, his voice was a little hoarse when he just woke up, "I've eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard."

Lian Jue's wrist was tightly grasped by him, as if being entangled to death by some pliers, she struggled a few times to no avail.

With a flattering look on her face, the girl showed her affection softly and kissed her Adam's apple.

But after kissing... Well, evil intentions came up, and she couldn't help but licked it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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