Chapter 1252 The Idol's Cat 104
Shen Wu's eyes locked on one of the girls.

It looks very lively.

No wonder two people can play together.

He nodded, looking lazy, leaning on the recliner as if he had no bones, "I agree, but... without the assistant, what will I do tomorrow?"

"You have an idea for me?"

"Do you still need an assistant?" Lian Jue glanced at him, "Yes, I just recently met a big brother who is resistant to cameras, and I have a good relationship with him. It shouldn't matter if he works for a day." She thought about it.

"It just so happens that you have a big brother so you don't have to carry water yourself."

Shen Wu: "..."

"You think I'm someone who needs a big brother?" He asked back, and he bit the word big brother very accurately.

However, his girlfriend is not willing to pick him up.

The cat-eyed girl took a bite of the Chicken McNuggets, but when she heard that, she paused and stared at him quietly.

"I don't want big brother, maybe you want me to introduce you to the little loli who is delicate and weak."

Shen Wu was expressionless, "No need, I'm fine on my own, self-reliant."

I will contact Brother Li tomorrow to ask him to come over.

Lian Jue nodded, with the most sensible expression on your face, "Stay well, filming and filming cut peach blossoms, eat, drink and sleep more, don't attract bees and butterflies."

"I caught you disobedient and waited to be beaten."

Shen Wu quite enjoyed the appearance of a domineering female president whose girlfriend is rare, "Have fun, and I will transfer money to you when I go back to the hotel."

Shen Wu actually knows that his possessiveness is sometimes abnormal.

This is not so good.

He understood that he took up most of Shen Mo's time.

Just like that, sometimes she even wants to let him be the only one in her world without being satisfied.

It's entirely because his girlfriend has a good temper and has been patient with him, so the two of them haven't had any conflicts until now.

But now he should also learn to let go a little bit.

Let her have her own world in this world.

Shen Wu sighed, not knowing what he was sighing.

Finally hooked the corner of the lips.

The Rubik's Cube in his hand finally turned a corner, and the colors of the six sides were completely the same.


"He and I... er, no, I asked the boss for a day off, but it's really hard to ask, so I finally agree, I'm going to have as much fun as I want today!"

"Huh? Is it hard to invite, then we will come out to play later..."

"No, it's actually not that difficult to ask for it," the girl immediately changed her tone, "It'll be fine after a while."

Xiaofeng nodded, relieved, and pointed to the duty-free shop not far away, "Let's go shopping at the skin care store opposite."


The two girls walked into the store arm in arm, talking and laughing.

Lian Jue's shopping is more casual, he buys things when he likes them, anyway, he spends Shen Wu's money, anyway he earns so much.

Shen Wu transferred a lot of money, it seemed that it was just to let her play freely, the amount was frighteningly large.

I'm not afraid that she will abscond with the money.

After working as a celebrity assistant for so long, Xiaofeng also has some savings, and in City A, a shopping paradise full of duty-free shops and second-hand shops, she is relentless when buying cosmetics and skin care products.

Just seeing Shen Mo's shopping momentum, she was still a little speechless, "I'm going to Momo, are you a rich second generation? Lamei, a full set? Estee Lauder Platinum, a full set? Weather Pill, a full set?"

Just these three lines alone cost tens of thousands of dollars.

She screamed, "As expected of being the assistant of a top male artist, your salary must be twenty to thirty thousand?"

Lian Jue said modestly, "So-so."

Where did she get her salary.

It was completely for nothing that he worked for so many days, and the topic of raising salary two days ago was blocked by him lazily with other topics.

(End of this chapter)

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